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ПАССИВНАЯ ФОРМА Проверьте пожалуйста, здесь слова скобках нужно поставить в правильную пассивную форму.

10-11 класс

Professor Higgins, who
1).. was awarded... (award) a major science prize last month. 2) Was invited

ББаМММ 13 нояб. 2016 г., 18:37:16 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
13 нояб. 2016 г., 21:12:06 (7 лет назад)

Professor Higgins, who 1).. was awarded... (award) a major science prize last month, 2) was invited (invite) to take part in a conference which 3) was held (hold) in London last week. He 4) was met (meet) at the airport by a driver who, unfortunately, 5) had been given (give) the name of the wrong hotel to take the professor to. A large reception 6) had been organized (organise) for the professor, and at least 200 eminent scientists 7)had been invited (invite) to meet him that evening. The poor professor, however 8) was left (leave) at a small hotel in a rather bad area, and when he asked to speak to the Head of the Conference Committee he 9) was told (tell) to try somewhere else because he 10) had not been heard of (not/hear of) there.
Luckily, later that evening, the driver 11) was sent (send) to the hotel where the reception 12) was being held (hold), and when he 13) was asked (ask) what he had done with the professor, everyone realised that a mistake 14) had been made. (make) 
The professor says that if he 15) is ever sent (ever/send) another invitation to a conference, he hopes it 16) will be organized (organise) more efficiently.


Другие вопросы из категории

Подчеркните причастие II и

укажите, какую функцию в предложении оно выполняет.

The stuff facilities of the company arranged not long ago are a very good stimulus for the workers. Taxes are connected with revenue in this or that way. The most commonly used technique to evaluate capital budgeting proposals is Net present value. The delivering would have been executed by the date set in the condition of the contract. A new model of «Ford» is being manufactured on the auto plant.

1.Have you ever heard or read of any natural disaster?Talk about it. 2.Have you ever experienced a disaster?When?What happened? 3.Can you name some

disasters? 4.What do you think of people who throw away cigarette butts and cause fires during the summer?What can we do to prevent this? 5.What natural disasters can occur in Ukraine?when and where was the last one?

cделать как диалог только с переводои плизззз

Что вы делали вчера?Напишите предложения в позитивной и негативной форме Пример: (watch TV) I watched TV. I didn`t watch TV. 1. (get up

before 7 o`clock)

2. (have a shower)

3. (buy a magazine)

5. (eat meat)

6. (go to bed before 10:30)

Как переводится?

personal data

Читайте также

Use the words in CAPITAL letters in the appropriate forms.СЛОВА В СКОБОЧКАХ ПОСТАВИТЬ В НУЖНУЮ ФОРМУ.

I'm a university student and I live in a big city now. I like it because there're lots of ___________opportinities here. There are lots of different shows, performances and concerts. The tickets are usually quite __________ but fortunately we have student discount cards. Last weekend my friends and I were __________ to get discounted tickets for the concert of a famous rock band. But my life is not only fun-I have to study very hard. My parents would be very disappointed to get any discouraging news about my academic___________. I want my family to feel proud of me. I believe we can never become absolutely ____________ of our parents as we always need their love and _____________.

Слова которые нужно вставить:

2. Розкриваючи дужки, вжити дієслово у правильній формі. 1. Ron is in London at the moment. He …... (stay) at the

Park Hotel. He …... (always / stay) there when he`s in London.

2. Can we stop walking soon? I …... (start) to feel tired.

3. Can you drive? I …... (learn) My father …... (teach) me.

4. Normally I …... (finish) work at 5.00, but this week I …... (work) until 6.00 to earn a bit more money.

5. My parents …... (live) in Bristol. They were born there and have never lived anywhere else. Where …... (your parents / live)?

6. Sonia …... (look) for a place to live. She …... (stay) with her sister until she finds somewhere.

7. What …... (your father do)? He`s an architect but he …... (not / work) at the moment.

8. (at a party) Usually I …... (enjoy) parties but I …... (not / enjoy) this one very much.

9. The train is never late. It …... (always leaves) on time.

4. Розкриваючи дужки вжити дієслово у правильній формі:

ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ПОМОГИТЕ раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в нужную форму

1. Dental students ____ ( to receive ) their education in specialized dental schools.
2. In Russia a training course for certified dental students ____ ( to last ) five academic years.
3. Apart from general medical disciplines, the four principal divisions of dentistry ____ ( to recognize ) in curricula in Russia.
4. Entry to a dentistry department ____ ( to depend) on the resul ts of com-petitive examinations.
5. For hundreds of years people ____ ( to believe ) that tooth decay ____ ( to cause) by a worm in the teeth.
6. Short courses ___ (to offer) regularly to dentists to keep them informed of the new developments in dentistry.
7 . Dentistry ____ ( to consider ) well-paid and secure employment in Great Britain.
8. Study of basic medical and dental subjects ____ ( to interconnect ) closely with clinical dentistry.
9. Anatomy , biochemistry and physiology ____ ( to study) at medical uni-versities.
10. Before starting to work wi th patients in clinics, students ____ ( to teach) the techniques on phantom heads.
11. Doctors ____ ( to look) for new ways to help patients.
12. Medical science ____ ( to make ) a lot of progress in recent years both in treatment and diagnosis.
13. Many simple measures ____ ( to take ) to prevent dental diseases.
1 4. Preventive care ____ ( to aim) at the two major tooth troubles: caries and gum diseases.
15. Preventive orthodontics ____ ( to be ) another aspect of early treatment.

Нужен просто спец в английском языке,который сможет сделать все задания правильно. Это очень важно. Помогите это тестирование решит мою жизнь! Тест


I. Откройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной временной форме.

1. This morning at 10 o'clock I went to see Mr. Amis on business. We

(to arrange)____________this meeting beforehand. When I (to

come) ._________ into the office the secretary (to tell) _______

me that Mr. Amis (to return)____________from the conference

somewhat later. I (to ask)____________to sit down and (to offer)

____________a cup of coffee. While I (to have)____________

my coffee Mr. Amis (to come in)__________«(to wait) _______

_______you long?» he asked most politely.

2. Close the window. It (to rain)_____________ The weather (to

change) ____________ greatly since yesterday. If it (not to

brighten up) ______________________we'll have a snowfall


II. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

Captain Smith was ... captain of «The Titanic». He hoped to prove that «The Titanic» was ... fastest ship in ... world. Although it was early spring he led ... ship to ... north. He knew that there were ... icebergs, but «The Titanic» was considered to be ... unsinkable ship.

When he understood his mistake he helped to evacuate ... passengers and died ... hero. He was one of ... 1490 people who drowned on that terrible night.

III. Вставьте правильный предлог или послелог, где необ¬ходимо.

1. I am not satisfied ... my progress ... maths.

2. He was ... such a hurry, so he left ... the party ... saying good-buy to the host.

3. Luckily we arrived ... the station ... fifteen minutes after we had left home.

IV. Составьте предложения, расположив слова в нужном порядке.

1. excuse/no/for/coming/time/exam/in/to/there/is/not/the/his.

2. ours/house/next/be/to/fmished/the/year/this/will?

3. television/very/sports/on/relaxing/watching/is.

V. Закончите диалог вопросами, подходящими по смыслу.

Nick and Eric are talking about the summer holiday.


E: I took a trip around Europe.


E: By train.


E: No, it was quite cheap. I bought a railcard.


E: A couple of friends came with me.


E: We have been to six or seven countries.

VI. Переведите на английский язык слова, данные в скоб¬ках.

1. Very (мало)_________customers were satisfied with the service.

2. This way is (намного)_________safer than the other one.

3. At that time it began raining (сильно)_______ .

4. I am afraid Jane doesn't (делает)_______any housework at all.

5. (Никто)_________of his parents realised what was happening.

6. He said he would like to (лежать)_________in the sun for an


7. Some people keep dogs as pets, (другие)_________have cats.

8. Sometimes the girl felt (взволнованной)__________without any


VII. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. a) They reached to the lake at night.

b) They reached the lake at night

c) They reached at the lake at night.

2. a) Dick worked hard last term and was a success.

b) Dick worked hard last term, and had a success.

c) Dick has worked hard last term and was a success.

VIII. Соедините по смыслу фразы из левой и правой коло¬нок.

1. What's Betty like? a. She is fine.

2. What is Betty? b. She is diligent.

3. How is Betty? c. She is a secretary.

Помогите,пожалуйста! Many people, especially young people, wear things which express their ideas and feelings about life. If a boy (have) very

short, almost shaven hair, people expect him to have right wing politics. But boys with very long hair (think) to have left wing politics. A boy who wears a leather jacket (cover) in bits of metal will probably ride a motorbike. The Rules of fashion are not as rigid as they once were and today’s teenagers (not follow) any particular trend at all. But teens are very Influenced by (celebrity) and they have a desire to buy more luxurious Items. Street styles (not create) by the big fashion designers. In fact, the fashion designers often use ideas from street fashions. But some leaders of British fashion have enough ideas of their own. One of them Is Jean Muir, whose designs let her be one of the (good) designers.

Нужно поставить в правильной форме. Заранее блогодарна!

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