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Complete the questijns with tag endings 1.Your brother goes to Chess Club ______ 2.Ann can ski very well,_______ 3.You didn't visit Paris last year,_____

5-9 класс

4.This boy is our new classmate,____. За ранние thank!!!!По русски СПАСИБО!!!

Liza2003125 26 февр. 2015 г., 0:25:38 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
26 февр. 2015 г., 1:26:12 (9 лет назад)

1)doesn't he?
2)can't she?
3)did you?
4)isn't he?

+ 0 -
26 февр. 2015 г., 3:30:10 (9 лет назад)

Комментарий удален


Другие вопросы из категории

переведите пожалуйста эту песню в стихотворной форме

Today you are going camping
With your family, friends or class.
Please help us, don't drop any litter!
'Cos* your litter lives longer than us!
Refrain: 'Cos nothing is forever
And nature is getting tired.
If we don't stop and think today
Tomorrow the Earth could die.
Today you cut down your forests
But the planet needs our leaves.
Please stop it because tomorrow
You'll have no air to breathe!
You can have a bath or a shower
But today is the time to think.
Save the rivers because without them
You'll have no water to drink.
Today we are still in your forests,
In the sky, in the rivers, but look:
Don't kill us! Because your children
Will see us in picture books.

Упр. 223. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла¬голы в одном из следующих

времен: Present, Past, Future Simple; Present, Past Continuous; Present,
Past Perfect.
1. When you (to come) to see us? — I (to come)
tomorrow if I (not to be) busy. 2. I (not to like) apples. 3. He (to
come) home at five o'clock yester¬day. 4. I (to ring) you up as soon as I
(to come) home tomorrow. 5. I (to show) you my work if you (to like).
6. He (to come) home by six o'clock yes terday. 7. Pete certainly (to
help) you with your English if you (to ask) him. 8. This little boy
never (to see) a crocodile. 9. Send me a telegram as soon as you (to
arrive). 10. Let's go for a walk. The rain (to stop) and the sun (to
shine). 11. If you (to help) me, I (to do) this work well. 12. I always
(to get) up at eight o'clock, but tomorrow I (to get) up a little later.
13. What you (to read) now? — I (to read) Tom's book. I (to be) in a
hurry. Tom soon (to come), and I (to want) to finish reading the book
before he (to come). 14. As soon as you (to see) your friend, tell him
that I (to want) to see him. 15. When I (to come) home yesterday, my
brother (to sleep).

Поставьте слова в правильном порядке

4.school/run/You/during/mustn't /the breaks/at.

Можете, пожалуйста, помочь? Я написала сочинение по английскому, но не уверенна в его правильности. Можете проверить? Her full name is

Diana Barankina. She born in Ryazan in the 9th of Novemder, 2000. She lives in Moscow. She has lived here about 7 years. She has no brothers or sisters. In her free time she listens to music and watching TV. She was in Barcelona, Madrid, Bali and etc. This summer she was in bali.

Читайте также

Complete the guestions with tag edings.

Example: Your parents were in Germany this summer,...?--- Your parents were in Germ this summer, weren't they?
1.Your brother goes to Chess Club,__________?
2.Ann can ski very well,__________?
3.You didn't visit Paris last year,___________?
4.This boy is our new classmate,_______________?
5.Her classmates weren't in the zoo last month,________________?
6.We won't play tennis at the weekend,______________?
7.Our class will go the museum tomorrow,________________________?
8.The film was great,___________________?

Завершить вопросы с тегом окончаний 1.Your brother goes to Chess Club ______ 2.Ann can ski very well,_______ 3.You didn't visit Paris last year,_____

4.This boy is our new classmate,____. За ранние thank!!!!По русски СПАСИБО!!!

Завершить вопросы с тегом окончаний 1.Your brother goes to Chess Club ______ 2.Ann can ski very well,_______ 3.You didn't visit Paris last year,_____

4.This boy is our new classmate,____. За ранние thank!!!!По русски СПАСИБО!!!


Complete the questions with tag endings.
Example: Your parents were in Germany this summer,...? —Your parents were im Germany this summer,weren`t they?
1.Your brother goes to Chess Club,______________________?
2.Ann can ski very well,____________________?
3.You didn`t visit Paris last year,________________?
4.This boy is our new classmate,_________________?
5.Her classmate weren`t in the zoo last month,________________?
6.We won`t play tennis at the weekend,_______________?
7.Our class wiil go the museum tomorrow,_________________?
8.The film wsa great,______________?
Complete the sentences.Put the adjectives in the right form.
Example:Lets go to the Photography Club during the... break.I`ll show you my new photos.(long) —Lets go to the Photography Club during the longest break.
I`ll show you my new photos.
1.I can swim_________________ this year after summer sports camp.(good)
2.Yesterday we took a Maths test.It was the__________ Maths test in my life! (difficult)
3.The weather today is____________ than yesterday.It`s cold and windy. (bad)
4.When our group got an excellent mark in this project,I was the__________person. (happy)
5.Stop! Let`s have a rest.I think this road is... (long) way home.
6.What suject is____________ for you? —Scince. (interesting)
7.Oue new classroom is__________ than the old classroom.(big)
Put the words in the correct order.
Example: your / What /subject / favourite / is / ? —What is your favourite subject?

Complete the questions with tag endings / 1.Your brother goes to Chess Club,________________? 2.Ann can ski very


3.You didn`t visit Paris last year,______________________?

4.This boy is our new classmate?___________________?

5/Her classmates weren`t in the zoo last moth,___________________?

6.We won`t play tennis at the weekend,_______________________?

7.Our class will go the museum tomorrow,______________________?

8.Еthe film was great,_______________________?


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