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1.what things did he learn to do when he was a boy.

5-9 класс

Wit2002 26 янв. 2014 г., 5:30:43 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
26 янв. 2014 г., 7:59:15 (10 лет назад)

Что он выучил, когда он был маленький?

+ 0 -
26 янв. 2014 г., 9:03:58 (10 лет назад)

Что нужно сделать?

+ 0 -
26 янв. 2014 г., 11:32:43 (10 лет назад)

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1. Ещё в начале деловой
встречи мистер Смит пожал руку мистеру Дженкинсу.

2. Он подмигнул ей и
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совершенно не принято!

американский язык какой он?
Напишите 10 вопросов к тексту

Any politician who wants to win should be a real
personality (личность). He/she should have a will
(воля) to win and a wish to have power. He/she
should use power not for his/her own needs but
for improving the situation in the country and for
achieving definite aims. A good politician should have an ability to risk
and to love risking if he/she wants to win. He/she
should be able to take non-traditional decisions
and to give up (жертвовать) some people from
his/her team. If a good politician understands that
some people can't perform their functions he/she should change these people and forget how hard
it was. A politician, who can't change some
members of the team when it is necessary will
lose. It's very important for a politician to have
clever advisors but it is he/she who is responsible
for the decisions. Though people often say that a politician who has clever advisors is not clever! Political decisions may be ruthless
(безжалостный) for some people and good for
the majority of the people. So, a good politician
should be ready to take ruthless decisions. A politician who follows one and the same
strategic line and doesn't revise his/her ideas
won't live a long life in politics. But again, people
may say that he/she has no will to finish
something! No image-maker can help a person who is
nothing. It is impossible to improve 'nothing'.
Image-makers and advisors can add only 15-20%
to the image of a politician. The power should be used by a politician not for
power itself but for achieving definite aims.


Я ученик.Я в школе 2)Мой брат художник.Он не инженер.3)Моя сестра на работе.Она врач.4)Он студент.5)Вы студент?Нет я врач.6)Моя сестра дома.7)мы не в школе.Мы дома.8)Мой брат ученик.Он в школе.9)Ваша мама дома?Нет,она на работе.10)Ваш двоюродный брат дома?Нет,он в школе.Он ученик.11)Ваша мама сестра учительница?Нет,она студентка.12)Твой папа на работе?Нет,он дома.

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1. Where was George Washington born? 2. What things did he learn to do when he was a boy? 3. What did Washington do during the Revolutionary War? 4. Why

did people respect him? 5. What did Washington want to do after the Revolutionary War? 6. When did George Washington become the first president of the country?

1. Where was George Washington born?

2. What things did he learn to do when he was a boy?
3. What did Washington do during the Revolutionary War?
4. Why did people respect him?
5. What did Washington want to do after the Revolutionary War?
6. When did George Washington become the first president of the country?

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