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письмо Как я провела лето в сочи

10-11 класс

Vkhodchenkova 13 февр. 2014 г., 15:23:40 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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13 февр. 2014 г., 15:55:29 (10 лет назад)

This summer I went to Sochi. I liked it so much! We traveled by train. In spite of the fact that the road has been long, it did not prevent me a good rest. After settling in the room I immediately went to the beach. The sea amazed me. It was blue as the sky. The sun was hot, but saves me ice cream and cool drinks. I skated on bananas. It was a lot of fun. After my vacation is over then I stared at the pictures and thought of Sochi.


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Написать соответствующую форму притяжательного падежа

1) The bags/the women
2)The top/the hill
3) the car|/ the roof
4)the shop|/ the owner
5)the boys/ the caps
6)the manager /the hotel
the man/ the trousers
the toys/ the children
the name/ the street
the clothes/ the baby

Нужен хороший перевод.Без переводчиков!Заранее спасибо.

1> Think about how often you drink clean water, eat food, go to school or university, say or write what you think, and practise your religion (or not). These are all basic human rights, or things that you are morally or legally entitled to do or have. They are the same for everyone, regardless of sex, age, race, nationality or social class. They are extremely important, as they are about recognising the value and dignity of all people, everywhere and at all times!

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как я провела лето"

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