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Cоставить вопросительное предложение из данного. I knew we would be packing next Friday

10-11 класс

илика 06 июля 2013 г., 4:46:26 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 июля 2013 г., 5:25:08 (10 лет назад)

Would we be packing next Friday?
Специальный: можно задать (кто?когда?где?)
When would we be packing?
Where would we be packing next friday?
We would be packing next friday, wouldn't we?
Would we be packing next friday or next monday?

+ 0 -
06 июля 2013 г., 7:34:14 (10 лет назад)

какое именно предложение? общее, специальное или альтернативное?


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1. Britons, and the English in particular, are notoriously undemonstrative. The “stuff upper lip” is not just the stuff of fiction and emotional displays, positive or negative, are generally frowned upon. Gestures such as backslapping and hugging are discouraged and a wide distance should be maintained between participants in a conversation. Maintaining eye contact may be necessary when you are trying to emphasize important points but you must avoid any temptation to “eye-ball”. Talking loudly is unacceptable and shouting is beyond the pale. Some old-fashioned interlocutors may not hear you if you have your hands in your pockets. The British do not gesticulate frantically.

2. Introductions can be tricky. Ideally the British prefer third-party introductions but in certain situations, like a drinks party, it may not always be possible and, though awkward, you may just have to go ahead and introduce yourself. Firm handshakes are the norm as part of a formal introduction but may not be expected at subsequent meetings or on social occasions; a gentleman should always wait for a woman to proffer her hand before squeezing it gently. The continental habit of exchanging kisses has gained currency especially amongst the young and the affected but is not recommended for visitors – even the natives are unsure of the correct procedure.

3. “How do you do?” is a greeting not a question. It is used when people are introduced for the first time only and the correct response is to repeat “How do you do?” which is a more or less sincere enquiry as to your well-being.

4. This emotional detachment or even apparent indifference also explains the British abhorrence of Americanisms such as “Have a nice day”. The objection lies not in the sentiment itself but in the lack of sincerity that is implied to the stand-offish British mentality.

5. If the British use few words, it is because they prefer to mean those they do use. They are polite and courteous for the most part. They expect to be treated with respect, in turn for which they will treat you with respect, so: – if there is a queue, go to the back of the line and wait patiently; - do not use the “V” – sign (raising the index and middle fingers) unless you are sure which is the Churchillian version signifying peace or victory (palm outwards); the use of the alternative version (palm inwards) is less common nowadays but is still vulgar and offensive.

6. A service charge of 10-15 % is almost always included in hotel and restaurant bills and you should be wary of establishments that leave the credit card slip open for you to include an additional contribution (if you wish to reward exceptional service give cash directly to the staff). Do not tip bar staff in pubs where there is no table service. Otherwise taxi drivers (especially in London), hairdressers, porters, etc. will expect 10-15 % or a couple of pounds, whichever is the greater.

IV. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1. What kind of people are Britons?

2. What kind of introductions do the British prefer?

3. What does “How do you do?” mean in Britain?

4. What are the norms of public behaviour in Britain?

A red tie?

Yes, (he bought a red tie)

Поставте следующие предложения в вопосительную и отрицательную формы. 1.Lectures and labotatory works are organized at university ievel.

2.Before 1970 all Oxbridge colledges were separate for men and women.
3.Only pupils who do well at A-level may go to University.
4.Universities normally select students on the basis of A-level results and interview.
5.Evry student has a tutor in charge of planning his work and discussingits results with the students.

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Из данных слов образуйте предложения, используя The Present Contonuous

Tense. Образуйте отрицательные и вопросительные предложения к

1. I/work
2. We /study

3. You/wait

4. She/walk

Составьте предложения из данных слов.

1.Tomorrow, shall, at, we, for, here, you, this, be, time, wating.
2.Now, being, what, are, questions, discussed?
3.Him, there, to, 20 minutes, get, takes, it.
4.In, they, while, were, got, working, together, married, Malaysia, they.

Составьте предложения из данных слов.

1. Party, every week, have, we.
2. Every day, watch, we, TV.
3. Likes, he, books.
4. Once a week, have, they, English lessons.
5. The car, the police, stop.
6. Reads, a lot, she.
7. Have, we, dinner, usually at 2 o’clock.
8. They, foreign, languages, speak, three.
9. Now, is, she, in the office.
10. A secretary, she, is.

Составить предложения из данных слов

1. often/ france/ on/ we/ holiday/ go/ to
2. never/ coffe/ morning/ drink/ I/ in/ the
3. usually / 9.00 / work/ I/start/ at

Создайте предложения из данных слов.

1.) / from / Every / get / year / we / Granny / presents / unusual / our /.
2.) / on / going / to / Day / are / Christmas / do / What / you /?.
3.) Look! / are / They / for / leaving / Santa / biscuit /. - Look!
4.) / does / hard / Father / When / Christmas / work / ?.

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