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Плиз, помогите написать сочинение типо описания зимы осени лета и весны! Срочно!!! завтра здавать!!!!!

1-4 класс

Adesar223 14 февр. 2017 г., 3:53:10 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
14 февр. 2017 г., 6:46:54 (7 лет назад)

People say that there is no bad weather. At any time of year the weather makes us happy with her gifts. I would like to tell you about the fall, because there's nothing better, than the autumn weather. There is something sad in the fall, but at the same time romantic. The weather becomes cooler and you need to dress warmer. But that does not stop you from walking outdoors to breath the fresh air.  Forests and parks have already dressed in their autumn attire. Leaves get all hues of yellow and red, and some are still green. So, perhaps, there is no such colorful time of the year, as autumn. On flowerbeds autumn chrysanthemums, asters, lubellias appear. They are like the bright flashes on the yellowing flowerbeds. Even the autumn air gets its own special flavor and becomes more transparent. Weather turns wet and rainy. But autumn gives us her last gifts of this year - mushrooms and berries, fruits and vegetables. Autumn - is the perfect time to stroll and relax.


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Зачеркните слово, которое не подходит к правилу чтения

а) mEss bEd tEddy mE
b) fEEd mEAl crEAm chErry
c) hUge pUppy mUsik cotUme
d) cUte compUter plUm dUke
e) strEEt sEnd thrEE sEa
f) bUtter tURkey nURse ThURsday
g) PEte pEt ShE hE
h) hElp sEt mEtEr spEnd

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