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Ребят, нужны предложения с этими словами :

10-11 класс

pension scheme
a job
comes to the fore
beating your fellow worker to a promotion
lost to
return - on - investment

Abdubyan 08 марта 2015 г., 20:43:33 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
08 марта 2015 г., 21:51:11 (9 лет назад)

1)Adele lost her telephone, is you find it, she will give you remuneration.
2)Yeasterday, my grandmother received her pension scheme.
3)In future, i want a good job.
4)My sister have a good career, because she finished the university.
5)In this work it comes to the fore.
6)The Brazilian football comand lost to England footbal comand
7)This company have many specialists.
8)He acted to marketing faculty.

Извини не смогла вделать предложения на все слова... не приходит мысль.. 


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ПОМОГИТЕ!!! пожалуйста:) впринцепе легко, но я нуб в англ

задание: in one sentence summarise the text Risk taking is about living life to the fullest. When you're high in the mountains, your attention becomes so extremely focused on purpose that you no longer notice the sore knees, the tired back, the strain of nonstop concentration. A trance-like state settles over you; the climb becomes a clear-eyed dream. Hours pass by like minutes. The routine of day-to-day existence- the unpaid bills, the lost opportunities, the dust under the sofa-all of it is forgotten, forced away from your thoughhts by the absolute clarity of purpose, and by the seriouness of the task. At such moments something like happiness actually stirs in your chest and you feel like you have the world in your hands.

Put the words in the correct order to make a sentence: 1)I\the\at\washing\moment\am\up 2)flowers\sister\waters\my\usually

3)weekdays\the\floor\our\sweeps\grandmother\always 4)is\my\watching\brother\now\cartoons 5)feed\always\I\and\little\puppy\walk 6)father\fixes\Sunday\usually\things\on\my 7)are\we\up\the\now\tidying\room 8) she\the\is\room\now\airing 9)the\are\doing\they\ironing\moment\at\the 10)sometimes\the\they\cooking\do

предложения о погоде

Читайте также

Составьте предложения с такими словами: - tint - оттенок - to eat wotds - забрать слова назад - to act up - плохо себя вести

- to back up - поддерживать

- to back off - отступать

- to blow up - роздрукувати

- brush up - учить

- to bring up - воспитевать

- up bringing - воспитание

-on the family way - быть беременной

мне нужны предложения, и их перевод.

нужно составить из этих слов предложения: 1.Piano /play /the /don't /please. 2.and /come / him / meet. 3.at / there /girl / look / that /over. 4.close

/don't / door /please / the. 5.guiet / please / be. Если не получается вставьте свои предлоги и союзы и т.д.которых нет здесь.Заранее спасибо!=)

Срочно!!! Составьте предложения с этими


(По одному предложению на каждое слово).

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