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написать историю The dog was happy 10 предложений

5-9 класс

Jeka2003 04 нояб. 2013 г., 11:31:04 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
04 нояб. 2013 г., 12:46:21 (10 лет назад)

My family love all pets, but the most lovely is my little dog. He's name is Bobik. He is 2 years old. Not far away my dog was lost. We were looking for him for 3 days. My mom was crying and I was so scared. For the 4th day we saw our dog in front of our house. The dog was so happy. He came with a new friend...


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перевод jenny the joker colin west
Выберите правильные ответы. Более одного ответа может быть правильным/ 1.What mustn't you do with litter? a)Burn it. b)Drop it.

c)Take it home.


a)grow in the forest b)pollute air c)grow in the sea


a)protects animals b)protects people c) protects oceans,rivers,seas and lakes

4.We can help animals if we

a)put them in the zoo b)don't kill them c)don't cut down the forests

5. We can help the fish if

a)we don't pollute the oceans,rivers and lakes b)everybody buys an aquarium c) we don't use so much water

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One day John Smith and his wife Mary found a dog. He was a very wild and strange dog. The dog was weak and hungry, but he did not let them touch him and

ate the food they gave him when they went away.
When the dog was strong again, he disappeared.
A few months later, when Smith was in a train, he saw his dog. The dog was running along the road. Smith got off the train at the next station, bought a piece of meat, caught the dog, and brought him home again. There he was tied up for a week.
At the end of the week Smith tied a metal plate to the dog with the words "Please, return to Smith, Ellen, California", and set the dog free. He disappeared again.
This time he was sent back by the train, was tied up for three days, was set free on the fourth day and disappeared again.
As soon as he received his freedom, he always ran north. The dog always came back hungry and weak and always ran away trcsh and strong.
At last the dog decided to stay with the Smiths, but a long time passed before they could touch him. They called the dog 'Wolf'.
One summer day a stranger came to the place where Smith and his wife lived. As soon as the dog saw him, he ran to the stranger and licked his hands with his tongue. Then the stranger said:
"His name isn't Wolf. It's Brown. He was my dog."
"Oh," cried Mary, "you are not going to take him away with you? Leave him here, he is happy."
The stranger then said, "His mother died and I brought him up on condensed milk. He never knew any mother but me. Do you think he wants to stay with you?"
"I am sure of it."
"Well," said the stranger. "He must decide it himself. I'll say goodbye and go away, if he wants to stay- let him stay. If he wants to come with me, let him come. I will not call him to come."
For some time Wolf watched the man. He waited for him to return. Then he ran after the man, caught his hand between his teeth and tried to stop him. The man did not stop. Then the dog ran back to where Smith and his wife sat. He tried to drag Smith after the stranger. The dog wanted to be at the same time with the old master and the new one. The stranger disappeared. The dog lay down at the feet, of Smith. Mary was happy. A few minutes later the dog got up and ran after the old master. He never turned his head. Faster and faster the dog ran along the road and in a few minutes he was gone.

Прочитайте текст о собаке.Закончите вопросы после текста и дайте ответы на них. Dog This is a dog.I ts big and red.Its nose is black.The dog is

under the desk.Its s a good.It s not bad .This is its bone.It s big.The dog is happy.Iike the dog.

1 What s ...? 2 Is the dog..? 3Is the dog..? 4 Is its nose...? 5 Where is..? 6 Is it a good...? 7 Is it a bad...? 8 Is the dog....? 9 Is the bone...?

Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы:1)The window was opened by my dad. 2)Our rooms are cleaned every morning. 3)Our new English te

xtbook will be published next year. 4)The letters were sent a week ago. 5)The ferst stations of the London Tube were built more than a hundred years ago. 6)English and German are taught in lots of schools. 7)Who will be asked at Maths lesson today?8)Bread and milk are bought every Friday in our local shop. 9)The film was shown last year . 10)The vegetables were bought at the market on Sunday morning. 11)We hope that in the 21st century Russian will be studied in lots of countries. ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!!ПОМОГИТЕ!!!!

Помогите найти ошибку в предложениях, если она есть! На английском, пожалуйста)) 1)The Russian was the most difficult to learn because lots of words

aren't like English. 2)But Zulu was my favourite because the language sounded nice. 3)My mum was helped me to prepare for the competition with a stopwatch to time my quick answers. 4) I learnt Zulu for half an hour every day for a month, but when I was ill my mum made me to learn it for an hour which was really unfair. 5)At the competition I was nervous about not answering quickly enough and making silly mistakes. 6)They had asked me questions like how to tell the time in each language. 7)The competition was difficult, but I would beat about thirty-six other people in the final win. 8)As well as my awards, I also won a trip to the South Africa where I will open a language school. 9) I will have to keep off practising Zulu so I can speak to the children I will meet there in their own language. 10)The next language what I am learning is Japenese and I hope to visit Japan soo too.

Поставить глаголы в нужное время Past Simple или Past Progressive. The month was December and I (1) (hunt) all day long. It was dark

and it (2) (snow). I (3) (think) that I was lost. I (4) (want) to get back to Dwolding where we (5) (stay) with my family for a week. I (6) (look) at the family photo when I (7) (see) a light. An old man (8) (walk) me to with a lamp. I was happy to see him. He (9) (take) me to his house. In the house he (10) (give) me supper. While we (11) (eat), I(12) (see) that it (13) (not snow) outside. I(14) (have) to get back to my family so I decided to leave.

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