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Read the text . Complete the sentences

5-9 класс

Текст: Helen and Nick are married.They have a son, Jack, and a daughter , Sandra.Sandra is married to Pete . Sandra and Pete have a daughter, Lisa.
1)Helen is Nicks _____
2)Jack is _______ brother
3)Jack is _______ uncle
4)Sandra is ___________ wife
5)Helen is Lisa"s ____________
6)Pete is ___________ husband
7)Pete is Lisa"s________
8)Lisa is __________ niec

Vcevolod888 24 сент. 2013 г., 23:21:58 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
25 сент. 2013 г., 1:22:57 (10 лет назад)

1. Wife
2. Sandra's
3. Lisa's
4. Pete's
5. Grandmother(granny)
6. Sandra's
7. Dad
8. Jack's


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park has great fun for children and teenagers. They can ____________ or enjoy other amazing activities.

Fill in:in, in front of ,between, under, on ,opposite

1 They are...............the TV
2 He is................bed
3 Tony is ............Sandra
4 Lyn is.........sue and Pat
5 She s........ her bicycle
6 The cat is..........the car
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Вопрос №10 Read the text. Choose 3 true sentences below it. Lara: Hello, Jack, good to see you. I was just going to call you. You know the play I’m

preparing with my class? Would you be able to play one of the roles? Jack: Why me? I haven’t been in a play for years. Lara: Well, unless I find somebody soon, I may have to give up the whole idea. And it would be such a pity, come on, I thought you loved acting… Jack: When I was about ten, yes, I did. But that’s all changed now. And my voice is not as good as it used to be. Lara: Of course it is! It’s improved, in my opinion. Isn’t it funny! I hated being in plays when I was a child, I’d do anything to avoid acting, and look at me now, I’m a full time drama teacher. Jack: Yes, I often wonder why you didn’t become an actor rather than a teacher. You seemed to have all the qualities… Lara: Yes, it makes me sad to think about it. I’d be earning lots of money now. Anyway, about that part in my play. How about this? I’ll send you a copy of the play and you can have a look at it and then you can decide… Jack: I’ll do that, but I can’t promise I’ll say yes, OK? Now, listen, why don’t you have the play a week later? That would give you time to find an actor and … Lara: Oh, that would disappoint everyone, I can’t do that. We’ll talk again after the weekend. I must go now. Do give me a call. Bye! Jack: Bye! I’ll call you on Monday. 1. Lara is confident that her play will be a success. 2. Jack enjoyed acting when he was a child. 3. Lara thinks that Jack’s voice was better when he was younger. 4. Jack expected Lara to have a successful career in acting. 5. Jack agrees to spend time reading the play. 6. Lara will try to change the date for the play.

Read the text «BOOKWORM’S LOVE OF READING» and decide whether the following sentences are true.He is a

bookworm and has no other hobbies.

Chun-To reads one or two books a week.

His favourite books are famous classics. To read more he exchanged books with his classmates. He borrowed books from school. BOOKWORM'S LOVE OF READING
WINS HIM TOP AWARD Thirteen-year-old Chun-To started with one or two books а week but in the past nine months he has read 137 books — enough to win the Education Department's Extensive English Reading Scheme award. Не became the top student from 19 schools participating in the Scheme run by the Institute of Language in Education. The Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School pupil suggested that he probably was а kind of bookworm and that he had few other hobbies, though he did once represent his primary school in а table tennis contest. But most evenings he spent reading to try to improve his English. “Every evening after my homework I set aside one to two hours reading the story books. And when I had finished the ones I borrowed from school I exchanged them with my schoolmates, sо I can read more,” he said. Chun-To said his favourite books were science fiction, detective and horror stories but most of the titles he read for the competition were famous classics. “At first I had tо read twice some of the books I found difficult,” he admitted. The school will not allow students to borrow books over the summer holidays but Chun-To said he hoped tо continue his reading next term. But as for his future career, he was still undecided. “I want to work in an office rather than labouring and I want to be able to use my mind, but it's too early for me to decide what I might do,” he said.

Read the text and number paragraphs A-E in the correct order. TheRead the text and number paragraphs A-E in the correct order.

The teenager who changed world history
A. Franz Ferdinand was the direct cause of the First World War, which started the same year, and which resulted in the deaths of nine million soldiers. The war ended in 1918 with the Treaty of Versailles, which was very unfavourable to Germany. This, in turn, resulted in Germany going to war again in 1939, a war in which approximately 60,000,000 people around the world lost their lives.
B. For example, do you know who Gavrilo Princip was? Probably not. He was a Serb, born in Bosnia in 1894 and was one of nine children, six of whom died when they were very young. Gavrilo's health was also very bad and he suffered from tuberculosis. He studied in Belgrade where he spent most of his time with nationalists who wanted a union between Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia. He died when he was just 24 years old.
C. The Second World War ended with the Treaty of Yalta in 1945 which led to the division of Eastern Europe, which eventually led to the conflict in Yugoslavia in the 1990s. Possibly no other person has had so much impact on world history over the last century than the sickly teenager, Gavrilo Princip.
D. History tells us about famous leaders, Kings and Queens, but what about the great changes which have been caused by one small act carried out by a relatively unknown person?
E. So why is he so important? Well, Gavrilo Princip is the boy who, at the age of 19, assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in 1914. Franz Ferdinand was going to be the next Austro-Hungarian emperor and the nationalists wanted their country to be independent from the empire. After shooting and killing the Archduke in his car, Gavrilo was captured by the police and sentenced to 20 years imprisonment. But he died in prison of tuberculosis in 1918.

Read the text ‘Birthdays in Britain” On your birthday you get cards and presents from your family and friends. Parents often buy a big present

like a bike or an MP3 player. Other people give toys, sweets, books, clothes, CDs, DVDs and things like that. People normally have a birthday party for their friends. There’s usually a birthday cake with one candle for each year of your age. The person with the birthday blows out the candles and makes a wish. Then everybody sings “Happy birthday!” People often have a party at their own home. Some older children don’t have a party. They take their friends to the cinema, a bowling alley or somewhere like that. My friend, Anna, in Hungary says that they have “name days” in their country, but we don’t have “name days”. Anna also says that people in Hungary give flowers on name days and birthdays. In Britain, we usually give flowers only to women. Cameron and I give flowers to our mum on her birthday.

2задание к тексту

Put these headings into correct order according to the text. 1) A birthday cake 2) Name days in Hungary 3) Birthday presents 4) Places to take friends to on a birthday 5) Giving flowers on name days and birthdays помогите плииииииз буду очень благодарна

5. a) Read again and complete the sentences. Use the present continuous. 1) Patsy ... to Glasgow. 2) Ann ... to the airport. 3) Pats ... a skirt and a

blouse. b) Explain the phrases in bold. What is the weather like in Glasgow? 6. a) Read the sentences. Which verb form do we use to talk about habits/routines, actions happening now? She always wears boots in winter. She is wearing a raincoat now. b) Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. 1) ... (it/rain) often in winter? 2) Where ... (you/live)? 3) What ... (you/do) now? 4) She ... (go) to school on foot today. 5) He ... (not/swim) well.

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