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Закончите предложения, используя much, many,

10-11 класс

a lot of

There isn’t…………………..information in the book.

We saw………………..beatiful birds on the walk.

I don’t know………………people here. Do you?

There were………………….phone calls this morning.

We couldn’t go to a restaurant because I ddidn’t have ………………

money with me.

There aren’t………………tourists here this year.

I don’t have breakfast before work, but I drink………………..tea.

Do you smoke……………….cigarettes?

How…………….money did you spend?

She’s ill and she’s not eating……………….food.

We bought…………………fruit but no vegetables.

Mashafershalova 07 февр. 2017 г., 19:58:24 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
07 февр. 2017 г., 22:23:32 (7 лет назад)

much, a lot of, ???, many, much, many, much, much, much, much, a lot of

+ 0 -
08 февр. 2017 г., 1:22:36 (7 лет назад)

1) much

2) many

3) much

4) a lot of

5) much

6) many

7) much

8) many

9) much

10) much

11) much


Другие вопросы из категории

На завтра..!!!!!!Ребята, помогите!!!Срочно!!!!!!!!

∞This weekend your school is organizing an Eco-Saturday when students have to clean the territoryof a local park.∞ Write a note and inform your school-mates of the following∞ describe condition of the park;∞ when the event will be held;necessary clothes and equipment;∞duties-what students have to do..СОЧИНЕНИЕ...ребятки, помогите...

Помогите прошууу номер 9
Задание во вложении (перевод не нужен):
Помогите плиииииииз срочно

Читайте также

Переведите предложения используя времена: 1)По субботам я хожу в Бассейн 2)Я Видел этот фильм вчера 3)Что ты собираешься делать? 4)Когда я пришел

домой, мои родители смотрели фильм 5)Я сегодня усердно поработал. И ещё одно задание))) надо перевести предложения используя модальные глаголы: 1)Вы можете взять мои книги и тетради 2)Мы не должны никому об этом рассказывать 3)Нам приходится работать до поздна, много работы 4)Нам не следует уме рассказывать что произошло 5)Мне нет необходимости писать контрольную Огромное спасибо)

Постройте предложения, используя глаголы в скобках в Present Continuous.

1. Now it's 7 o'clock. My brother ____ (to get up)
2. We ___ (to go) to the cinema now.
3. He ___ (to go) to the theatre tonight
4.They ___ (to have) classes at this moment
5. What ___ you ___ (to wair for)?
6. What ___ she ____ (to do)now? - She ___ (to sead) a book in English
7.We are at the lesson now. We ___ (to prepare) for the test
8. What ___ he ___ (to read) now? - He ___ (to get) mady for the exams
Измените предложения, используя отрицание:
1.The cadet is reporting ti the teacher now
2.He is navigating the ship now
3.He is reading a maritime journal
4. They are listening to the radio
5.The ship is calling in the port
6. She is having breakfast now

Закончите предложения, используя инфинитив или герундий. И переведите предложения на русский. 1) I started (write) ______ my

letter this afternoon.

2) She promised (go) ________ to the doctor.

3) (Travel) __________ by air is interesting.

4) She enjoys (cook) ________ Indian meals.

5) Would you mind (open) ________ the window?

6) Let me (explain) _____ the exercise to you.

7) I'm looking forward to (see)_________ my parents again.

8) Peter gave up (learn) _______ Chinese.

9) Last night, we tried (call) ______ our parents.

10) Are you interested in (visit) _______ museums?

11) My mother had forgotten (buy) _______ sugar. So she made me (go) _____ back to the supermarket.

12) Have you finished (paint) the room yet? No, I haven't.

13) I hope (see) _______ you again soon.

14) May I (help) ______ you? Yes, you can start (clean) the kitchen. 15)___________We agreed (cook) ______ a typical English meal for our guests.

16) He dislikes (dance) _________.

17) Is (eat) _______ ice-cream allowed on this bus?

18) Don't let him (drive) __________ the car.

Заранее спасибо)

10-11 класс английский язык ответов нет
Помогите, пожалуйста, решить. Заранее спасибо! Закончите предложения, используя превосходную степень прилагательных 1. We had

lunch at the (cheapest) restaurant in the city.
2. Mrs. White is a really nice person – one of (nice) people I know.
3. He always comes to see me at (bad) possible moment.
4. This is (interesting) offer that we have ever had.
5. He is the (reliable) customer we have ever done business with.
6. It's (good) coffee I have ever tasted.
7. What’s (quick) way of getting from here to the exhibition?
8. He is one of (rich) businessmen in the world.
9. What is (popular) product of this company?
10. I prefer this chair to the others. It’s (comfortable).

Закончите предложения, используя соответствующие формы глаголов.

1)I don't need to worry about my homework because.....(do/last night)
2)I haven't got a PlayStation any more because....(sell/in June)
3) Mum is angry with me because....(break a window/a week ago)

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