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Put in preposituons where necessary(задание)Помогите решить:

10-11 класс

All flights--Hungary arrive--Budapest airport.Another possibility is to fly--Vienna and--there go to Hangary--train.The offical tourist season begins-- the first of May and is over the end of November. July is the most popular month--tourist nevertheless.

Malkova228 20 июня 2014 г., 10:01:08 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
20 июня 2014 г., 11:58:56 (9 лет назад)

All flights to Hungary arrive in the Budapest airport. Another possibility is to fly to Vienna and there go to Hungary by train. The official tourist season begins at the first of May and is over the end of November. July is the most popular month for tourist nevertheless.


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№ 31 (- выберите один вариант ответа)

Помогите решить задание.
переведите на англ

1) мы лечим болезни с помощью таблеток и уколов
2) Люди покупают горчичники, таблетки и микстуру если у них групп или бронхит
3) Мы используем капли против насморка
4)Большинство заключенных болею туберкулезом
5)Все должны проходить рентген и делать анализ крови каждый год
6) хирурги делают операции на различные органы

Помогите Пожалуйста!!! 5. Замените личные местоимения, данные в скобках, соответствующими притяжательными местоимениями: 1) I

have some notebooks and pens in (I) bag.

2) (He) composition is very interesting.

3) Is this (you) child? Yes, it is (we) child.

4) I saw (you) brother in the café.

5) (We) table is in front of the window.

6) (They) knowledge of English is very good.

7) (She) friends often visit her.

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Put in articles where neccessary(задание),помогите решить

I think--only thing i would miss about not living in--big city is going to--concerts of ali kings--I love going to--theatre and i am found of--rock and classical music.I also like--good food and occasionally we go out and have--diner in--nice restaurant somewhere hear--Trafalgar Square.

Put in articles where necessary.

1. They have built...school at...end of out road.2. Yuri Gagarin was...first man to travel through..space.3. ... thermometer is..instrument that tells you how hot or cold something is.4. - How do you learn..latest news? Do you watch...telly or listen to..radio?5. You must cross...bridge if you want to get to...opposite bank of...river.6. Let us wait till...moon rises.7. ...thief went to...prison for six years.8. ...queen bee is larger than other bees.9. I was so tired that i went straight to...bed.10. England lies to..north of France.11. John found..coin in..garden. ...coin turned out to be magic.12. I would like to become...astronaut, even though it is...dangerous job.13. Do you think that everybody should go to...college or to..university?14. ... only thing to do on...hot day is ti go swimming.15. In the US a lot of people still go to...church regularly.

16. Fill in the where necessary.

1) ...—... Europe is the
second small­est continent in

Read the questions for your new classmate.Put in prepositions if necessary: __Where are you.......................? __Do oyu

miss................................your old school?

__What kind.................................music do you like to listen...?

__Do you speak..........................any musical instrument?

__What are you reading.......................................the moment?

__How are you gettig.....................................with your new friends?

Сегодня срожно надо.пожалуйста!!!

Помогите пожалуйста Put in a/an or the where necessary

1. I need … glass o water.2.She lives in …
Netherlands. 3. She knows …Chinese.4. I was near… Pacific
Ocean.5. I did it …hour ago.6.The cat is in … kitchen. 7. …
world's population is growing. 8. I grew up in … North America. 9. How
can we protect … environment? 10. He is … economist.

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