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What ... you... last year ? (collect) поставить в правильную форму

5-9 класс


Edgarusa 10 апр. 2013 г., 13:11:29 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
10 апр. 2013 г., 15:24:11 (11 лет назад)

what did you collect last year ?

+ 0 -
10 апр. 2013 г., 17:40:56 (11 лет назад)

What did you collect last year?


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Нужно задать вопросы A:Good morning.madam.1)Can I help you? B:Yes,please.I'm looking for a dress. A


B:I want a red one.


B:I'm size 12.

A:I've got one here. 4)............................?

B:Yes.a lot.Can I try it one?

A:Of course.There's a changing room here.5)..............

B:It's nice.It fits me beautifuly 6).......................


B:I'll take it

Как по англиски будет: Я обедаю в 4:15?

Помогите плиз, зарание спасибо

Читайте также

поставьте в правильную форму слова. помогите очень надо..The Internet is important for people because it extends their (communicate) possibilities. We can

speak via the Internet, watch films, send ( inform) and shop. No wonder that people are becoming (addict) to the Internet.They often spend more time communicating online than talking to their real friends and families. At first glance, the virtual world seems to be a very safe place but it's not like that-it can be as ( danger) as a real world because it's created by people. In the virtual reality you can meet nice and honest people as well as evil and (deceit) ones. That's why we should be careful and (select) while searching for information and meeting new people on the Internet. поставьте в правильную форму слова. помогите очень надо..

Помогите пожалуйстааа!!! Нужно глаголы (которые выделенные в скобках) поставить в правильную форму. Помогите пожалуйста,это очень важно)

After school the children (go) to the offices of the Brown's Building Company. "Can we see Mr.Brown,please? ( Say) Sam to the receptionist. " Oh, you are lucky!" the receptionist (reply). "Mr. Brown (not/often/come) here in the afternoons but he (work) in his office now. It's on the first floor. " the children (take) the lift to the first floor. The door of Mr. Brown,s office (be) open. The children (walk) in but Mr. Brown (not/be) there. There (be) large drawings on the wall. "What (you/do)?" said Sam to Kathy. " I (look) at these plans,"said Kathy. "They're the plans for Upton Wood!"

Помогите пожалуйста с английским, как я поняла, здесь нужно поставить в правильную форму глагол. 1.This church (to build) in the 16 century.

2. This room (to clean)yesterday

3. St.Paul's Cathedral (to destory) in the Great Fire of London.

4. Every summer musical festivals (to hold) in our town.

5. Rice ( to grow) in China.

6. This play (to write) by Oscar Wilde.

7. This room (to paint) last month.

8. Julia (to invite) to the cinema last night.

9. Coventry (to bomb) in the Second World War.

10. The lorries (to make) in Japan last year.

11. The new school (to open) last year.

12. A bicycle (to buy) for Andrew as a present last month.

13. It was winter and the ground (to cover) with snow.

14. The floor (to paint) last year.

15. George (to send) to America by his company in June.

15. A cup of coffee (to bring) by June.

16. The cars (to make) in the USA.

напишите глаголы в правильной форме 1) I (not play) chess tomorrow. 2) He ever (be) to London. 3) Where you (go) now? 4) We (travel) around Europe last

year. 5) If he (not see) her tomorrow, he (leave) her a note. 6) She usually (read) in the evening. 7) What you (do) at 6 o'clock tomorrow. 8) Yesterday I (find) the book which I (Lose) in summer. 9) What your brother (do) every day? 10) When he (arrive) tomorrow? I still (sleep) 11) Listen! Somebody (play) the piano in the next room 12) Where you (go) last summer? 13) He (not meet) Peter since they were pupils. 14) How many pages you (read) by 5 o'clock tomorrow? 15) When I left home, the snow already (stop). 16) What Nick (do) when you (ring) him up yesterday? 17) If he (not help) me, I (not write) a composition by next Monday. 18) I (not go) to the cinema yesterday, I (watch) TV the whole evening. 19) He (not do) his homework yet. 20. What you (buy) at the shop tomorrow?

Поставьте глагол в PAST PROGRESSIVE: 1. What you (to do) when we rang you up? 2. The singer (to sing) very well at that


3. The weather (to be) bad and it (to get) worse and worse.

4. Margaret (to write) a letter the whole evening yesterday.

5. John and Olaf (not to swim) in the river this time last year.

6. Who you (to wait) for?

7. He (to look through) the mail when the telephone (to ring).

8. They (to go) home when I (to meet) them.

9. The teacher and I (not to talk) about you the other day.

10. She (to tell) a very interesting story at that moment.

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