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Think about a section of a book or a film when someone was in danger.Write a summary of the story.Use at least six of the linkers in the box.

5-9 класс

suddenly in the end straight away luckily anyway at first to begin with by the time so when just then while

Mhgtd 07 нояб. 2013 г., 18:21:03 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
07 нояб. 2013 г., 20:12:30 (10 лет назад)

Думайте о части книги или фильма, когда кто-то был в опасности. Напишите резюме истории. Используйте по крайней мере шесть из компоновщиков в коробке.
внезапно в конце немедленно к счастью так или иначе сначала для начала к этому времени поэтому, когда именно тогда, в то время как


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6)me,who,to come,with,wants?
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At the end of Year ... pupils take their pudlic exam.

a) one
c)eleven (5th form)
d)twelve(6th form)

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Прочитайте текст и ответте на вопросы:

a) When did Daniel Defore write his most famous novel?
b) Was the story based on real adventures
c) What is the title of the book

Daniel Defoe (1660—1731) was a famous English writer. He wrote his world famous novel "The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe when he was nearly 60 years old.
The story of Robinson Crusoe was based on the real adven¬tures of a sailor called Alexander Selkirk who had lived alone for four years on a desert island. The book, however, also contains a lot of incidents from the author's imagination (фантазия).
When the book was published in 1719, it immediately (немедленно) became popular. Defoe made his story so realistic (достоверный) that everyone be¬lieved it.
Defoe didn't write his book for children. But every child now knows "Robin-son Crusoe", how he learned to catch goats and to make pots (горшки), how he made an umbrella and had hundreds of adventures.
Daniel Defoe wrote many other books, but for "Robinson Crusoe" he is called "the father of English prose

ПОМОГИТЕ СОСТАВИТЬ ПО 5 ВОПРОСОВ К КАЖДОМУ ТЕКСТУ МОГУ КИНУТЬ ПЕРЕВОД)1 ТЕКСТ - Family means a lot to me. It's not just two three or seven people liv

ing together but a unity of people who support each other in different situation. Anything can happen in this life but i know that the only people who will always love and understand me are my family. Blood is thicker than water. That's why family is much more important to me than friends. Friends can betray you. There are lots of books and films about this. They can envy your success at school and your success with girls and even your cool jeans or a bike can make them feel jealous . It doesn't matter that i don't have many friends. And if i get into trouble, the people i ask for advice are my parents

2 ТЕКСТ - Friends are everything to me. Life isn't worth living without friends. My family... they don't care about me, and frankly speaking , i don't care much about them either. The only things they care about are their jobs and making money. Even my grades at school don't worry them much. Sometimes they ask me about my progress, but I'm never sure if they hear my answer. I would feel absolutely lonely if I did not have friends. We often gather at my place or somewhere else to speak about life, listen to music and have fun. Sometimes we quarrel, but I don't believe that my friends mean to hurt me. Life is cool with them.

3 ТЕКСТ - I think I'm
very lucky. I have a family that loves me and friends I enjoy spending time with. My parents and I are people of different generations, so we don't see the world in the same way. But I know they wish me well and I appreciate their advise. (Though sometimes I ignore it and forget about it) They don't like all of my friends, but they don't just say "no". They try to explain their point of view, and sometimes I find their arguments quite convincing. I agree that not all people you go out with can be called friends. Real friends are very rare and you should sherish them. And if you happen to find them, take care of them, never hurt them and try not to lose them.

ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА СРОЧНО НАДО НА РУССКИЙ 1 ТЕКСТ - Family means a lot to me. It's not just two three or sev

en people living together but a unity of people who support each other in different situation. Anything can happen in this life but i know that the only people who will always love and understand me are my family. Blood is thicker than water. That's why family is much more important to me than friends. Friends can betray you. There are lots of books and films about this. They can envy your success at school and your success with girls and even your cool jeans or a bike can make them feel jealous . It doesn't matter that i don't have many friends. And if i get into trouble, the people i ask for advice are my parents

2 ТЕКСТ - Friends are everything to me. Life isn't worth living without friends. My family... they don't care about me, and frankly speaking , i don't care much about them either. The only things they care about are their jobs and making money. Even my grades at school don't worry them much. Sometimes they ask me about my progress, but I'm never sure if they hear my answer. I would feel absolutely lonely if I did not have friends. We often gather at my place or somewhere else to speak about life, listen to music and have fun. Sometimes we quarrel, but I don't believe that my friends mean to hurt me. Life is cool with them.

3 ТЕКСТ - I think I'm
very lucky. I have a family that loves me and friends I enjoy spending time with. My parents and I are people of different generations, so we don't see the world in the same way. But I know they wish me well and I appreciate their advise. (Though sometimes I ignore it and forget about it) They don't like all of my friends, but they don't just say "no". They try to explain their point of view, and sometimes I find their arguments quite convincing. I agree that not all people you go out with can be called friends. Real friends are very rare and you should sherish them. And if you happen to find them, take care of them, never hurt them and try not to lose them.

I always wanted to work.I had dreams of earning my own money and I had ambitions.So after my GCSEs i left school.I didnot think about a higher

education.All I wanted was to go out into the world feel independent and start working. One of the valuable lessons I learned at school was how to write a CV.i dug up some examples from my old text books and compiled my CV. I must have given out about 20 copies to local supermarkets caffee shops offices restaurants bars building companies garden centres and clothing shops. After two weeks of waiting I got a positive reply and so my first job was filling documents as an office junior.i had to sort all of their files and keep them in alphabetical order.Ok so I learnt the alphabet and lost of new names but after two weeks I was starting to get headaches.And I was not getting any job satisfaction. Then my dad offered me a job to help him out at his bakery.He was getting very busy and needed some extra help.When I started out I was the night baker.I had to get there by 4 a.m.I learnt quickly about the different types of bread and cakes.I got used community meeting new people making friends and feeling useful.Now that job satisfaction! I am now the manager of our shop so my dad is able to rest a bit .I feel proud to be continuing in the family business.Just think that this bakery was started by my great- grandfather and its been selling bread in our town for over 100years! As you an see it took me a while to find and understand what I really wanted for a career.For some people choosing a career is the easiest choice they ever make. My sister knew that she wanted to be a dancer at the age of six.

What do the students think about libraries? Read the dialogue and decide whether the following sentences are true. A: Libraries are the best

place to study! B: Why? A: Because they are quiet and lack distractions. B: But I can read a book at home, it’s also quiet there. A: I’m afraid you don’t understand me. Look, library collections and services are for people who choose not to — or cannot afford to — purchase an extensive collection themselves, who need material no individual can reasonably be expected to have, or who require professional assistance with their research. B: I know very few libraries in Saint-Petersburg. A: Hope you’ve heard about The National Library of Russia in our city.It’s one of the world's largest libraries, it possesses the most complete collection of publications in Russian and publications in languages of the Russian Federation printed in different countries of the world. It’s the place I often go to as I know I’ll always get access to information in many formats and from many sources. Just imagine, now the National Library of Russia houses more than 35 000 000 items, of which nearly 6 million items are in foreign languages.

Student A

1often goes to the library 2doesn’t know much about libraries 3knows a lot about libraries 4likes reading at home

Student B

1doesn’t know much about libraries 2often goes to the library 3knows a lot about libraries 4likes reading at home

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