Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 983 ответов!

Помогите сделать 151,153,152

5-9 класс

Sytnikovaanast 14 янв. 2015 г., 15:40:51 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
14 янв. 2015 г., 17:55:42 (9 лет назад)

1 a king
2 the king .... a daughter
3 the daughter ..... a kitten
4 the king, the prince, the kitten ... a
5 the palace .... the Thames
6 - .... -
7 the ... - ..... the ..... the
8 the king ... the queen
9 a magic
10 the mirror ...
11 the .... -
12 the ... - ... ? ( не видно) .... -
13 the last ...
14 the ... the ... -
15 - ..... - ..... - ...
16 the .... the

1 the ..... -
2 a ....
3 - ...... a ..... - ....
4 a .... the
5 a ...
6 the ...
7 an ....
8 the ....
9 a ...
10 the

153 ничего не видно

+ 0 -
14 янв. 2015 г., 18:26:02 (9 лет назад)

В 9 предложении не видно после многоточий где .....had ....... magic mirror


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите пожалуйста!!! Как можно скорее

1) I (to eat) half a bowl of soup, but I can't any more.
2) I (to cook) for three hours already.
3) Mary (not to enter) the University in 1998.
4) She (to cook) dinner at 6 o'clock yesterday.
5) By four o'clock they (to finish) their preparation for the party.
6) I trought. I (to win). becouse it was rather easy for me.
7) Nowadays Valentine's Day (to celebrate) all over the world.
8) Before the film started Patrick (to phone) Ann.
9) Alice (to arrive) tomorrow at 5 o'clock.
10) This film (to watch) twice

John visited a lot of interesting places last summer. You want to ask him about his summer holidays. What questions could you ask him in your e-mail or in

your letter? 1) If he enjoyed his trip; 2) If he visited any big cities; 3) If he spend some time at the seaside; 4) If he sunbathed on the beach and swam in the sea; 5) If he took any photos; 6) If he bought any interesting books; 7) If he practised his French; 8) If he stayed at hotel or with his friends; 9) If he sent postcards to his family; 10) If he saw any new films.

Читайте также

помогите сделать завтра сдавать инглишь плизз!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Вот задание: Read the tex again and make notes under the headings. Use your notes to talk

about schools in England.
Вот слова: Subjects, lesson, breaks, food, clubs. Помогите сделать

Прошу, помогите сделать английский язык, мы проходим Causative form? и вот задание:

Use the words in brackets to make sentences, as in the example. Mind the tenses.
Вот есть пример:
-Tina is at the hairdresser's. (cut/hair)
-She's having her hair cut.
Помогите сделать такое-же и с этими предложениями:
1. Sheila will go to the dressmaker. (make/dress)
2. Danny went to the mechanic yesterday. (fix/car)
3. Evelyn went to the beauty salon yesterday. (do/nails)
4. Bob has taken his shoes to the shoemaker. (mend/shoes)
5. Jill called the painters. (paint/house)
6. Steve went to the drycleaner's. (clean/suits)
7. The Smiths have gone to the photographer's. (develop/film)

Прошу, помогите сделать английский язык, мы проходим Causative form? и вот задание:

Use the words in brackets to make sentences, as in the example. Mind the tenses.
Вот есть пример:
-Tina is at the hairdresser's. (cut/hair)
-She's having her hair cut.
Помогите сделать такое-же и с этими предложениями:
1. Sheila will go to the dressmaker. (make/dress)
2. Danny went to the mechanic yesterday. (fix/car)
3. Evelyn went to the beauty salon yesterday. (do/nails)
4. Bob has taken his shoes to the shoemaker. (mend/shoes)
5. Jill called the painters. (paint/house)
6. Steve went to the drycleaner's. (clean/suits)
7. The Smiths have gone to the photographer's. (develop/film)

Помогите сделать №3 пожалуйста! В

Помогите сделать №3 пожалуйста! В долгу не останусь!

Прошу, помогите сделать английский язык, мы проходим Causative form? и вот задание:

Use the words in brackets to make sentences, as in the example. Mind the tenses.
Вот есть пример:
-Tina is at the hairdresser's. (cut/hair)
-She's having her hair cut.
Помогите сделать такое-же и с этими предложениями:
1. Sheila will go to the dressmaker. (make/dress)
2. Danny went to the mechanic yesterday. (fix/car)
3. Evelyn went to the beauty salon yesterday. (do/nails)
4. Bob has taken his shoes to the shoemaker. (mend/shoes)
5. Jill called the painters. (paint/house)
6. Steve went to the drycleaner's. (clean/suits)
7. The Smiths have gone to the photographer's. (develop/film)

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