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write the plural.boat,language,country,address,umbrella,holiday

10-11 класс

TemaPokrovkov 05 февр. 2017 г., 5:47:48 (7 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
05 февр. 2017 г., 6:51:15 (7 лет назад)



Другие вопросы из категории

1)Mother asked, "When will you come back?"

2)My friend asked, "Are you busy now?"
3)She said, "My elder brother finished scool last year".
4)He said, "Don't take my things"
5)My sister asked, "Have you ever been to London?"
6)The teacher said, "Open your books and read the text".
Нужно с прямой речи перевести в косвенную.

Likes / room/ tidying/ My/ sister /her /
помогите переведите.
Помогите перевести предложения, но только переводите сами, без онлайн переводчиков 1. This position may affect the free time you have

to spend with other people.

2. This position doesn't require specific qualifications.

3. Success in this career is very much determined by your personal qualities.

4. This profession combines working in an office and moving around.

5. The position requires an ability to control people.

6. The employer is very interested in the career development of these employees.

7. The employee should be ready to work in various countries.

8. This position involves a fixed period of initial training.


Прочитай диалоги и подбери подходящий заголовок из рамки к каждому из них. Имей в виду, что два заголовка лишние.
1) Her Tiny Lady
2) The New Job
3) Saturday Telephone Call
4) Granny s Birthday
5) Jane and Jim at the Pet Shop
Диалоги во вложении:

Читайте также

37. Write the 3rd person singular.

Ex: We have got a dog. He has got a dog.
1. Their children have got many toys.
2. Our uncles have got two new cars.
3. Those boys have got five big balloons.
4. His aunts have got four children.
5. Her sisters have got six apples.
6. My brothers have got beautiful pictures.
7. Their cousins have got good computers.
8. These girls have got nice rubbers.
9. You have got a piano.

38. Write the 3rd person singular.
Ex: They have got a cat. She has got a cat.
1. You have got five pets.
2. We have got three funny monkeys.
3. Her children have got two nice hedgehogs.
4. His brothers have got big toy planes.
5. Our cousins have got four horses.
6. The cats have got six kittens.
7. These boys have got nice toy helicopters.
8. Their sisters have got three clever brothers.
9. I have got a sheep and a goose in the country.

Write the plural. 1) The man doesn't like that black sheep.. ............................................. 2) That

mouse was very little.

...............................................very little.

3) The child has breakfast at home.

...........................................breakfast at home.

4) The goose was clever.


5) The wolf likes meat.


6) There is a new hat in the box.


7) It is a toy.


8) This woman is his teacher.


9) The party was nice.


10) There is a glass on the table.

.............................................on the table.

Write the sentences using Gerund

1. Don't be nervous! Stop (to bit) your iiails!
2. He keeps (to insist) on my going lo the south.
3. Oh please do stop (to laugh) at him.
4. She hates (to be) ignored.
5. He doesn't like (to wash) and (to iron).
given sentences in Passive Voice239
1. The teacher sent for the pupil's parents.
2. Everybody listened to the lecture with great attention.
3. The young mothers looked after their babies with great care.
4. They looked for the newspaper everywhere.
5. The neichbor asked for the telegram.
Put correct modnl l erbs (should, need, to have to)
1. You .. . not (, to CO) oiit in this rain: as it is yoii have a cold in your head.
2. It was Siinday. aiid \ \ e ... not (to u about) to school.
3. Everything is all rinlu. \ 'Oii see tlial you ... (To vvorry)
4. You ... not (, to go) \ \ ith her she knows the perfectly well.
5. There ... nov (to be) any difl'iciillx aboiil getting her a visa.
A Write the worUs in order
1. Was / Phillip / born / Prince / 10/1921 / June / on.
2. Kazakhstan / the wildlife / of / today / includes / of mammals / I 58 / species.
3. Located / a / is / hotel / rink / near / the.
4. Cook's / were / France / English Channel / SwiizerJand / and / tours / for / popular.
5. Kublai / Marco / Khaifs / became / quickly / favourite.

Read the situation and make notes which will help you to write the letter.

a local newspaper has recently published a series of articles about young people. in most of the articles, young people are described as irresponsible, rude and looking only for cheap entertainment. these opinions are mainly based on a few recent incidents in the local discotheque. you're going to write a letter to the editor expressing your disapproval not only with the editorial policy of treating the topic, but also whith the perception of young people.

make notes which will help you to write the letter :
-reason(s) for writing your opinion;
-your arguments + suggestions;
-opposing views & your counterarguments;
-closing remarks.

Test 2. Write the plural of the following nouns.

1. nanny - 8. radio - 15. violin -

2. father-in-law - 9. train robbery - 16. wife -

3. headache - 10. painkiller - 17. medium -

4. dictionary - 11. bush - 18. mouse -

5. pincushion - 12. pen-friend - 19. godfather -

6. hold-up - 13. video - 20. wish -
7. hoof - 14. pillowcase - 21. phenomenon -

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