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Спрашиваю ТОЛЬКО у тех , кто хорошо владеет английским языком!!! Остальным не отвечать! Все ли правильно? Проверьте пожалуйста !

10-11 класс

Евгения08111996 28 марта 2017 г., 22:24:00 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
29 марта 2017 г., 0:58:48 (7 лет назад)

Weather Forecast for October 11. . Will be a significant warming for tomorrow. Almaty precipitation is expected. 10 afternoon, the night of 2 degrees above zero. In Astana, mostly rain. Happy 4, 9 degrees at night. In the city of Taldykorgan day 10, and at night three degrees above zero. In Usharal at +2, +1 day degrees above zero. Without precipitation.
Прогноз погоды на 11 октября. Будет значительное потепление на завтра. Осадков Алматы ожидается. 10 день, в ночь на 2 градуса выше нуля. В Астане, в основном без осадков. Днем 4, 9 градусов ночью. В городе Талдыкорган день 10 и ночью три градуса выше нуля. В Ушарале на 2, 1 день градусов выше нуля. Без осадков.

+ 0 -
29 марта 2017 г., 3:02:13 (7 лет назад)

Люди, мне перевод не нужен. Я написала это сама.


Другие вопросы из категории

заполнить пробелы с притяжательными местоимениями 1. he is tired of ... complaints 2. lets back to ... business 3. this

is ... money, but where is ...

4. may i introduce to ... one of ... colleagues?

5. we share ... worries and troubles


3. Переведите текст
на русскнй 83ЫК письменно ТНЕ

запишите форму их множественного числа:

carpet, glass, photo, box, lady, wife, valley, thief, man, woman, child, foot, tooth, life, handkerchief, tomato, scarf, sheep, deer, information, fish, coat.

Читайте также

тем кто хорошо знает английский язык наиболее популярные англоязычные песни понятны и любимы для детей 5-7 класса эта аброкадабра ничего путного не

дает я в душе - бродячий артист, играю на гитаре и всегда под нос мурлыкаю какой нибудь популярный шлягер я не знаю текст песни целиком но снова и снова повторяю на автомате музыкальную фразу: 2-3 слова... моя задача найти такие музыкальные отрывки на английском языке песня должна быть на слуху у всех, текст должен быть не сложным для восприятия у Битлов естедей у Армстронга донт вори би хаппи андестанд ми?

Нужен просто спец в английском языке,который сможет сделать все задания правильно. Это очень важно. Помогите это тестирование решит мою жизнь! Тест


I. Откройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной временной форме.

1. This morning at 10 o'clock I went to see Mr. Amis on business. We

(to arrange)____________this meeting beforehand. When I (to

come) ._________ into the office the secretary (to tell) _______

me that Mr. Amis (to return)____________from the conference

somewhat later. I (to ask)____________to sit down and (to offer)

____________a cup of coffee. While I (to have)____________

my coffee Mr. Amis (to come in)__________«(to wait) _______

_______you long?» he asked most politely.

2. Close the window. It (to rain)_____________ The weather (to

change) ____________ greatly since yesterday. If it (not to

brighten up) ______________________we'll have a snowfall


II. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

Captain Smith was ... captain of «The Titanic». He hoped to prove that «The Titanic» was ... fastest ship in ... world. Although it was early spring he led ... ship to ... north. He knew that there were ... icebergs, but «The Titanic» was considered to be ... unsinkable ship.

When he understood his mistake he helped to evacuate ... passengers and died ... hero. He was one of ... 1490 people who drowned on that terrible night.

III. Вставьте правильный предлог или послелог, где необ¬ходимо.

1. I am not satisfied ... my progress ... maths.

2. He was ... such a hurry, so he left ... the party ... saying good-buy to the host.

3. Luckily we arrived ... the station ... fifteen minutes after we had left home.

IV. Составьте предложения, расположив слова в нужном порядке.

1. excuse/no/for/coming/time/exam/in/to/there/is/not/the/his.

2. ours/house/next/be/to/fmished/the/year/this/will?

3. television/very/sports/on/relaxing/watching/is.

V. Закончите диалог вопросами, подходящими по смыслу.

Nick and Eric are talking about the summer holiday.


E: I took a trip around Europe.


E: By train.


E: No, it was quite cheap. I bought a railcard.


E: A couple of friends came with me.


E: We have been to six or seven countries.

VI. Переведите на английский язык слова, данные в скоб¬ках.

1. Very (мало)_________customers were satisfied with the service.

2. This way is (намного)_________safer than the other one.

3. At that time it began raining (сильно)_______ .

4. I am afraid Jane doesn't (делает)_______any housework at all.

5. (Никто)_________of his parents realised what was happening.

6. He said he would like to (лежать)_________in the sun for an


7. Some people keep dogs as pets, (другие)_________have cats.

8. Sometimes the girl felt (взволнованной)__________without any


VII. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. a) They reached to the lake at night.

b) They reached the lake at night

c) They reached at the lake at night.

2. a) Dick worked hard last term and was a success.

b) Dick worked hard last term, and had a success.

c) Dick has worked hard last term and was a success.

VIII. Соедините по смыслу фразы из левой и правой коло¬нок.

1. What's Betty like? a. She is fine.

2. What is Betty? b. She is diligent.

3. How is Betty? c. She is a secretary.

Помогите пожалуйста кто хорошо владеет английским. 8-9 класс. Тут есть ошибки? The most important "first time"

for me was when I learned how to drive a motorbike. It was very important for me because all my friends were using and i couldn't. My friend were laughing at me because i had some problems with launching the vehicle so i was nervous and when i finally did i it I didnt know what to do and it turned off. My friend showed me once again how o do it and after few minutes i already knew how to launch a motor. The next steps in my driving lessons were easy so learned very fast almost everything. Finnaly my friend said that i should try o drive on my own I was scared but i said "ok". I launched my vehikle once again and I just started to driving I was shocked but i felt realy great. He was trying to run after me but i was driving too fast and when I relased im so far i turned back and drived back to him. after everythiing i was very proud and i wanted to do this again but it was late so he game me a lift to home. That day was awsome.

СРОООЧНОООО!!!! ПОМОГИИИТТТТЕЕЕЕ ,Кто хорошо знает английский язык!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!НУжно написать небольшой текст( 7 -6

предложений) на тему :почему людям обязательно нужно знать английский. Заранее спасибо

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