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Day \ every \ mix \ we \ of \ hundreds \ people \ on \ get \ with \ well \ of \ some \ them \ make \ and \ with \ friends \ a \ only \ few.

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Alina2004200020 20 сент. 2016 г., 18:27:57 (7 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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20 сент. 2016 г., 20:41:45 (7 лет назад)

Every day we mix with hundreds of people,get on well with some of them and make friends with only a few.

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1. Is cinema a popular art nowadays? Do people ofter go to the1. Is cinema a popular art nowadays? Do people ofter go to the cinema? What about your

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Вставте вместо пропусков слова celebrate celebrations compete gather holiday houses presents relatives songs traditional the tatar calendar of national

holidays and............................ begins with Nouruz. The tatars...............is on March 21. Madrasah students visit all .......................... . They sing................................... and get presents. Sabantui festival is also in spring. People .................................... in running, jumping and horse racing. Kurban-bairam is the most important Muslim............. In the morning muslims .....................in mosques. In the evening they eat a.............. meat meal. Kurban-bairam is also a time for visiting ......... and friends and exchanging.

There once was a white tailed deer Who thought spring was the best time of year Until he got wet Because a puddle he met Spring was no longer something

to cheer. Это лимерик- пятистрочный стишок основаный на бесмыслице. Нужно перевести, чтобы в рифму было. Пожалуйста.

Читайте также

Переведите пожалуйста 1) In Great Britain education is compulsory for all children from 5 to 16 years of age.

2)Britian has got every interesing system of education.Educationis class divided.There are some state shools and private shools.State shools are drivet in to primary shools and secondary shools.
3)Ail state shools in Britian are free.90% of state shools are co-educational.That me anstat boys abd girls are taught to ge ther in then same class.

Перевидите плизик на русский There are lot of intresting places in Great Britain? which are worth visiting. One of the most famous and mysterious

archaeological sites of Great Britain in Stonehenge. The huge stones of Stonehenge were transported from Wales and set up in a circle on Salisbury Plain. One of the mysteries in hjw it was ever built with the technjljgy of that time. Another is its purpose. It appears yo function as a kind of astronomical clk and we know it was used by the Druids for ceremonis marking the passing of the seasons/ Nowadays every year thjusands of young people go to Stonehenge to take part in the midsummer Druids festival, dut only a small numder of people are allowed near the circle of sttones. Stonehenge in fenced off to protect in from damage.

Read the text ‘Birthdays in Britain” On your birthday you get cards and presents from your family and friends. Parents often buy a big present

like a bike or an MP3 player. Other people give toys, sweets, books, clothes, CDs, DVDs and things like that. People normally have a birthday party for their friends. There’s usually a birthday cake with one candle for each year of your age. The person with the birthday blows out the candles and makes a wish. Then everybody sings “Happy birthday!” People often have a party at their own home. Some older children don’t have a party. They take their friends to the cinema, a bowling alley or somewhere like that. My friend, Anna, in Hungary says that they have “name days” in their country, but we don’t have “name days”. Anna also says that people in Hungary give flowers on name days and birthdays. In Britain, we usually give flowers only to women. Cameron and I give flowers to our mum on her birthday.

2задание к тексту

Put these headings into correct order according to the text. 1) A birthday cake 2) Name days in Hungary 3) Birthday presents 4) Places to take friends to on a birthday 5) Giving flowers on name days and birthdays помогите плииииииз буду очень благодарна

Goodbye,summer! I think my summer holidays were wonderful this year.I had a lot of fun.In June my family and i went to the Black Sea.We stayed three weeks

at a hotel in Sochi.The weather was hot and sunny,and we went to the beach every day.We swam a lot and stayed in the sun.My father taught me to boat,and we often went boating and fishing early in the morning.In July we came back to Moscow.My parents began working and I made a trip to St.petersburg to visit my grandfather who lives there.My sister Lena went to Yaroslavl to stay with our cousin Marina.Lena and I to some interesting places in and near Moscow.We were in the Kremlin museums,the pushkin Museums and in Archangelskoe.We were going to go to Vladimir too but couldnt.The weather was terrible that day,it rained and it was very windy and cold.In the middle of August Lena and I went to London ti visit the Barkers and we had a wonderful time there.Now I am back at school and happy to see my friends again.In simmer I made a lot of pictures.I am going to send some to London,my friends John Barker Переведите пожалуйста

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