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срочно надо )) заранее огромное спасибо

10-11 класс

Galaxi2014 26 февр. 2014 г., 22:44:49 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
27 февр. 2014 г., 1:25:50 (10 лет назад)



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Помогите пжл! Очень надо в английском вообще не шарю! Раскройте скобки, употребляя эквиваленты модальных глаголов в

соответствующем времени:

1. We (not to have) to take a taxi because we had a lot of time before the plane took off.

2. I don't think we (to be able) to check the prices just after the meeting.

3. Our president (to be) to sign the contract with the British firm at 10 o'clock today.

4. The president said during the talks that they (not to be able) to reduce their prices for the goods.

5. You (to have to) get the materials ready right away?

6. Mr. Camp couldn't wait any longer as he (to be) to go to the airport in an hour.

7. You (to have to) reserve a room in advance to get accommodation at the hotel last month?

вставить в предложения would / used They ____ have a house with a pool, but they recently sold it

Every day at carnival, all of us children ___ dress up as cartoon characters
Alice and her sister ___ share a small apartment when they were at university
My late Uncle George ____ bring us chocolates every time he visited us

When I was younger, I ___ sing in a band

My mother ___ make all our clothes when we were children

When we were children, we ___ go to the zoo every Saturday afternoon.

ПОСМОТРИТЕ ЕСТЬ ЛИ ОШИБКИ В ЭТИХ ТЕКСТАХ: Хиппи In The 1960s and 1970s a hippy was a person who opposed the normal standards of society. Hippies wore

unusual clothes. Girls, for example, often wore Indian-style silk dresses and men and women usually had long hair. Hippies believed in peace, and one of their favorite sayings was «Make love, not war». When the hippy movement started in the US ,especially in California, young people showed their peaceful feelings by wearing flowers in their hair. For this reason, they were also called flower people Панки In 1970 times were difficult. While the hippies were talking about love and peace, punks were full of hate. They thought that normal pop music was boring and listened to aggressive music. Punks chose clothes that their parents hated. They wore ripped T-shirts, Doc Marten boots and leather jackets ,and often had brightly coloured hair. Рейверы In the late 1980s, large parties called raves started up. They usually took place in empty buildings, and could dance all night long under techno or acid music. Enthusiasts wore the daily clothes convenient to dance: free T-shirts and jeans. The rave became connected with drugs, and the police often tried to stop them.

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Задайте 7 вопрос на английском языке к этому тексту) только с ответами пожалуйста .срочно нужно .Заранее огромное спасибо

Washington city and district , is the capital of the United States of America

located at the confluence of the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers and flanked by Maryland on the north, east and south-east and by Virginia on the southwest. The city of Washington is coextensive with the District of Columbia , the federal district of the United States . Washington was named after George Washington and Christopher Columbus .The city’swas selected by President George Washington in 1791.AFrench engineer and architect was commissioned to plan the future capital. In 1800 the still unfinished city replaced Philadelphia as the nation’s capital.

Washington is one of the few national capitals founded solely as a seat of government. The original plan of the city took into account its future growth. As the new republic increased in size and wealth, Washington grew to become one of the most important and beautiful cities in the world. It is the site of impressive government buildings, magnificent monuments, important historical landmarks, fine museums, and broad, tree-shaded avenues and malls. Every year Washington is visited by millions of tourists from all parts of the United States and from many other countries of the world. But the city is also home to a large number of people – the place where they live , work, and raise families. As such, it is confronted by the same problems facing most large cities . The city as a whole is divided into four quadrants ( northwestern, northeastern, southwestern and southeastern) by lines running north-south and east-west though the Capitol of the United States . The central open space called the Mall is surrounded y public buildings and museums and I flanked on the east by the Capitol and on the west by the Lincoln Memorial. The broad Pennsylvania Avenue, which links the White House and the the capitol, is Washington’s ceremonial street and is the site of the president’s inaugural day parade. Capitol Hill is largely neighborthood of restored Victorian houses. Because of its great size, central location , and elevated position on Capitol Hill, the Capitol dominates the Washington skyline. There is a law in Washington not to build structures higher than the Capitol , so it is the highest. The US Congress meets in this building. Visitors may attend congressional sessions to watch legislators in action.

ПЕРВЕВЕДИТЕ НА АНГЛИЙСКИЙ СРОЧНО НАДО !!В одной датской деревне в 2007-м году был обнаружен череп, которы назвали Силендским. Исследования

показали, что он был несколько раз перепрятан и что владелец его существовал в 13-14 столетиях. Размеры черепа в полтора раза превышают человеческий и самой интересной его чертой являются огромные глазницы — судя по их размерам обладатель этой черепной коробки хорошо видел в темноте. А гладкая поверхность черепной кости указывает на то, что это существо успешно выживало в холодных условиях. ПЕРВЕВЕДИТЕ НА АНГЛИЙСКИЙ СРОЧНО НАДО. зарания большое спасибо.

Помогите пожалуйста!!!Срочно надо,заранее спасибо.1) Iou go to school in the evenin 2)Iou get up at nine o,cloch 3)Iou do your morning exercises in the

yard 4)Iou usually do to shcool by bus. Надо написать эти предложения в отрицательной форме и в 3лице единственного числа.

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