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Good at flattering - как перевести?

5-9 класс

Valeryashapoval 17 июля 2013 г., 0:46:05 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
17 июля 2013 г., 2:07:12 (10 лет назад)

хорошо, лестно

я думаю что именно так...


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите решить:

A teacher explained to the pupils that the earth ...(пропущено слово) round.
1 is
2 were
3 (нечего не надо)
4 would be
заранее спасибо

Liza is (1)..... at English (2) ....... Mary

1 (1) better (2) than
2 (1) not as better (2) as
3 (1) not as good (2) than
4 (1) as good (2) as

перевод словаOh said the soldier That s pity
Correct the the verbs in bold type if the tenses are wrong. 1. The clock is striking, it's time to finish your studies. 2. They are understanding the

problem now. 3. Where is John? — He prepares his lessons; he usually prepares them at that time. 4. They are glad to know that their son is coining home next week. 5. The evening is warm, but you are shivering. Is anything the matter? — Nothing serious, I am feeling cold. 6. Can I see Mr. Green? — I am sorry, you can't: he has dinner. 7. The soup is tasting delicious. 8. Now I am seeing what you are driving at. 9. He believes in God and is always going to church on Sundays. 10.1 am hating to speak to him. He is always complaining and forgetting what to do. 11. They are being so nice to me at present. I am feeling they are liking me. 12. He often changes his political view’s. Now he is belonging to the Conservative Party. 13. Look! Somebody tries to open your car. 14. Oh, I won't take this dish. It is smelling awful. 15. How can I recognize him? I haven't met him. — He is wearing a yellow leather jacket and green jeans. 16. She usually drinks tea in the morning, but today she drinks coffee. 17. The last train is leaving the station at 11.50. 18. He is wanting to buy a car, but first he must learn to drive, so he is taking his driving lessons. 19.1 can't stand him. He is liking to mock at people. He is always laughing at us when we meet. 20. Don't laugh at lessons, you are always laughing too much and the teachers are usually complaining of you.

Читайте также

Прочитать и поставить глагол в скобках в правильную форму напряженной 1John ____(be) very good at writing short stories. 2 They _____ (li

sten)to a story at the moment.

3 Miss Alison ____ (work)at school and _____(teach)the children English.

4 Jane _____ (cut) pictures for the project now.

5 My sister ______(be) very good at reciting poems.

6 I ____( not , know ) how to start a conversation in English.

7 _______your brother ______(learn)English quickly ?

8 Tom can`t ______(do)this crossword because he _______(not, know)the new words.

Нужно заполнить второе предложение таким же смыслом как и первое. Использовать не более 5 слов с данными славами. 1)It would

be a good idea to get some petrol or you'll ru out

You_____or you'll run out. BETTER

2)My advice is to do lots of revisions.WERE

If___do lots of revisions.

3)I'm not good at laguages, so I won't take up Spanish.WERE

_____languages, I would take up Spanish.

Другое задание

4.Правильно ли the story was really exciting\ excited? КАК?

5.I'll have to sitting( ing\sat\sit) two of my exams in the autumn because my marks weren't good enough.

6.Kevin has been__(artist) since he was a baby and has always loved colours(в нужную форму поставить)


как перевести следующие вопросы:When do you usually get home after school? Are you tired after six lesson?do you relax at home?How do you relax?At what

time do you finish your homework?Does anybody help you to do homework?Did your parents vizit your school last year?Do you help your mum about the house?When do you usually go to bed?люди прошу помогите скоро ночь а мне ещё переписывать,Только перевести буду очень благодарен,заранее спасибо!

Ребят,нужно перевести текст на русский языкI work at night in an animal nursery, care, clean, monitor and give medical

treatment to different animals. I also deal with the park's visitors and answer their
questions. I have always been keen on working with animals since I was a little
girl. I've always had a way with them. There was no other route for me. I worked hard to
get a Zoology degree. I started to work (4) for the company during college. After
graduating I applied again and was lucky enough to get a position in the animal nursery.
I have worked in this area ever since.
Of course I dream of the time when the babies will grow up and go on show
to the public. There is no better moment in a job than when you walk through
the park and see the babies you cared for and fed because their mum couldn't.
If you are interested in becoming an animal nurse, go to college and gather
as much knowledge on animals as you can. Volunteer at vet clinics and zoos. Animals
can't tell you what they feel and you have to be good at understanding their
needs and habits.
Most of all, if you are looking for a lot of money FORGET IT!!! Do the job for
the love of animals, love for the environment, and a desire to share your knowledge
with others.

In his free time,Sam goes skateboarding.He is very good at it and people in the street alway stop and watch film .Sam says,"I skateboard tp school every

day I leave my house at 8'30 and get to scholl at 8'45"
It's Saturday today and he is in bed.Sam doesn't get up early on Saturdays.He is watching Tv at the moment.I'm watching a great programme about animals in Africa.My cat Minnie is sitting on the bed with me.She isn't sleeping at the moment.She's frightened because she can see the lions on TV.
Where does Sam live?
In london
Hanwell School.
.............................. in his free time?
He goes skateboarding.
...................................... always do?
They stop and watch him
At 8'30
At 8'45
....................................... on Saturdays?
No he doesn't.
............................... at the moment?
He's watching TV.
A programme about animals in Africa
She's sitting on the bed.
Because she can see the lions on Tv
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