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Помогите написать эссе на тему по английскому языку causes of crime, 200-250 слов

10-11 класс

Nastyapetrova202 02 апр. 2017 г., 7:07:46 (7 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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02 апр. 2017 г., 7:52:35 (7 лет назад)

The study of the causes of crime became possible after a considerable amount of material in the form of reports of criminal statistics in the various states, and after the birth of already known to us, the so-called new directions in the science of criminal law, ie, anthropological and sociological schools. But if in the old days, according to the common belief about the cause of crime lay in the ill-will of the criminal, then there were other views expressed by some brilliant minds in the distant past. Plato, Plutarch, Aristotle and others expressed different thoughts that crime has its own reasons is the ill will of man. Some researchers are enrolling these writers even among the predecessors of the "new directions". However, one must admit that the question about the causes of crime was raised by Plato and other writers of the ancient world and the Middle Ages, even superficially. The first person with amazing fullness of the time figured out the connection between social conditions and crime, was the beginning of XVI century writer Thomas More in his political novel "Utopia." He saw the main causes of crime in the existence of a class of so-called rich and noble, surrounded by numerous servants and living contentedly next to the poverty of the masses. Until there is no wealthy class - said Mohr - will not disappear, and crime, and drew a picture of a non-existent state, where gold and silver have no value. where is the total working life, where there is idle, and the crimes are rare exceptions. 
Thoughts Mora were seen in one form or another expressed a number of subsequent writers. Unfortunately, it was not criminologists, who up until the seventies of the XIX century continued to be interested in more penalties than the causes of crime. Many of the most distinguished followers Mora Campanella with his communist novel 1620 "Sun City" and the priest Mellier (died 1733), who saw the cause of all misery in the land, and including the crimes of the right of private property, Montesquieu, Rousseau , Beccaria, Bentham, Brissot de Varvil, Godwin, Owen, Cabet, Saint-Simon et al [1] 
The purpose of this test is to define the concept of the causes of crime.


Другие вопросы из категории

Exercise 3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующемся по смыслу времени. 1. I knew they _______________________________ (to wait) for me at the th

eatre and decided to hurry. 2. I didn’t know that you already _________________________ (to wind) the clock. 3. I was afraid that the boy _________________________ (to hurt) himself and hurried to help him. 4. He says that he _________________________ (to know) the law of the country. 5. And finally she understood what _________________________ (to prevent) him from coming. 6. He couldn’t understand why people _________________________ (not to like) to drink chlorinated water. 7. The tourists were told that their guide _________________________ (to go out) for a while and he _________________________ (to come back) in 20 minutes. 8. I suppose that they _________________________ (not to agree) to take part in this show. 9. I asked my friend where he _________________________ (to run so early). 10. She says she already _________________________ (to find) the book. 11. He wondered if his neighbour ever _________________________ (to travel) by air before. 12. She said that she _________________________ (can) tell me the right time as her watch _________________________ (to stop). 13. She didn’t know what a wonderful present her beloved _________________________ (to choose) for her. 14. He wanted to know whether the 5th bus _________________________ (to run) along Petrovka. 15. We didn’t know they already _________________________ (to return) from the Caucasus.

10. Найдите в следующих предложениях сказуемое и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. For
40 years after 1945 countries in Eastern Europe had planned economies
in which market mechanisms played only a small role.
2. The government plays an important role in allocating resources in the economy.
3. Goods are produced on farms or in factories. Goods of the both groups are consumed by the people who buy them.
4. A government planning office decides what will be produced, how it will be produced, and for whom it will be produced.
5. Resource allocation decisions are being made every day in every city, mostly through the mechanisms of markets and prices.
6. When
there was a bumper coffee crop (очень высокий урожай кофе) in Brazil,
much coffee was bought by the Brazilian government from farmers and then
7. Grain (зерно) markets have greatly changed over the
last 25 years in the United States and Europe. Both have high levels of
government intervention in their agriculture.
8. The ideas of Adam
Smith, the famous Scottish philosopher and economist, have been studied
by economists for over two hundred years.

11. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. Обратите внимание на разные значения глагола to be перед инфинитивом.
1. Prices are to regulate production and consumption in a market economy.
2. The problem with government regulation of markets is to control how government restrictions work in real life.
3. The aim of that book is to form a theory of the role of government in economic life.
4. The market is to decide how much to produce.
5. A building society is a financial organization whose purpose is to help people buy houses or flats.
6. When
the authors of the textbook discussed examples, their intention
(намерение) was to prepare students for future economic analyses.
7. Governments
are to regulate or plan production and consumption. The former is
typical of mixed economies, the latter is typical of command economies.

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