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Выбрать правильный ответ: my father has (1) already / just had an interview for a new job. If he (2)

5-9 класс

'll get / gets it, we'll move to Paris. And if we go to Paris, I (3) won't / wouldn't be very happy! I'm (4) a few / a little shy and I don't want (5) speak / to speak French. I've studied French (6) for / since years, but I (7) couldn't / can't speak it very well. If I could choose, I (8) 'd / 'll definitely stay in this country.

Ivmarkin73irina 23 мая 2013 г., 13:38:11 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
23 мая 2013 г., 14:50:00 (11 лет назад)


gets  it


a little 

to speak 

since years

 can't  speak it very well


+ 0 -
23 мая 2013 г., 16:15:29 (11 лет назад)

Выбрать правильный ответ:


Другие вопросы из категории

Подставьте в предложения нужную форму глагола to be (am , is , are).

1. This woman ... my mother. 2. Henry and Tom ... dog experts. 3. I ... a baby-sitter. 4. They ... not friends. 5. She ... not a beatiful girl. 6. Sam ... not funny. 7. ... I clever? - Yes, you ... . 8. ... his brother a farmer? - No, he ... not. 9. ... Ben a happy boy? - Yes, he ...

перевод на русский

to travel
by train
by car
by boat
by plane
by underground
to lie in the sun
to swim
a swimming pool
a bicycle
a hotel

помогите пожалуйста !!

10 предложений о компьютер на английском

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Тут просто надо выбрать правильный ответ из 2 в каждом предложении. Очень легко! Помогите плиз!! Open the brackets and use the correct form.

1. My friend was sure that Ferdinand Magellan (discovered, had discovered) Australia. But I told him he (is, was) wrong. 2. Our history teacher explained to us that the Revolutionary War in America (took, had taken) place in the 18th century. 3. Betty knew that she {did, had done) everything she could to win the competi tion. 4. We asked Professor Smith when he (came, had come) to Moscow how many places of interest he already {saw, had seen). 5. Little John believed that Canada (is, was) in the South of the American Continent. 6. We all wanted to know where in New York the Statue of Liberty (is, was) situated. 7. The children asked what cities in the USA we (saw, had seen). 8. Father told me that I (made, had made) a mistake in my school test. 9. We all knew that Germany (declared, had declared) war on several European countries in 1941. 10. He said he always (sup ported, had supported) me. 11. Not all the pupils knew that the US President (is, was) the Commander in Chief of the country's armed forces. 21:07:18

Выбрать правильный ответ.

1.This girl is _____student of our group.
a)good b)better c)the best
2.January is_____ month of the year.
a)cold b)colder c)the coldest
3.Today the weather is_____than it was yesterday.
a)cold b)colder c)the coldest
4.Which building is_____in Moscow?
a)high b)higher c)the highest
5.The Alps are_____than the Urals
a)high b)higher c)the highest
6.She speaks Italian______tha
a)good b)better c)the best
7.It is as______today as it was yesterday.
a)cold b)colder c)the coldest
8.This garden is the______in our town.
a)beautiful b)more beautiful c)the most beautiful
9.Spanish is_____than German.
a)easy b)easier c)more easy
10. Is the word "newspaper"______than the word "book"/
a)long b)longer c)the longest
11.I usually drink_____tea with sugar.
a)the/a b)a/the c)no article/the d)no articles
12.Lets go to_____cinema.
a)a b)the c)an d)no articles
13.Will you have____cup of tea?
a)a b)the c)an d)no article
14.I cant see_____sun.
a)the b)a c)an d)no article
15.My uncle is______engineer.
a)a b)an c)the d)no article
16.That_____is my cousin.
a)women b)woman c)weman
17.There are only five_____in our class.
a)boy b)boy`s c)boys
18.How many_____could you bring?
a)boxes b)boxs c)boxe`s
19.My Granny has got three_____.
a)goose b)geese c)gooses
20.All_______love presents.
a)child b)childs c)children
21.We have got many______.
a)sheep b)sheepes c)sheeps
22.She has got long black_________.
a)hair b)hairs c)hair`s
23.Don`t sit at the_____table!
a)teacher b) teachers c)teacher`s
24.This is my________computer.
a)son`s b)sons c)sones
25.That_____is a Russian one.
a)ships b)shep c)ship
26.You look________today than yesterday.
a)more happy b)less happy c)happier
27.My bracelet is as_________as your bracelet.
a)beautiful b)more beautiful c)beautifully
28.Today is not as_________as yesterday.
a)colder b)cold c)the coldest
29.January is_______month in winter.
a)colder b)cold c)the coldest
30.What is_________mountain in the word?
a)high b)the highest c)highest
31.Britain is not very big.France is__________.
a)bigger b)more big c)biggest
32.He is_______person I have ever met.
a)very intelligent b)intelligent c)the most intelligent
33.This house is not very modern.I prefer______houses.
a)more modern b)modern c)moderner
34.Ben is__________swimmer than Liz.
a)more good b)better c)best
35.My camera cost 100$.Yours cost 96$.My camera is_______.
a)more expensive b)less expensive c)expensiver
36.I live in___________Tverskaya street.
a)a b)the c)no article
37...... Trafalgar Square is the geographical center of_______London.
a)a|a b)the|the c) no article

Помогите выбрать правильные ответы, которые можно вставить вместо многоточий 1.when i came home yesterday evening my sister ........ the washing

up ф) was doing

a) was doing

b) had done

c) has done

d) did

2. this was my first flight. I ...... Before

a) have never flown

b) had never flown

c) have already flown

d) didn't fly

3. I'm so worried about Laura. .... you any news, phone me

a) before

b) as soon as

c) when

d) while

Раскройте скобки,в правильной форме. My father was a fine mechanic.He (love) engines.And certanly I,too,should ( Fall) in love with engines and

automobiles. (Not,forget) that even befor I could (walk)? the workshop (be) my plauroom. My father (put) me there so that he could (keep) an eye on me all day long.My toys were springs and pistons that (lie) around all over the place,and these,I can (promise) you, (be) far more fun (play) with than most of the plastic toys most children (give) nowadays.

When I (grow) older and (be) five years old,my father (talk) to me about school. He (lay) a hand on my sholder. "I (want) you (become) a great mechanic. You (learn) a lot already. But when you (grow) up,I (hope) you (become) a great engineer,a man who (make) better engines for automobiles and airplanes. For that you (need) a really good education".

Раскройте скобки,в правильнойРаскройте скобки,в правильной форме. My father was a fine mechanic.He (love) engines.And certanly I,too,should ( Fall)

in love with engines and automobiles. (Not,forget) that even befor I could (walk)? the workshop (be) my plauroom. My father (put) me there so that he could (keep) an eye on me all day long.My toys were springs and pistons that (lie) around all over the place,and these,I can (promise) you, (be) far more fun (play) with than most of the plastic toys most children (give) nowadays. When I (grow) older and (be) five years old,my father (talk) to me about school. He (lay) a hand on my sholder. "I (want) you (become) a great mechanic. You (learn) a lot already. But when you (grow) up,I (hope) you (become) a great engineer,a man who (make) better engines for automobiles and airplanes. For that you (need) a really good education".

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