Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

Мне нужно перевести английские предложения потом их перевести из пассивного залога в активный, добавить действующие лицо в предложения, но сохранить время.

10-11 класс

1) A new system of work is being started by the librarians
2) He doesn't like to be laughted at.
3) The doctor must be sent for at once.
4) The doctor must be kept shut.
5) The is talk must have been started by our opponents.
6) The problem is being discussed now.

Zhanna9819 13 дек. 2016 г., 8:09:01 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
13 дек. 2016 г., 9:25:45 (7 лет назад)

1) A new system of work is being started by the librarians. - Новая система работы внедряется библиотекарями.  -


Другие вопросы из категории

Перепишите следующие предложения. Определите

по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются
слова, оформленные окончанием -s, и какую функцию это
окончание выполняет, т. е. служит ли оно:
а) показателем 3-го лица единственного числа глагола в
Present Simple (Indefinite);
б) признаком множественного числа имени
существительного или
в) показателем притяжательного падежа имени
Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Man's ability of adaptation is great.
2. The building material for muscles comes from food.
3. The body's metabolic rate speeds up.
4. The food industry developed from the experience of

Выбрать слово подходящее по смыслу(из скобок) 2 Since it's getting late I suggest we it as it is and start working on it tomorrow.

(allow, leave, let) 3 They won't...................................... you to enter unless you're a club member, (allow, leave, let) 4 I think I'll.................................... my hair grow long, (allow, leave, let) 5 I don't think she'll ever from the shock, (heal, improve, recover) 3 He's still ill but I think his condition will........................................................................ soon, (heal, improve, recover) 7 It will take a long time for his injuries to .completely. (heal, improve, recover) 8 He went for a holiday by the sea to help him from his illness, (heal, improve, recover)

переделай предложение по образцу.

Example:my sister does not write fairly tales.-my sister does write fairy tales.
1) I have not got a brother.

Помогите задать 10 специальных вопросов по тексту.

MagazinesThere are over 11,000 magazines and periodicals in the United States. More than 4,000 of them appear monthly, and over 1,300 are published each week. They cover all topics and interests, from art and architecture to tennis, from aviation and gardening to computers and literary criticism. Quite a few have international editions, are translated into other languages, or have "daughter" editions in other countries. Among the many internationals are National Geographic, Reader's Digest, Cosmopolitan, Vogue, Time, Newsweek, Scientific American, and Psychology Today.

The weekly newsmagazines — the best known are Time, Newsweek, and U.S. News & World Report — serve as a type of national press. They also have considerable international impact, above all Time. This newsmagazine appears each week in several international editions. There are some for various parts of the United States, for the Far East, for Australia, for Europe, and so on. Time claims that although the advertising changes in each edition, the content remains the same internationally. This is not quite true: in the U.S. editions, for instance, there is no section called "European Notes." In any case, no other single news publication is read so widely by so many people internationally as is Time.

There are two other reasons why Time has such international influence. First, several other newsmagazines were modeled on Time. Among these are the leading newsmagazines in France, Germany, and Italy. Secondly, Time also sells news, news features, interviews, photographs, graphics, and charts to other publications throughout the world. Feature stories that first appear in Time are therefore echoed in many other publications in many other countries.

The newsmagazines are all aimed at the average, educated reader. There are also many periodicals which treat serious educational, political, and cultural topics at length. The best known of these include The Atlantic Monthly, Harvard Educational Review, Saturday Review, The New Republic, National Review, Foreign Affairs, Smithsonian, and, of course, The New Yorker. Such widely read periodicals, along with the hundreds of professional journals, provide a broad and substantial forum for serious discussion. Again, a lot of what first appears in these publications is often reprint internationally or in book form. Many of the long The New Yorker essays, for example, have later appeared in shortened form in publications such as England's The Observer Magazine or Germany's Die Zeit.

There is a strong market for such serious publications. National Geographic has an average circulation of over 10 million, Consumer Reports some 3 million, Smithsonian (published by the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C.) over 2 million copies, Scientific American (U.S. edition) over 700,000, and Saturday Review- and The New Yorker over half a million each. More popular and less demanding publications, such as Family Circle, Woman's Day, or National Enquirer, of course, have a huge readership and sell over 4.5 million copies of each issue. Altogether, there are about 60 magazines in the United States that sell over 1 million copies per issue each, and roughly the same number with more than 500,000 copies per issue.

Перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните

в каждом из них модальный глагол или его эквивалент.
Предложения переведите на русский язык.
1. Some people can prefer a large breakfast.
2. Only total calories per day are to be counted.
3. You may have an unusual eating schedule but if you are
happy with it, you must keep it.
4. You will have to study the factors affecting the nutritive
quality of a man’s diet.
5. Meal schedule can affect a lot of things.
6. You must be serious about your meals

Читайте также

ПОЖАЛУЙСТА! ВЫ НАВЕРНЯКА ВСЕ ЗНАЕТЕ! Мне нужны 3 Закона Мерфи. Ну это типо так: Если красиво оделась вышла на улицу,то

никого не встретишь, а если одет плохо и не хочешь ни с кем встречаться, то увидишь всех своих знакомых. Но мне нужно на английском без ошибок. Можете перевести уже то что я написала и придумать еще 2

Переделать предложения в из пассивного залога в активный:

1. a books were borrowed from the central library
2. an interesting problem was discussed at the lecture
3. the newspapers are usually brought in the morning
4. when was the Moscow University founded?
5. all the work will be done by automatic machinery
6. new hoses are built everywhere: in cities, towns, and villages
7. the experiments will be completed by the end by the end of the week
8. the young workers are trained to use the new equipment
9. a lot if time is given to the study of the new methods of work
10. the lectures on mathematics were attended by all the students
11. english sportsmen will be met by the students of the institute of Physical Culture

помогите пожалуйста из пассивного залога в активный перевести ..заранее спасибо7. the article will be writtenby Peter.8.modern theovies say that

America was discovered bu Columbus in 1492.9.by whom is your French class
tought?10.this room can be used for our cinema club. 11. what kind of
clothes must be worn in the morning?12.the key to this room has been
lost.13.the door was closed with a long(by Edward).14.the glassed bookcases
were filled with files and records of bills paind.15.the letter will be sent
tomorrow in the afternoon (by Mary)

Из пассивного залога сделать активный 1. Many shapes had to be manufactured at a relatively high cost.

2. Different kinds of steel will have to be used in making blades. 3. High carbon
steel may be hardened by heating it to a certain temperature and then quickly
cooling in water. 4. Vanadium steel can be used for springs. 5. Larger drills
could be used in that machine.

Нужно перевести текст ниже на английский язык. ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, не постите переводы из гугла и других подобных мест, за подобную халтуру вы

НЕ получите очков, мне нужна качественная работа, и я очень надеюсь на понимание с вашей стороны. Не можете перевести качественно - пройдите мимо, умоляю. От того, что я пожалуюсь модератору и вам вынесут предупреждение, лучше не станет никому.

1.Две недели назад мы с женой были в опере. Опера нам очень понравилась. 2.Мой сын окончил школу три года назад. 3.В воскресенье мы не ездили на дачу. Мы навестили своих родителей. 4.В каком году вы окончили институт? 5.Вчера мы не обедали дома, мы ходили в ресторан. 6.Билл научился говорить по-французски в детстве, когда он жил с родителями во Франции. 7.Мистер Браун послушал новости и затем выключил радио. 8.В прошлом году мы сдавали экзамены в июне. 9.Сколько вам понадобилось времени, чтобы закончить перевод? 10.Когда он уехал в командировку? 11.Ты был дома в понедельник утром, не так ли? 12.Ты вчера опоздал на лекцию? - Нет, я пришёл вовремя. 13.Какой язык ты изучал в школе? - Немецкий. 14. Вчера я проснулся в 7 часов. Я умылся, позавтракал и пошёл в институт.15.Николай не был вчера в институте. У него болела голова. 16.Почему ты мне не позвонил вчера? - Извини, но я вернулся домой очень поздно. 17.Где он купил словарь? - Я не знаю, где он его купил. 18.В прошлом году я обычно рано вставал. 19.Вчера у нас было собрание. Мой начальник выступил с докладом. Его доклад всем понравился. 20. Кто помог тебе перевести статью? - Я перевел ее сам.

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