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I listened _ the news _ the radio вставить предлоги

10-11 класс

89208252003 16 июня 2014 г., 15:14:04 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 июня 2014 г., 16:33:03 (9 лет назад)

I listened _TO  the news  ON_ the radio 

+ 0 -
16 июня 2014 г., 17:03:32 (9 лет назад)

Важно, учи предлоги пока не поздно
Дальше хуже будет)
1 to
2 On the*


Другие вопросы из категории

(Сопоставьте слова с их значение) Match the words with their differents:

1. government
2. hereditary
3. constituency
4. peer
5. tax
6. offender
7. election
8. parliament
9. reign
10. rule
11. the House of Commons
12. Treasury

а) supreme law-making council or assembly;
b) member of one of the nobility, eg, duke, marquis, earl, viscount;
c) person who offends by breaking a law;
d) method of system of governing;
e) to govern, to have authority;
f) funds of a society, organization, etc;
g) passed on from parent to child, from one generation to following generations;
h) town or district that send a representative to parliament;
i) sum of money to be paid by citizens (according to income, value of purchases;
j) choosing or selection of candidates for can office by vote;
k) held office as a monarch;
l) assembly of the British Parliament elected by the people.

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Необходимо вставить одно и тоже слово во все пропуски.

The police caught Simon speeding and have decided to ____ him.

Читайте также

ребят помогите пожалуйста надо ответить на вопросы своими словами ( на английском) 1. How do you get the news? 2. Do you

prefer to get the news from the radio, television or newspapers? Why?

3. What’s The News this Week? Which news stories do you remember?

4. Are you more interested in what is happening in your country or in other countries? Why?

5. Can you name three most important problems that affect the world today? Are they discussed in mass media? Which of them concern you personally?

6. Do you watch television most days of the week? What is your favourite programme?

7. Do you sometimes read or look through magazines and newspapers written in English? If you do, where can you get them?

помогите пожалуйста. очень срочно надо)) ) выпишите, затранскрибируйте и переведите: 1) все глаголы 3 лица ед.ч., находящиеся во времени

Present Simple;

2) все остальные глаголы;

3) прилагательные и образуйте от них недостающие степени ставнения;

4) все обстоялельства времени.

this is my last year at school, and i am very busy, in fact. i am an early riser. on week-days the alarm-clock wakes me up and my working day begins. it is seven o'clock. in spring or early autumn i usually run to the window and open it wide to let the fresh air in. the sunshine and fresh air set me into cheerful working mood. sometimes i do my morning exercises, but sometimes i just take a walk and go to school on foot. in winter it's different, of course. i am not so quick to leave my bed. but all the same, it's time to get up and start getting ready for my working day.

i do my bed and go to the bathroom. i take a shower, brush my teeth. then i go to the kitchen and have breakfast. while i am having breakfast, i switch on the radio and listen to the news. breakfast, asdoctors say, must be the most substantial meal of the day. so, for breakfast i usually have eggs and sausage or cheese sandwich and a cup of tea or coffee. sometimes i like to have some porridge.

after breakfast i leave for school. it takes me fifteen minutes to get to school by bus, and a bit longer if i go on foot. on my way to school i often meet my classmates and we go together.

my classes begin at 8.30. six or seven lessons a day is my ordinary timetable. so i stay at school i till 2 or 2.30. we study many subjects: history, geography, mathematics, chemistry and physics. but my favourie subjects are the english and russian languages and natural sciences as maths and chemistry are most difficult for me. when classes are over i go home.

i walk home with my friends and we have a nice chat about school and a lot of fun. after midday meal and some short rest i do some cleaning or shopping just to help my mother and then i go to the reading-room to prepare my homework. i stay there for three or four hours. i am found of english and writing reports and compositions. i do well in these subjects and it gives me a lot of pleasure to get ready for there lessons.

there is practically no time left. but nonetheless i attend a swimming pool twice a week and, on saturdays, the english club. here i have additional practice in the english language. we sing songs, recite verses and poems, se video films or meet some foreign guests who speak english. sometimes we do some performances, too. i take part in drama performances and sing. after the concert we dance.

late in the evening, i say (goodnight) to my parents and go to bed. as a rule, it is about midnight. that is my usual week-day when i am, really, as busy as a bee.

II. Change the active sentences to passive sentences that have the same meaning and tense: 1. The news surprised my mother. Example: My mother was

surprised by the news. 2. Thomas Edison invented the photograph. 3. Doctor Brown will give you some advice. 4. The gardener has planted some trees. 5. Fleming discovered penicillin. 6. Someone had broken our door down. 7. Mr. Street will teach our class. 8. A college student buys books every day. 9. The police search for the stolen cars. 10. Yesterday Johnny broke the window.

V. Раскрой скобки, употребив глагол в правильном времени. 1. She (meet) her friends every day. 2. We (get) up early every day. 3.

They often (listen) to the news over the radio.

4. The children usually (go) to school by bus.

5. He (have) a cup of tea every morning.

VI. Раскрой скобки, употребив глагол в правильном времени.

1. I (do) my homework yesterday.

2. John (see) his friend at the cinema yesterday.

3. He (be) at school last week.

4. I (cook) breakfast myself last Sunday.

5. She (get) up at 9 o’clock two days ago and was late for school.

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A busy day

.Though it was winter
VadimPetrovich, the agronomist of the farm, had a busy day last Tuesday.

He began his morning with the
radio, he listened to the news. At half past seven he got up, washed, did his
morning exercises at an open window, dressed and had breakfast.

VadimPetrovich likes mornings,
because he can see his family, and he can have a talk with his wife and

At a quarter to nine
VadimPetrovich left home. It was a cold winter day. There was a lot of snow on
the ground. The sky wasn't blue, and the sun didn't shine at all. There weren't
any people in the street.

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