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Английсский язык 6 класс. Даю 15 баллов)))

5-9 класс

TAAAAA 15 авг. 2013 г., 6:16:31 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
15 авг. 2013 г., 7:23:19 (10 лет назад)

1) party 2) our school 3) four o'clock 4) 7 January 5) dance 6) sing songs 7) play games 8) have a Christmas tea 9) would you like 10) Natasha

+ 0 -
15 авг. 2013 г., 8:32:07 (10 лет назад)

1. Christmas party.2.school.3.at four o'clock.4.7 january.5.dance.6.sing songs.7.play games.8.have a Christmas tea.9.can I bring my friend .10.Helen.


Другие вопросы из категории

ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!! СОСТАВТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА СПЕЦИАЛЬНЫЕ ВОПРОСЫ К ЭТИМ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯМ: 1) She get up at 7 o clock on Fridays. 2) First She eat breakfast. 3)

Then She cycle to school and start her classes. 4) First She have got Maths and then History. 5) She dont like Maths but She like History. 6) After that She have lunch. 7) She often have pizza and salad. 8) Then She do my Science project. 9) Its really interesting. 10) She get up at 8 o clock. 11) First She eat breakfast. 12) She never eat a lot in the morning. 13) She prefer cereal and juice. 14) Then She finish her homework from school. 15)After that,She eat lunch and She go to volleyball practice with her team. 16) She train for about three hours. 17)In the evening, She phone her best friend,Lucy,and we usually go to the cinema. 18) Shes mad about films and film stars. 19) Finally He go home and go to bed. СРОЧНО)))

Раскройте скобки употребляя глаголы в

Present и Past Simple

1. My friend (to know) Spanish very well.
2. Who (to ring) you up an hour ago?
3. He (to live) on the third floor.
4. It (to take) you long to find his house yesterday?
5. When your lessons {to be) over on Monday?
6. I (to have) dinner with my family yesterday.
7. Her friends (to be) ready at five oclock.
8. One of her brothers (to make) a tour of Europe last summer.
9. Queen Elizabeth II (to be) born in 1926. She (to become) Queen of England in 1952.

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7 класс
Даю 15 баллов.

Пожалуйста !!! Помогите !!! Даю 13 баллов !!!

И пожалуйста напишите как вообще говорить время тоесть например там 20 минут 6 или же пол пятого или же без 15 6 ну или 15 минут 7 ???
Хотя даю 15 !!!

Вот задание составьте предложения даю 40 баллов>>> Make up tions from the words. 1)was,at the cinema,yesterday,with

whom,she,evening? 2)at the stadium,what time,yesterday,ware,we? 3)Jill and Mary,why,for school,late,were,yesterday? 4were.in the yarrd,five minutes ago,the boys.
Помогите даю 40 баллов!!!

Помогите пожалуйста даю 15 баллов

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