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Which 3 countries have English as their official language?

5-9 класс

4)South Africa

PA356661 29 дек. 2013 г., 20:46:05 (10 лет назад)
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29 дек. 2013 г., 22:03:59 (10 лет назад)

4)South Africa


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...people in the world use English .As a native language English is spoken in... The number of English native speakers is ... As

an official language English is used ...

As a world language English is used...

English expands its vocabulary by ...

American English is ...

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... people in the world use English As a native language English is spoken in ... The number of English native speakers is ... As an official language

English is used .... As a world language is used ... English expands its vocabulary by ... American English is ... Ребят помогите составить рассказ о английском языке по этим предложениям! очень надо! за ранее спасибо

Переведите пожалуйста. Только без переводчика Have you ever thought how many people speak English? The exact number is difficult

to tell, but it is more than one thousand million people, that is 20 per cent of the world’s population. English is the most widespread language on earth; it is second only to Chinese in the number of people who speak it. The English language is now the native language of about 400 million people, and the official language in over 60 countries. If you add to this the enormous number of people who study English as a foreign language, you will understand that English is a major world language.

Перевести текст (можно по частям) To show somebody my achievements, I went to high school to take a course in English for foreigners called

"English as a Second Language." There were about 30 students in the classroom. It took almost an hour to get through a process of introducing ourselves. Stefan, Zofia, Marek, Jose, Pedro and Maria.
One at a time they rose from their chairs and stammered something I already knew from my books; an English alphabet, numbers, simple words like: a table, a chair, a boy, a man, a woman. The level of English suggested by the high school didn't seem to fulfill my expectations. I left the course.
After a month or so i tried again, but this time at college. After 15 minutes of introducing ourselves, a doctor of linguistic gave us a lecture about the history of English. Then we were told that it was very important to learn English in a country where English was spoken. It look three hours for the doctor of linguistic to tell us this. Again I left the course.

Australia is an island continent in the southern hemisphere. It is washed by the Indian Ocean in the west and the Pacific Ocean in the east. The territory

is not very big with the population more than eighteen million people.
The climate of the country is very hot. The biggest part of Australia lies in the tropical belt. It rains heavily in summer, but it's very hot, too.
Northeast coast of the country is protected by the Great Barrier Reef, and in the east there is the Great Dividing Range with Mount Kosciusko, the highest mountain of Australia.
The deepest river in Australia is the Murray River and the Darling is the longest one. In desert regions there are salt lakes like Lake Eyre. The inner part of Australia is occupied by deserts. The most famous ones are Desert Victoria and Gibson's Desert. In the west semi-deserts turn into savannahs.
The plant life of Australia varies. There are desert grasses, scrub, eucalyptus, acacias and others. Australia animals are unique, they can not be found in any other place of the Earth. For example, kangaroos, koalas, Tasmanian devils, echidnas, platypuses, dingos and others.
Australia is a member of the Commonwealth. It is a federation of 6 states and 2 territories. A governor heads each state. Australia is a constitutional monarchy with the Queen of Great Britain (Elizabeth II) as the head of the state. The head of government is Prime Minister. The national currency is the Australian dollar.
English is the official language of Australia. There are also a lot of aboriginal languages and dialects in Australia.
The capital of Australia is Canberra which is often called the Garden City because of its streets lined with trees. Other world famous cities are Sydney and Melbourne. Sydney is the largest city-port called the Queen City of the South. It is Australian main commercial and industrial centre. Sydney Opera House in Sydney is considered to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. Australia is an industrial country rich in coal, gas, oil, ores, gold, opals. It is an agricultural country, too. Most food products are produced for exporting. Australia is number one in producing lamb meat and sheep wool. Bee-keeping is developed as well.
Australia is a very interesting country with rich culture and strange animals. I would love to go there one day.

Answer the questions
1.Where is it situated?
2.What octans is its washed ?
3.What's its population?
4.What is the climate?
35.What is its the highest mountain?
6.What is its the deepest and longest rivers?
7.What is the most famous desert?
8.What kind of animals live in Australia?
9.Who is the head of the state?
10 Who is the head of the government?
11.What's its capital?
12.What's its the main industrial centres?

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