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Нужно из слов и словосочетаний составить ситуацию :

10-11 класс

A strange man; to be wrong ; to hurry ; to work much ; to relax ; to want ; to leave ; a nice girl; to understand ; to love ; to believe ; to marry ;
To laugh.

Masha04122001 28 нояб. 2013 г., 1:25:51 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
28 нояб. 2013 г., 2:31:47 (10 лет назад)

A handsome but a little bit strange young man hurried to bring a parcel. He usually worked much and he was very tired. The only thought in his head was to relax. So he was absolutely wrong when he chose a red door instead of green. When he understood his mistake, he wanted to leave that place at once. However, he noticed a nice young girl. And he believed that would love this woman all his life and married her. Their children and grandchildren usually laugh when they listen to this story.


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Составьте предложение из слов и словосочетаний ,учитывая порядок слов английского предложения .


Составить предложения с каждым из слов и словосочетаний!

1.is situated.
3. stretches for.
5.industrially developed.

Составить из этих слов и словосочетаний ситуацию :

To go for a walk , to lose , on the way , to be upset , to forget , to be clear , to return , to understand , to find , to be happy , finally , to continue , to finish

Sroчно ребят!!!!Составьте ситуации из данных слов и словосочетаний :

1) to invite, a party, in the country, first of all, to buy a present,to get to the railway station, to take a train, to come to the party, of course, to give a present;
2)to go to a shopping center, to find a glass shop, to ask a shop-assistant,to cost , to pay, to make a package;
3)to go to the country alone, to get to theraway station, to buy a ticket , to take a train , to be afraid, to meet friends , to have a heavy bag, to speak about, to go together

Нужно составить предложения из слов: 1) usually \ grandmother \ He \ is \ visits \ Saturday \ every \ 2) does \ What \ she \ work \ time ? 3) often \

do \ use \ How \ you \ your \ car ? (слова с большой буквы по всей видимости и есть первые слоа в предложении)

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