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Английский язык забыл срочно нужно

5-9 класс

Nikvoronin2002 12 дек. 2013 г., 12:25:38 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
12 дек. 2013 г., 12:59:03 (10 лет назад)

a  The plane leaves in half an hour but Nick isn't at the airport yet.
b  My best friend loves sciene fiction films but they don't interest me.
c  I don't study chemistry because it is difficult.
d  I don't dance because I look stupid.
e  The Sun doesn't go round the Earth, the Earth goes round the Sun!
f  My new computer does lots more things than my old one, and it doesn't crash.
g  My dad doesn't have any qualiffications but he has a really good job.
h  Fire needs oxygen to burn. It doesn't burn without oxygen.
i  My teacher doesn't own a mobile phone because some people think they are bad for your health.
j  According to scientists, animals live longer if they don't eat too much. 


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составить предложения

Elfin took him he with

4. Выбери и вставь слово, подходящее по смыслу:

1) Has he already ………. the Zoological society?
a) go b) came c) joined d) join
2) People must protect …………. animals.
a) wild b) endangered c) domestic d) giant
3) My brother and me ………. Just bought a hamster.
a) has b) did c) have d) haven’t

Англисский язык.

6 класс.
стр.108. номер 126 помагите

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Помогите пожалуйста с английским языком, очень срочно нужно. Ребят, пожалуйста, хотя бы одно задание, очень прошу. Заранее спасибо

I. Раскрой скобки
1) I (not to see) you yesterday
2) He never (to be) in Madrid
3) Kelly (to play) the piano now, her friends (to listen) to her
4) We (to watch) a film at this time yesterday
5) This story is (interesting) than that one
6) She (to be) pop star many years ago
7) I have already (to have) lunch
8) When I (to come) home yesterday, mother (to cook) dinner
9) What is the (long) river in the world?
10) He runs (fast) than his friend
II. Поставь глагол в Passive Voice
1) The tickets (to buy) by my mother two days ago
2) He (to ask) at every lesson
3) The match (to show) tomorrow
4) The book (to write) by a famous English writer
5) The portrait (to paint) by my grandmother
6) A big fish (to catch) by my father yesterday
7) The holiday (to celebrate) next weekend
8) A sick boy ( to send) to a doctor yesterday
9) Many English books (to publish) every year in Russia
10) The distance (to run) by a sportsman very quickly
III. Передай предложение в Passive Voice
1) I bought this book yesterday
2) We play this game every Sunday
3) They will open a new shop in our street
4) My parents gave me a wonderful present for my birthday
5) Mother washes the windows every spring

Помогите пожалуйста сделать одинПомогите пожалуйста сделать один номер по Английскому языку. Срочно НАДОПомогите пожалуйста сделать один номер

по Английскому языку. Срочно НАДО!!!!!!!!
№1. In which of the buildings ( places ) you can hear the following phrases?
Example: "Could I have a cup of tea?" - "In a cofe."
1. "Hurray! He is first!" - _________________________________________________________
2. "How much does this dress cost?" - _____________________________________________
3. "Don't forget to bring the book back in 10 days!" - __________________________________
4. "Have you got anything for a sore throat?" - _______________________________________
5. "This book is one of the oldest in our collection. It's about 500 years old." - __________________________________________________________________________
6. "Can I change roubles for euros?" - ___________________________________________
7. "Hush! Be quiet! The performance has already begun!" - __________________________

Пожалуйста люди очень срочно нужно на завтра! Сделайте сочинение на английскому языке про домашних животных желательно на писать про какую нибудь домашнюю

Вот план только он на английском языке написан.
1 Name
2 Where does it live?
3 How does it look like?
4 What is it like?
5 What does it eat?
6 What can it do?
7 Why is it your favourite?

Ребятки, мне срочно нужна помощь!

Мне нужно 4 аргумента ( 2 за; 2 против)
На тему ( Родители не отпускают меня гулять с друзьями)
Пишите пожалуйста на английском языке))

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