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сочинение на английском спорт в нашей жизни с переводом

5-9 класс

Ravrti 19 апр. 2013 г., 22:20:34 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
20 апр. 2013 г., 0:46:17 (11 лет назад)

На английском языке Sport in My LifeСпорт в моей жизниMy name is Andrey. I’m twelve years old. Sport takes an important place in my life. In the first grade my parents advised me to go to sports school and I began to go in for wrestling. I go in for wrestling because I think that everybody must always be able to stand up for himself. But my favourite activity is swimming. I always was fond of bathing but I could not swim. But it came easy to me when proficient instructor had taught me in the swimming pool. I’ve been going to swimming school for six years. I go to trainings three days a week. Now I often take part in different swimming competitions. I even took the first place among pupils in my region last year. We had two racings. The length of distances was 50 and 100 metres. Most of all I like to use the breaststroke. Sport gives me health, strength and self-reliance. I don’t get sick. Now I have sport figure. I consider that sport is my reliable helper.                                                              


Другие вопросы из категории

Circle the correct answer.

1.You get..........to someone before you marry them.(divorced. out. engaged.)
2.Stealing is very............(romantic.dishonest.expressive)
3.I could not hear what she was saying because she was............(howling. humming. whispering)
4.She is kissing him so he.......be her boyfriend.(can not. must. might)
5.My parents do not mind.........to pop music.(listen. to listen. listening)
6.She has promised............me.(meeting. meet. to meet)

Измените форму и составьте правильно предложение: 1) I (visit) Granny (last week) 2) My teacher (give) me a 5 (just) 3) He (do)

homework yet

4) Jane (bake) a pie yesterday

5) We (be) in Moskon (a week a go)

6) My father (buy) a car (recently)

пожалуйста, помогите начинающему лингвисту. нужно вставить i wish / if only для этих ситуаций:

1. you are not very good singing.
2. your argued with your parents last night.
3. you do not have any friends abroad.
4. you cars are to big.
5. you dod not pay attention in the math lesson.
6. you do not understand your maths homework.

что надо сделать:little alec doesn't understand some things about his friends and relatives. try and explain these things to him. use the verbs in the

brackets in present perfect continuous.

1.why are my sister's eyes red?(cry)

2.why are my brother's hands dirty?(work in the garden)

3.why are Jane's hands covered in flour?(make a pie)

4.why is the room in such a mess?(pack)

5.why does my cousin look so hot?(run)

6.why does Granny look sleeply?(sleep)

7.why are Philip's clothes torn?(fight)

8.why is Uncle Roger's face red?(lie in the sun)

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Вот план только он на английском языке написан.
1 Name
2 Where does it live?
3 How does it look like?
4 What is it like?
5 What does it eat?
6 What can it do?
7 Why is it your favourite?

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