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Я не могу написать сочинения о цирке на английском языке , помогите пожалуйста

5-9 класс

V0vanchik0 07 мая 2015 г., 3:19:43 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
07 мая 2015 г., 6:12:41 (9 лет назад)

I like to go to the circus very much. There is a very good circus in Kharkiv. It is situated in the centre of the city not far from Gagarin Avenue Underground Station. Last time my brother, my mother and I went to the circus during my winter holidays. First we went by underground to the Metro Station “Gagarin Avenue” and then we went to the circus on foot. We left our coats in the cloak-room and then went to the hall. At the entrance we bought a programme of the show. Then we went and took our seats. Our seats were not far from the ring and we could see everything very well. The first part of the performance was very interesting — we saw many circus performers: acrobats, rope walkers, jugglers and clowns. The clowns were very funny and everybody applauded them. During the performance the circus band was playing music all the time. The band was conducted by the band leader. Then came the interval. During the interval we went to the bar and bought ice-cream, cotton-candy and a bottle of Coca-Cola. In the second part there were wild animals. Most of all I liked tigers and lions. They were sitting in a large cage and performed various tricks. The animal trainer was very brave and spectators applauded a lot. There were also bears riding bicycles and dogs playing football. After the performance we took our coats and went home. On the way home we discussed the performance and everything that we had seen in the circus. I liked the visit to the circus very much. или Circus - this is areal art, circus - is a great worker. Circus - this is the holidaypage in the history of art, because the circus - a celebration. Circus - this issomething with which you meet in childhood. This is the first art that goes into the mind of man, beginning his life.
The word "circus" comes from the Latin - "circle", the main working area of the circus is a circular arena. Circus - an art form that includes genres horse riding,musical clowns, clowning, gymnastics, mime, juggling, acrobatics, training of animals, illusionism and has a long and interesting history.

+ 0 -
07 мая 2015 г., 8:45:14 (9 лет назад)

Circus - this is areal art,circus - is a great worker.Circus - this is theholiday page in the history of art, becausethe circus - a celebration.Circus - this is something with which you meet in childhood. This is the first art that goes into themind of man, beginninghis life.


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Используйте вспомогательные глаголы: do, don’t, had, has, hasn’t, have been, is, will, would have

Образец: John has left home. He is living in Italy now.

1. We ........ waiting for hours, but he still ............ phoned.

2. You ......... met her, if you .............come earlier.

3. ...............you still work in the shop, or ..........you got another job now?

4. I ............want to be late, so I ...........have to take a taxi.

А теперь сделайте то же со следующими глаголами:

5. ............. shout! You ............. wake the baby.

6. We ............ still working. We ............. finished yet.

7. I ...............going to write to you, but I .......... have time.

8. I wish I ............ seen John and Mary while they ...........staying here.

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Напишите плиз проект 'школа моей мечты' на английском языке . Требования: 1.Написать около 12 предложений (не меньше ,но и желательно не


2.Предложения чтоб не были маленькие.

3.Не и скать в поисковиках эту тему (не приму).

4.Текст должен быть примерно уровня 8 класса.

5.А также с сочинением, должен быть на русском языке перевод.

Помогите написать сочинение о себе, на английском языке. Нужно написать примерно такое (я просто не знаю как правильно это записать на английском, гугл

не прокатит):
Меня зовут Юля. Мне 15 лет, я учусь в девятом классе. Я увлекаюсь рисованием, окончила художественную школу. Еще я очень люблю читать и слушать музыку. Я очень рассеянная, но я стараюсь учится. Я дружелюбная, и веселая, но немного обидчивая. У меня короткие прямые волосы по плечи. Я не высокая,у меня нормальное телосложение.

Помогите пожалуйста. Нужно составить сочинение на английском языке по теме "ЭКОЛОГИЯ". Небольшое где-то 8 предложений.

Что бы можно было выучить. Выручайте, друзья. Можно написать об охране природы или что захотите но на английском языке. Времени нету на это задание!

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