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Укажите Предложение с герундием

5-9 класс

А) I prefer walking in the forest
B) As a rule Michael walks after busy day
C). I know that girl walking down the street
D). We are walking along the streets now
E). Ann likes to walk in the morning

Copkonat 23 янв. 2015 г., 19:03:06 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
23 янв. 2015 г., 21:37:55 (9 лет назад)

А) I prefer walking in the forest


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Как произносится слова

What"s this?
It"s a pen.
A pen? A pen!
What"s this?
It"s a rubber.
A rudder? A rudder!
What"s this?
It"s a pencil.
A pencil? A pencil!

Читайте также

Укажите предложение, в котором неУкажите предложение, в котором не допущено ошибки: А. Do she often meet your friends? Б. He usually read newspapers

every evening. В. The walls in this house is white. Г. What language does she speak?Укажите предложение, в котором не допущено ошибки: А. We often speaks English in class. Б. What language does she learn? В. What does he reading now? Г. Where are you work?Укажите предложение, в котором допущены ошибки: А. What does she like to do in the morning? Б. Does he learn English or does he already know it well?

укажите предложение с герундием

1.we are reading now.
2.this book is very intreresting.
3.children like running.
4.there are many rooms in this building.

Молю о помощи !!! нужно в ближайший час!(((((((( VI. Определите, каким членом предложения является герундий:

1. Henry didn't feel like being kilted.
2. He avoided speaking to me.
3. Judy had an opportunity of speaking to Daddy.

VII. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. I like George but I think he tends to talk too much.
2. You seem to have lost your weigh.
3. I wouldn't dare to ask him.

VIII. Определите, каким членом предложения является инфинитив:
1. Can you show me how to use this washing machine?
2. To get this job was his last chance.
3. Do you know what to do if there's a fire in the building?

IX. Поставьте глагол в правильную форму - герундий или инфинитив.
1. I don't recommend eating / to eat in that restaurant. The food is awful.
2. Where would you recommend me going / to go for my holidays.
3. The film was very sad. It made me crying / to cry.

Помогите! По какому принципу составлено предложение?

(например: Steve enjoys playing football - в предложении присутствует герундий...)
1. Stuart left the garage and walked back home.
2. He has been playing the dombra for 15 minutes.
3. We must look after the animals we have left, before it is too late.
4. Whales`cannot swallow anything larger than an apple.
5. The largest saguaros are about 200 years old and weigh more than 908 kg
6. Were there many people at the party?
7. What do you prefer, going to the cinema or watching films on TV?
8. She was not too unhappy because she had not earned much money with the group

Определите, какие прилагательные в предложении употребляются в нужной степени сравнения (True), а какие нет (False).

Baseball is the popularest summer sport in America. False
Be activer at your lessons, please.
Can you come more early next time?
Do you know the shortest way to the station?
He makes more mistakes than you do.
He said that money was the most important to him.
I'm busier than my little sister.
I've got a headache. Be quieter, please.
It's the most sharp pencil I have.
London is more old than New York.
Mary's answer is correcter than yours.
She is the most pretty girl I've ever known.
Soon it began to get more darker and it was time to go back home. False
The boy is as taller as his father.
This exercise is more difficult than that one.
Yesterday he started to feel more bad.
You should be carefuler.

2. Укажите предложение с верным порядком слов. Often ― the cinema ― the Smiths ― to ― go.

The Smiths go to the cinema often.
The Smiths often go to the cinema.

3. Укажите предложение с верным порядком слов. Round ― at ― wardrobe ― wooden ― they ― a ― large ― sat.

They sat at a large round wooden wardrobe.
They sat at a large wooden round wardrobe.
They sat at a round large wooden wardrobe.

4. Укажите предложение с верным порядком слов. Doing - boy - what - this - is?

What is doing this boy?
What is this boy doing?
What this boy is doing?

5. Укажите предложение с верным порядком слов. The news ― yesterday ― saw ― television ― I ― on.

I saw on television the news yesterday.
I yesterday saw the news on television.
Yesterday I saw the news on television.

6. Определите слова и предложения, необходимые по смыслу.

Many people find that with the high cost of living, particularly in terms of rent or buying property, one ... is simply not enough.
The cost of bringing the wrong person on a board is sometimes ... .
The idea of having one job, and that ..., has gone.
The research has shown that most decision-makers make their hiring decision … of the interview.
When a company needs ..., it may decide to advertise the job or the position in the "NEED HELP" section of a newspaper.
Years ago, employers looked for … - has the candidate done it before?

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