Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 983 ответов!

Запиши вопросы.

1-4 класс

Mag walked in the park.
Where did_______________
The weather was fine.
Max will ride his bike next Sunday.
When will________________
Mag waters the flowers every morning.
What does______________
Max liked his scooter and shared it with me.
What did________________

Lina9876 20 марта 2014 г., 16:26:39 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
20 марта 2014 г., 17:43:28 (10 лет назад)

1. Where did Mag walk ?
2. Was the weather fine ?
3. When will Max ride his bike ?
4. What does Mag do every morning ?
5. What did Max like and share with me ?

+ 0 -
20 марта 2014 г., 18:24:14 (10 лет назад)

Where did  Mark walk?
Was the weather fine?
When will Max ride his bike?
What does Mag do every morning?
What did Max do?


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Запиши вопросы:

1)Mag walked in the park.Вопрос:

2)The weather was fine.Вопрос:

3)Max will ride bike next Sunday.Вопрос:

4)Mag waters the flowers every morning.Вопрос:

5)Max liked his scooter and shared it with me.Вопрос:

(заранее благодарна)

Расставь слова в нужном порядке запиши предложения вот слова:1)are no house our in pantries There

2)a with shares He room friend his
3)his Is hall in a flat there?
4)you a own Have room got of your?
Запиши вопросы на которые отвечала Джилл
1)There is a nica picture on the table
2)There are a lot of postcards on the table
3)There is a new computer in the roo,
4)There are a lot of old things in the pantry

Привет ребята зделайте задание мне к завтро умоляю!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Прочитай ответы хоббита запиши вопросы которые были

заданы репортёром Хоббит: 1)I usally wear a suit and a shirt 2)No,I don`t wear any. 3)Yes,I have some umbrellas. 4)I bought this nice raincoat last autumn. 5)Yes,I have some. 6)I`ll buy some T-shirts in London. 7)I think it suits me Репортёр: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Это вопросы на ответ придумать

Надо задать такой вопрос чтобы на него можно было ответить этими перечисленными ответами. Запиши вопросы. 1) Mag walked in the park


2) Max will ride his bike next Sunday


3) The weather was fine


4) Mag waters the flowers every morning


5)Max liked his scooter and shared it with me


Запиши вопросы.

1)Mag (Это имя) walked in the park.
Where did _______________________
2) The weather was fine.
3)Max will ride his bike next Sundey.
When will__________________
4)Mag waters the flowers every morning.
What does______________________
5) Max liked his scooter and shared it with me.
What did_____________________
Помогите плиз) Заранее спасибо) (_______ это продолжение вопроса)

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