Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 983 ответов!

Articles: 10. My uncle was operated yesterday. He is still in ... hospital. I'm going to ... hospital

5-9 класс

to see him.

11. ... life will be very different in ... future.

12. ... villages-in this part of ... country near ... Thames are very beautiful.

13. ... Nightingales belonged to ... highest social class of ... England.

14. What do you call ... people of ... China? - ... Chinese.

15. ... man must do everything possible to save ... environment and ... life on ... planet of Earth.

16. ... English language was brought onto ... British Isles in ... middle of ... fifth century by ... Angles, Saxons and Jutes who came there from ... North of ... Germany.

17. Near ... British Museum you can see the tall building of ... University of London.

18. ... Statue of Liberty was ... gift of friendship from ... France to ... United States.

Carser657 12 мая 2014 г., 20:32:30 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
12 мая 2014 г., 21:44:20 (10 лет назад)

я буду писать артикли только. 

10. x,the

11. x,x

12. the, the, x


14. x,x,the



(x-ничего не ставится)


Другие вопросы из категории

Поместите глаголы в скобках в Пассивное Настоящее совершенное или пассивный Past Perfect очень нужно помогите если есть добрые люди 1.the said

the medicine (to prescribe)by the doctor

2.He understood that the house(to rob)by the thieves

3.She said he(to see)the night before wirh a pretty girl in the club

4.He said that his Walkman (to give)to him By his mother as a Christmas

Читайте также

помогите пожалуйста поставить глаголы в скобках в правильное время: Present Perfect or Past Simple1. I (shout) at them and they (run) away.

2. What's the best film you ever (see)!
3. Simon is not at home. He (go) to a football match.
4. It was such a wonderful performance that we (applaud) for fifteen minutes.
5. Why do you look so sad? Anything (happen)!
6. Jaime lives in Venezuela; he never (see) snow.
7. I (not/wake) at 7 o'clock yesterday, because my mother (not/be) at home.
8. Anyone (see) my dictionary? I can't find it.
9. A lot of rain (fall) last week.
10. When I (get) home late yesterday evening my dad (be)
very angry.
11. I (know) Helen for 10 years. We (study) at university together. She was one of the best students.
12. Alexander Fleming (invent) penicillin in 1928.
13. The house they (buy) looks much larger than ours.
14. I (order) a taxi to take me to the airport. So we'll be on time.
15. You (cut) your finger! How it (happen)!
16. Peter (not/eat) all the bread and butter, he (leave) some on the plate.
17. He (be) interested in jazz ever since he (leave) school.
18. We (have) a lovely time in Wales. - So you (enjoy) your holiday, didn't you?
19. I (use) to like swimming but I don't now.
20. I never (see) so many beautiful girls as here at the party.
21. My elder brother (have) a car for two years already. He (buy) it in France.
22. Jane (recover) yet? - No, she is still in hospital.
23. My watch (stop). I must take it to the watchmaker's.
24. Shakespeare (be) born in 1564 and (die) in 1616.
25. We (run) out of sugar. Can you go and get some from the shop?
26. My brother is an actor. He already (appear) in several films.
27. What your father (give) you for your last birthday?
28. You (see) Tom? - Yes, I (to talk) with him an hour ago.
29. Are you the boy whose dog (make) a terrible noise at night? - I'm sorry, but you are mistaken, sir. I never (own) a dog.
30. What (happen) there? - The dog (bite) the boy when he entered the garden.

Find and correct mistakes in the following sentences

1 -how are you do? - quite well, thank you.
2 Let me to introduce myself . My name's Alex Frolov
3 He is fond in computers
4 My best friend isn't interested at graffiti arts
5 He's crazy of programming
6 I'm really well at Chemistry
7 Mark is a student of technology. He's a technician
8 My mother's friend is a doctor. She is a physicist

составьте вопросы с хвостиками.

1. He's still sleeping,
2.You do go to scholl,
3. Let's go for a walk,
4.We won't be late,
5. Nobody called,

1 My uncle ___ a yacht last week.

A did buy B bought C buyed

2 She ___ French when she was at school.

A study B did study C studied

3 I ___ the bills last month.

A didn’t pay B didn’t paid C payed

4 ___ a new TV program yesterday?

A Watched you B Did you watch C Did you watched

5 It was my brother’s birthday on Sunday, so I ___ him a postcard.

A sent B send C sended

6 We ___ last night due to the nasty weather.

A didn’t went out B did go out C didn’t go out

7 Who ___ the first airplane?

A did invented B did invent C invented

8 My grandfather ___ violin very well when he was young.

A can play B could play C could played

9 We ___ a lot last year.

A did travel B travelled C did travelled

10 When ___ Maria?

A did you last see B did you last saw C you last saw

11 We ___ to sell our old house and buy a new one.

A did decide B did decided C decided

12 I ___ when I was getting off the bus.

A slipped B sliped C did slip

13 How much time ___ in Germany last month?

A did you spend B did you spent C did you spended

14 John was so thirsty that he ___ two glasses of water.

A drink B drank C drinked

15 It was hot, so I ___ the window.

A did open B open C opened

16 Sandra ___ her English exam successfully yesterday.

A passed B pased C did pass

17 When ___ your new garage?

A did you built B did you build C you built

18 The film was boring. I ___ it.

A enjoy B didn’t enjoyed C didn’t enjoy

19 Nobody ___ while we were having dinner.

A didn’t phone B phoned C did phone

20 We ___ a nice time at seaside last summer.

A had B did have C haved

21 My dad ___ when he was little.

A didn’t smoked B not smoked C didn’t smoke

22 ___ any museums when you were in England?

A Visited you B Did you visited C Did you visit

23 Rosa was sleeping when somebody ___ on the door.

A did knock B knocked C did knocked

24 My mother was very tired, so she ___ to bed early last night.

A went B go C did go

25 He never ___ long distances when he was a child.

A runned B ran C didn’t run

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