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составить 7 слов much

5-9 класс

Kristina0000000001 17 апр. 2015 г., 12:16:32 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
17 апр. 2015 г., 12:55:10 (9 лет назад)

much bread
much coffee
much information
much cheese
much milk
much knowledge
much time


Другие вопросы из категории

подскажите как по английскому будет русский язык


IX. Use the verbs of command: A. 1.... here! 2.... to the table! 3.... the book! 4.... the bag. 5. ... the door! 6.... at my cat! B. 1.... not... the

book. 2.... not... down,... here. 3.... not ... at Ann. 4.... not... to the door. 5. ... not... my pen.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1 A(n)____________ film doesn’t have real people in it. 2 In a ____________ film a

lot of people usually die because of a terrible event like a storm or a fire.

3 A ____________ film is usually about the future.

4 In ____________ the actors have to act, sing and dance.

5 A ____________ is about a certain part of America.

Mark /5

4 Complete the sentences with the correct words in the box.

gripping violent moving horror entertaining

1 The film was so ____________ that I cried at the end.

2 ____________ films give me bad dreams.

3 I couldn’t switch off the TV because the film was so ____________.

4 I like films that are ____________ for the whole family.

5 My mum refuses to watch ____________ films because she doesn’t like all the fighting.

Читайте также

Составьте, пожалуйста, слово из букв srki-kitgan. Тема: "Hobbies & Personalities".

Фото задания и слов из темы:⤵️

VARIANT 1 Task I. Вставьте нужный предлог: for, in, at, from, on, with. 1. He lives ___ the for


2. I like to play ___ my doll.

3. Mr. Rule is ___ England.

4. Children go to the park ___ Monday.

5. Dad drinks coffee ___ breakfast.

6. We do not go to school ___ Sundays.

Task II. Make up questions:

1. like, what, to, do, you, do?

2. where, you, like, do, play, to?

3. you, have, what, at, got, home?

4. Bob, a, ride, where, does, bike?

5. do, you, park, the, in, walk?

6. does, when, have, he, supper?

Task III. Make up questions:

1. Yes, they are. They are students.

2. No, I can not. I can not fly.

3. No, we do not. We do not read.

4. Yes, I am. I am a pupil.

5. Yes, he does. He draws well.

6. No, she has not. She has not got a pig.

7. No, they must not. They must not run.

Task IV. Make up negative sentences:

1. He can read.

2. She is sad.

3. I am a pupil.

4. They are students.

5. We have got a cat.

6. She has got an envelope.

7. Oleg runs well.

8. They go home.

9. I must sleep.

10. You may go.

Task V. Выберите правильный перевод словосочетания:

1. girls’ ball

a) мяч девочек; b) мяч девочки

2. boy’s stamps

a) марки мальчика; b) марки мальчиков

3. pupils’ pens

a) ручки учеников; b) ручки ученика

4. teacher’s pencil

a) карандаш учителя; b) карандаш учителей

Task VI. Выберите нужное слово: much (a), many (b).

1. honey 3. bag 5. sweet 7. orange 2. pencil 4. meat 6. soup 8. tea

Task VII. Образуйте множественное число существительных:

tomato, pen, child, tooth, woman, toy, sheep, family, wolf

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