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60 БАЛЛОВ! 7 предложений Zero Conditional . Например: If I have money I buy a new car.

5-9 класс

Resewa 25 нояб. 2014 г., 18:11:06 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
25 нояб. 2014 г., 21:04:48 (9 лет назад)

Dan will help you to repair the computer if you ask him.
We will play tennis tomorrow if the weather is good.
I will go to the cinema with you if I do my homework.
If I see Mary, I will give her your message.
If it doesn't rain, we will go roller-skating in the park.
If I go to London, I will visit Madame Tussaud's museum for sure.
If Ben misses the 8 o'clock commuter train, he will be late for work.


Другие вопросы из категории

Завтра сдаю помогите очень надо

раскройте скобки , употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен
Present continuous
present simple
Past simple или future simple

Match the sentences in the and in the right columns

1.It's late. a) Turn on the light.
2.It's cold b)We must go home .
3.It's dark c)We can go for a walk.
4.It's light d)Where is my warm sweater?

Читайте также

помогите пожалуйста WRITING I Choose the correct answer 1 If you drop the vase my mother … you. a) punishes b)

will punish c) would punish

2 If she … not so slowly she would enjoy the party.

a) were b) is c) will be

3 If we had a chicken we … it.

a) cooked b) would cook c) were cooking

4 If you … my library book I will have to buy a new one.

a) will lose b) lost c) lose

5 If she … you were in hospital she would have visited you.

a) had known b) knew c) would have known

6 If I have a computer I … Computer Studies.

a) would learn b) will learn c) learn

7 If the weather had been nice we … go on excursion.

a) went b) would have gone c) will go

8 If I … you I would visit Jane yesterday.

a) was b) had been c) were

II Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct tenses

1 If he (eat) all that he will be ill.

2 If he had known the whole story he (not be) so angry.

3 If we had more rain our crops (grow) faster.

4 If you (paint) the walls white the room would be much brighter.

5 Ice (turn) the water if you heat it.

6 If she knew that it was dangerous she (not come).

7 I (take) a taxi if I had realised that it was such a long way.

8 The police (arrest) him if they catch him.

III Form the right type of the conditionals

1 If you (go) to bed earlier you (not fee) so tired.

2 If you (come) to my place I (show) you my collection.

3 If I (know) her well I (phone) her at home.

4 If she (not drive) so fast she (not crash).

5 If he (love) her he (stay) with.

Prepare a two-minute talk about friends. Include: If you have a lot ofPrepare a two-minute talk about friends. Include:

If you have a lot of friends-
Why your friends are important to you-
What qualities you look for in friends-
What you usually do with your friends .
Не менее 10 предложений, пожалуйста.

Вот фото раскройте скобки!!! 1. If you (not be) busy, we could go for a walk.2. If I (have) enough money, I would have taken a taxi.3. If I were you, I

(buy) a new suit.4. If I (be) interested in the film, I would have gone to the cinema.5. If we (not take) the wrong turning, we wouldn’t have arrived late.6. If he had more time, he (take) up tennis.7. You could have come first if you (run) faster.8. If she (not have) a car, we would have to go by bus.9. What (do) if you lost your job?10. If I (not feel) tired, I would have gone to bed later.11. If Bruce had asked me, I (say) ‘yes’.12. If I (not take) an umbrella, I would have got wet.13. If he knew that it was dangerous, he (not come).14. If someone (give) you a helicopter, what would you do with it?15. They (not miss) the plane if they hadn’t woken up late.16. If you (ask), I could have told you the answer.17. I could help you with the text if I (know) Greek.18. If only he had asked, I (help) him.19. If I (invite) to my friend’s party, I would never dress casually.20. If she (pass) her driving test, she would have bought a car.

Помогите срочно нужно!!!!!! Exercise 32.Put theПомогите срочно нужно!!!!!!

Exercise 32.

Put the verbs into correct tenses.

1. He got to the station in time to catch the train. If he____(miss) it, he____(be) late for his interview.
2. It was a traffic jarn. It____(be) quicker if I _____(walk).
3. I hadn't his address in New York. If I____(know) I_____(visit) him.
4. It was late at night. I_____(get) a taxi if I_____(have) money.
5. She didn't like her holiday. If the weather_____(be) better she_____(enjoy) it more.
6. He was very hungry. If he_____(eat) his breakfast he______(not/feel) hungry.
7. The guests were unexpected. It____(be) better if they_____(tell) about their visit.
8. I felt sick after the party. If I____(not/eat) so much my stomach____(not/ache).
9. I decided to stay at home last night. I_____(go) out if I_____(not/be) so tired.
10. The view was wonderful. If I_____(have) a camera I_____(take) some photos.

В каждом предложении 3-й тип.

Tell the class about your plans for next summer in two or three sentences. Use these ideas for help if you have to.

Model: If I have enough time, 111 catch up with my school work. I hope it's

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