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10-11 класс

.....................bike is great ,Katya. Is it new?

Alenakalt 31 дек. 2014 г., 20:39:42 (9 лет назад)
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31 дек. 2014 г., 23:14:23 (9 лет назад)

you bike is great ,Katya. Is it new ? 

Тут нужно вставить местоимение " 


Другие вопросы из категории

Проверьте, правильно ли, если есть ошибки - исправьте. There are different kinds of weather: sunny, rainy, snowy, windy. My favorite

weather - warm and sunny, when the breeze sways the branches of trees. In the summer it is often heatwave and after that it is usually downpour and I like it. Also I like photographing bolts of lightning. After the shower there is clean, fresh air and scorching sun ceases to torment people.

I do not like winter and snowy weather, because it's cold. Often there are storms, blizzards, gales which I hate. The sky is overcast and sun rays can get through the clouds very rarely. The nastiest weather –it is sleet. Shoes, clothes become wet and at this time it is very easy to get sick.

Переведите пожалуйста! хоть по абзацу. Срочно очень!!! только не промт. красивый перевод литературный нужен. может у кого есть


Economics is a science that analyses what, how, and for whom society pro-duces. The central economic problem is to reconcile the conflict between peo-ple's unlimited demands with society's ability to produce goods and services.

In industrial Western countries markets are to allocate resources. The market is the process by which production and consumption are co¬ordinated through prices.

In a command economy, a central planning office makes decisions on what, how, and for whom to produce. Economy cannot rely entirely on command, but there was extensive planning in many Soviet bloc countries.

A free market economy has no government intervention. Resources are allocated entirely through markets.

Modern economies in the West are mixed and rely mainly on the market but with a large doze of government intervention. The optimal level of government intervention remains a problem which is of interest to economists.

The degree of government restrictions differs greatly between countries that have command economies and countries that have free market economies. In the former, resources are allocated by central government planning. In the latter, there is not any government regulation of the consumption, production, and exchange of goods. Between the two main types lies the mixed economy where market and government are both of importance.


Here is a part of a television programme about inflation and prices in the U.K.
The prices are for a pound of food, not a kilo. A pound is about 450 grams.

The reporter:
Inflation in Britain is running at about 15 per cent. These figures don't seem to mean very much, but when you look at the price of food, you understand what inflation means to the ordinary person. These are the prices you have to pay in the supermarket. Flour is 40 pence a pound and rice is 50. For a pound of sugar you'll have to pay 15 pence. Compare that with the price of sugar four years ago and you can see a real price difference.
Tomatoes are 1 pound sterling that's because it's a little early for tomatoes at the moment. Potatoes are 30 pence a pound. Peas and beans are 60 and 90, apples are 75. Onions are 60 pence a pound, bananas 50 and and sausages, the children's favourite, are 2 pounds sterling. Cheese has reached incredible 3 pounds sterling a pound, and if you follow me over here to the meat counter, you'll see a lot more. London has been truly called the most expensive city in the world, though, like all other cities, if you know your way around, you can always find lower prices than people normally pay. Transport is expensive in London compared with other places. The fares on the underground and taxi fares are very high.
Some things are really expensive, accommodation for instance.
Telephone calls to another London number, to say nothing about long distance calls, are rather expensive.
And clothes?.. It's difficult to find an average price for clothes, because there is a big difference in the price range, depending on the kind of shop you buy your clothes in and what quality you buy.

ребят переведите пожалуйста на английский

каждый человек, оканчивающий школу, сталкивается с проблемой выбора своей будущей профессии. Кто-то решает тот вопрос достаточно быстро,а некоторые даже на последних порах не знают на кого пойти учиться.

В нашем мире очень много интересных и занимательных профессий, таких, что каждый найдет себе работу по душе.Самые распространенные профессии: актер, библеотекарь, инженер, тракторист,коструктор, кондуктор, шофер, офицер, машинист, программист. На эти профессии всегда будет особый спрос.

Читайте также

Вставить местоимения по смыслу: 1)She washed___ hands and face. 2)We invited Liz to stay with___in__house. 3)Do you know that

man?-Yes,I w\know ____/

4)That is his book/Give ___to him

5)Peter likes to eat ___breakfast is always big.

6)The bag is heavy . What is there in____?

7)Look at them!___are playing like kids.

8)Are___ateacher?-No,___am not .

9)They live in the country___house isn't big , but____is comfortable

10Jeans always stay in fashion .People like___.

Вставьте местоимение, определите его тип.

1. Ann likes Bill, but he doesn‟t like ... .
2. My brother is on a business trip now. ... is a company manager.
3. The students ask .... questions at the lesson. They want to know everything.
4.You do not make ...mistakes in your spelling. Do you work hard at it?
- Oh, yes, I do.
5. I looked at … in the mirror.
6. Walk quicker, please. We have very ... time.
7. It‟s dark. I cannot see … .
8. Tom lives … near London.

Помогите пожалуйста вставить местоимения (someone (somebody), anyone (anybody), something, anything, nobody (no one), nothing, somewhere,

anywhere, nowhere.)

1. It's too dark here. I can't see ... . 2. Can I do ... for you? 3. They went... at all during the holiday. 4. It was very disappointing. Absolutely ... happened. 5. I want to tell you ... . 6. Did you turn the oven off? I think I can smell... burning. 7. It was quiet in the room.... said anything. 8. Has ... seen Paul today? 9. Was there ... interesting in the pa­per yesterday? 10. ... likes to stay in town on a hot day. 11. Everyone was listening to the guide. ... said anything.

12. Speak louder. I don't hear .... 13. Is ... going to see the house today? 14. Are you going ... today? - No, I am not going... today. I am too tired. 15.... understood the rule and the teacher had to explain it again. 16. I know ... at all. 17.1 can't add ... to what I've said. 18. There is ... waiting for you in the lobby. 19.1 don't want... to eat. 20. He looked at my pictures but didn't say .... 21. The accident looked serious. Fortunately ... was injured. 22. That's a very easy question. ... can answer it. 23. There is ... interesting at his exhibition. 24.1 don't think there is ... in the office. 25.1 am bored. I'd like to go ... tonight. 26.1 left the house without saying ... to her. 27. He's lazy. He never does .... 28. She's standing over there, near the bookshop. I think she is waiting for ... - 29.1 can't find my watch .... I've looked all over the house. 30. The bus was completely empty. There wasn't... on it. 31. It's a stupid idea. Ask ... and they will tell you. 32.1 don't know ... who speaks Chinese.

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