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Write sentences with

10-11 класс


АМИ2002 23 мая 2013 г., 9:25:16 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
23 мая 2013 г., 10:12:54 (11 лет назад)

1. itself
2. ourselves
3. itself
4. by ourselves
5. yourself
6. (by) myself


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Пожалуйста помогите кто сможет)))

Задание 1. Выполните тестовые задания по грамматике. Правильный ответ можно
подчеркнуть или выделить цветом.
Какая форма глагола является верной:
1. The secretary ... very busy every day.
- am
- will be
- is
Какая форма глагола является верной:
2. I ... responsible for the overall running the company.
- is
- am
- were
Какая форма глагола является верной:
3. The chief accountant... very good at making reports.
- is
- will be
- are
Какой вспомогательный глагол является верным:
4. Where ... the business partners usually change one currency to another?
- are
- does
- do
Какой вспомогательный глагол является верным:
5. Who ... in charge of the business plan?
- does
- is
- are
Какой вспомогательный глагол является верным:
6. What ... the international currency market consist of?
- is
- does
- do
Какое продолжение верное. Закончите вопрос:
7. You want to call New York, ...?
- don’t you
- doesn’t
- aren’t you
Какой предлог является правильным
8. Many of Europe's great cathedrals were built... the Middle Ages,
- at
- in
- on
Какой предлог является правильным
9. My birthday is … Friday.
- on
- in
- at
Какой предлог является правильным
10. I’ll meet him … the station
- on
- at
- in
Какой предлог является правильным
11. The sun ruses … the morning.
- in
- at
- on
12.One week at the Pyramid Hotel costs … than one week at the Sphinx Hotel.
- much
- most
- more
Какая форма прилагательного является подходящей:
13. Three star’ hotel is always … than, two star’ hotel.
- more expensive
- expensive
- expensivest
Какая форма прилагательного является подходящей:
14. They say the Central Park is … than the Sokolniki Park.
- more beautiful
- the beautifuliest
- most beautiful
15. There are … new figures on my computer’s display.
- any
- something
Какой из данных вариантов верный?
16. I’ve got … copybooks.
- some
- something
- anything
Какой из данных вариантов верный?
17. I haven’t got … books.
- some
- any
- anything
Какая форма глагола правильная в придаточном предложении, учитывая
правила согласования времен
18. My friend promised that he ... the following month.
- comes
- came
- would come
Какая форма глагола правильная в придаточном предложении, учитывая
правила согласования времен
19. She tells me that she ... today.
- is busy
- will be busy
- would be busy
Какая форма глагола правильная в придаточном предложении, учитывая
правила согласования времен
20. I'm sure that you ... in some days.
- recover
- recovered
- will recover
Какая форма глагола правильная в следующих условных предложениях
21. If we disturb you, we ... the tape-recorder off.
- will switch
- switch
- switched
Какая форма глагола правильная в следующих условных предложениях
22. I would have zone to the party, if someone ... me about it earlier.
- tells
- would tell
- had told
Какая форма глагола правильная в следующих условных предложениях
23. If she doesn't come soon, we ... the train.
- missed
- miss
- will miss

Вставьте much, many, little, few, a little, a few: 1. There were … museums in our city. 2. It was

cold outside and very … people came to the lecture.

3. Give me … water, please.

4. You spend too … time with your boyfriend.

5. I’m a happy man, I’ve got … relatives.

Читайте также

Write sentences with similar meanings using the words in brackets. Model: I think wc need to solve this problem immediately,

(deal with) — i think we need to deal with this problem immediately.

1. The technology, you invented, should be tested in our laboratory, (innovation)
2. Let's send our results to our colleagues and they will send their results to us. (exchange)
3.1 sometimes find it boring to spend time with people of my age. (peers)
4. We need to be patient and understanding with him. He is very tired, (tolerant) A
5. Communication is very quick nowadays, (instant)
6. A let of animal species are very difficult to find nowadays, (disappear) 7.1 think I should take part in this meeting, (participate)
8. They gave us access to secret information on their space programme, (make available)
9. A new corporation was founded yesterday, (establish)
10. This means of transportation is slow and expensive, (inefficient)
11. Have you got any local money on you? (currency)

Translate the sentences with the verbs "bring" and "join"1 У нее

Translate the sentences with the verbs "bring" and "join"
1 У нее не было матери, и ее воспитывала тетя, сестра матери. 2. Ветер с юга приносит теплый и влажный (humid) воздух. 3. Я давно не видела твоего сына, приведи его с собой в следующий раз.4.Мейбл волновалась, что она не может заставить себя выйти за него замуж через столько лет. 5. Ворота открылись, и рикши внесли стул, на котором сидела Мейбл. 6. Мы собирались на прогулку, и друзья присоединились к нам. 7. Он вступил в спортивный клуб, чтобы играть в теннис. 8. Официант принес вино и фрукты. 9. Она так волновалась, что не могла заставить себя есть. 10. Ветер принес дождь и шторм. 11. Он не хотел работать в шахте (mine), как его отец, и пошел в армию.

a) complete the definitions with who, which or where. It's the person _who_serves you in a cafe 1.They're

people____make you laugh.

2.It's a machine____cuts the grass.

3.It's an animal____lives in the sea and has eight legs.

4.It's a room_____people try on clothes.

5.He's the person____helps you with your luggage.

6.It's a kind of food____keeps vampires away.

b)Write sentences with who, witch or where

that / the dog / always barks at night

That's the dog which always barks at night.

1.she / the woman / lives next door to me

2.That / the shop / I bought my dress

3.He / the actor / was in Friends

4.They / the children / broke my window

5.This / the restaurant / they do great pasta

6.That / the switch / controls the central heati

7.He / the teacher / teaches my sister

8.That / the room / we have our meetings

Помогите изменить предложения!!! Write sentences with similar meanings using the words in brackets. Model: I think we need to solve

this problem immediately. (deal with)- I think we need to deal with this problem immediately.

1. the technology you invented should be tested in our laboratory. (innovation)

2. Let's send our results to our colleagues and they will send their recults to us. (exchange)

3. i sometimes find it boring to spend time with people of my age. (peers).

4. we need to be patient and understanding with him. He is very tired. (tolerant)

5. Communication is very quick nowadays. (instant)

6. A lot of animal species are very difficult to find nowadays. (disappear)

7. They gave us access to secret information on their space programme.(make available)

8. A new corporation was found yesterday( establish)

9. i think i should take part in this meeting (participate)

10. This means of transportation is slow and expensive (inefficient)

11. Have you got any local money on you? (currency)

What does Vera need? Write sentences with some or a

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