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a) make up the questions for a quiz. 1)Which / large / continent / world? 2)Which / far / plenet / from the sun? 3)Which / deep / okean / world?

5-9 класс

4)Where / the Eiffel Tower? 5)Where / the Statue of Liberty? 6)How many / continents? 7)What / the capital of Italy?

RILIR 16 сент. 2014 г., 13:20:05 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 сент. 2014 г., 14:58:15 (9 лет назад)

1)   Which is the  largest  continent in the world?

2)  Which planet is the furthest  from the Sun?

3)  Which ocean is the deepest in the  world?

4)  Where is the the Eiffel Tower situated?

5)  Where is the  Statue of Liberty situated?

6)  How many continents are there in the Earth?

7)  What is  the capital of Italy?


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перевод текста ,,a trip to the library"
Помогите перевести -привет -привет.Ты уже определилась со своей будущей профессией? -Да, я стану парикмахером. Я думаю, что это

очень интересная и творческая профессия. Я слышала, что ты хочешь в будущем поступить на юридический факультет?

-Да, я буду адвокатом, потому что эта профессия для меня очень интересна -Какими качествами по твоему мнению должен обладать хороший адвокат?

-Я думаю, он должен быть невозмутимым, справедливым, умным и честным. Почему ты выбрала именно профессию парикмахер?

-Мне нравится работать с людьми, делать разные интересные прически. С какими преступлениями ты планируешь работать?

-Я хочу защищать и помогать другим людям. хочешь ли ты в будущем открыть свой салон?

-Когда я наберу достаточно опыта, я открою свой бизнес.

-Из-за чего ты решила быть парикмахером?

-Когда то я этим заинтересовалась, и эта работа показалась мне прекрасной. я думаю, что ты станешь очень успешным адвокатом и поможешь многим людям.

Читайте также

What were Betsy and her friends doing at her birthday partu? Make upWhat were Betsy and her friends doing at her birthday partu? Make up one

sentence ouf of two.
1. Betsy s mother (set) the table with a birthday cake. Emily and Rich (have) tea with sandwiches._______________________________________________________________
2. Betsy s dad (scoose) a CD for musikal chairs. Susie, Kim and Aleck (sing) a song to music______________________________________________
3. Susie, Kim and Aleck (sing) a Happu Birthday sond. Betsy (listen) to them carefully.______________________________________________
4. Janet,Neil, Neiiy and Jennifer (play) pass the parcel. Tom (watch)the game with great interest.______________________________________________________________________
5. Mike (make) up birthday poem for betsy. the other children (have fun)________________

6. Betsy (have) a birthday party. Her grandparents and other relatives (call) her all the time/_________________________________________________________

1. Make up adjectives using -able, -ive, -ful, -ly, -(i)an, -al, -ing.

Enjoy, friend, love, beauty, create, care, talk, help, Russia, music.

2. Put the verbs into the correct form (Present Simple or Present Continuous).
1. I (not read) the historical article now.
2. He always (take) part in different teenagers’ competitions.
3. My mother (be) a famous singer.
4. Tony and Jack (answer) the questions for the Young Photographers’ Competition.
5. Sandy (get up), (wash) her face, (do) her morning exercises and (go) to school every day.

3. Complete the sentences using ing-form where necessary.
1. I can (read) English texts fluently.
2. My brother likes (play) football.
3. Do you mind (close) the door? It is cold in the room.
4. Her uncle gave up (smoke) lately.
5. Jack hates (do) his homework.

4. Write dates and numbers in words.
1. 1,879 2. 345 3. 1983 4. 2003

5. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:
1. means of communication 2. screen
3. winner 4. chance in a million
5. be in luck 6. miss one’s chance
7. mouse pad 8. waste of time
9. it’s worth doing 10. twice

Помогите пожалуйста рябят очень нужно !!!!! Put the words in the correct order to make up the questions and answer them . 1) from / suffer/you/allerge/do

? 2.your/deal/relatives/allergies/do/with? 3.allergic/ are/ what/to/they? 4.year/time/bad/do/of/what/allergies/get/the/their? 5.do/carry/with/on/what/routine/to/they/their/daily/do?

Ребят,очень срочно! Для тех,кто нормально знает английский. (Нужно задать вопрос исходя от этих предложений) Eсли можно вопросы с переводом.

These are answer to several questions. Make up the questions.

1.No,it was an unusual name.

2.Each one got a silver penny.

3.They bought clothes and some beautiful things.

4.Because it cost a lot more than a silver penny

5.Because he was a handy boy.

6.He went to seek his fortune.

7.In the midst of the valley.

8.Because they had no time to talk.

9.People had called her Lady Littlecare.

10.His broken fiddle.

11.It began to shine.

12.They stopped working

13.She had golden hair,laughing eyes and cheeks like summer roses.

14. A white bird.

15.The king's first fiddler.

Заранее спасибо!:)

В Write the questions for the answers.

1. ...when she heard a strange noise?
2. ...when she heard it again?
3. What...?
4. ... when she looked into the room?
5. ... when Mrs Larkin saw him?
6. .. . when the robber ran out of the house?
a) Mrs Larkin was making tea.
b) Mrs Larkin was in the garden.
c) The name of her neighbours is the MacWizards.
d) She saw the robber,
е) The robber was looking for something,
f) She was standing next to The window.

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