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Задайте вопрос.Начните вопрос со слова в скобках...

5-9 класс

His niece has been to the cinema four times this month .

Виктория200223 19 июля 2014 г., 3:15:53 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
19 июля 2014 г., 4:19:31 (9 лет назад)

Where has his niece been four times this month?


Другие вопросы из категории

Form the words as in the example.

Example = the textbooks of the pupil-the pupil^s textbooks
1) the letter of her fried-...
2) the nickname of her fried-
3) the photos of the teachers-
4) the sharpeher of his brother-
5) the felt-tip pens of their sons-
6) the cartridges of the children-
7) the computer of my parents-

Выберите правильные времена: простое настоящее или настоящее продолженное время.

1) Do you know that water (freezes\ is freezing) at- 4 degrees. 2) Sue (looks\is looking) very smart today: she (wears\is wearing)her new1) Do you know that water (freezes\ is freezing) at- 4 degrees. 2) Sue (looks\is looking) very smart today: she (wears\is wearing) her new black evening dress. ) Robert (plays\is playing) football best of all in the team. 4) I (do not eat ea\am not eating) honey: it always (makes\is making) me sick.

5-9 класс английский язык ответов нет

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Поставьте эти предложения в отрецательную форму.
1. There is a bookshelf by the window. - _______________________________________.
2/ There are two girls in the room. - ________________________________________.
3. There is an armchair by the table/ - _________________________________________.
4. There are two beds in the bedroom/ - ______________________________________.
Задайте вопросы, начиная со слов в скобках
1.There are six lamps in our house. ( How many) - ________________________________.
2. There is a wardrode in the living room. (How many) - _______________________________.
3. There are five chairs in the dining room. (What) - _______________________________.
4. There is a bed in the bedroom. (What) - _____________________________________.
Памогите, пожалуйста.

Для следующих предложениях задавать вопросы, начинающиеся со слов в скобках.

1)His family moved into Almaty from Semey two years ago. (Who?)
2) She started her business not so long ago. (What?)
3) At the start of her business no one helped her. (Did?)
4) If nothing unusual happens we shall move in the ordinary way. (Shall?)
5) After four year primary school he want secondary school. (Where?)
6) Primary and secondary schools together comprise eleven years of study (What?)
7) Education is compulsory for all children in the Republic of Kazakhstan (Is?)
8) A school year lasts 9 months. (How long)

Задайте вопросы .Начинайте ваши вопросы со слов в скобках. 1) Melissa has just fed her baby sister (Whom....) 2) I have

already been to London. (Where....)

3)The scientists haven t finished their experiments yet . (What....)

4) He has got several animals at home. (Who.....)

5) Alex and Jim watched these litle ones because they were too week to survive on their own (Why...)

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