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go to как переводится а то я забыла

5-9 класс

Missmalinki 14 окт. 2013 г., 1:30:45 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
14 окт. 2013 г., 3:34:39 (10 лет назад)

go to - переводится как идти ( в )

+ 0 -
14 окт. 2013 г., 4:11:36 (10 лет назад)

как я знаю идти или вперед!


Другие вопросы из категории

СРОЧНО ответить на вопросы по английски

1)Have you ever earned any money ? When was it ? What did you do? 2)Do you think teenagers should work and earn money? Why? 3)What can you see when you look from the window of your room? 4)What newspapers are published and sold at the place where you live? 5)What do you prefer to buy: cheap clothes that you can change rather often or expensive clothes that will last for longer time?Why? 6)Do you type your letters when you want to send them or do you generally write them ?Why? 7)Articles on what subjects interest you most?Where do you find them?

доска по английски 10 букв

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Вставьте вместо Троеточия слова 1. You ... go to the shops. I've already been. A Can't B mustn't C needn't

2. When I was young. I ... run very fast. A can't B can C could
3. ... you like another biscuit. A Shall B Will C Would
4. You ... take photography inside the museum. A Shall B mustn't C would
5. She's very short. She ... reach the top shelf. A Can't B could C must
6. ... we go to the theatre on Saturday. A shall B will C would
7. ... you help me with my homework, pleas? A Needn't B Shall C Will
8. I tried to open the door, but I ... do it. A Can B couldn't C could
9. It's cold outside. You .... wear you gloves. A must B can C mustn't
10. Policeman .... wear a uniform at work. A mustn't B needn't C have to

Эти задания взяты из какого-то учебника. Если найдете откуда это, то сообщить пожалуйста!

Сделайте пожалуйста,оценю за 30 ПК!!! I know the cat.It usially.......(sit) in the garden and ...............(watch) birds Don"t go to the park!


Don"t give it to the kitten now. It ........(sleep)

Take an umbrella. It..........(rain)

Let"s go to the park ang make a snowman. It.........(snow)

Put on your gloves. It..........(snow)

The kitten sometimes...........(play) with my shoes

It sometimes .....(rain) in August

It often.............(rain) in October

It usially..........(snow) in Febriary


что нужно вставить вместо пропусков? какие предлоги? 1)in 2) am 3)is 4)are I ....... going to visit Alice in the hospital.-Will

you go with me?

What ........ William going to do?-I don't know.

The students ...... going to arrange a concert for their parents

Why ......... John going to see a doctor?

We ......... going to take part in the project

ПЕРЕВОД ТЕКСТА. People travel for a lot of reasons and in different ways - by sea,by air, by bus.Some people go to see historical or religious places.Other

are looking for culture or art.But most Northern European tourist go to warm beaches in hot countries.They are ready to pay much money for the sun,because they have so little of it.Residents of cites like London spend a lot of their winter in the dark because the days are shortb and rainy.That is why the Maditerranean always attracts them.Every year millions of people travel to resorts and beaches of this sea for their vacation.They all come for the same reason;sun?Sun!

Перевод HOLIDAYS "Where are you going to spend your holidays?” Myshko asked his friends when they were on their way home from school.

*1 don't know,* Victor said, "my father and mother have not I decided yet. This evening we are going to speak about it" "But I know* Lora said, “we usually spend our holidays at the I seaside. We enjoy holidays at the Black Sea, we like to swim and I sunburn, and go on all kinds of interesting excursions.*

"We also go to the seaside in summer," Vira said, "but this I year my parents decided to spend our holidays in Kyiv."

"Oh, it’s wonderful! You'll see all the interesting places,

I exhibitions, museums, parks and theatres there," Myshko I said. "We were in Kyiv last summer, and we had a very good I time there."

"And where are you going to spend your holidays this I summer, Misha?" Vira asked.

«I.ll stay in town for a month and then ill go to my uncle. H e lives in a small village of Polissia."

“Why don t you ask me about my plans for the holidays ?" Serhiy asked.

Tell us. please!" all of them said ance.

“I have a cousin, who lives in Lviv. She is coming to stay with us this summer.”

"Then it’s very good. Let’s spend our time together.You and me and our cousin-Myshko said.

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