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... road shall we take ? There are two of them.

5-9 класс

A) Whom
B) Who
C )What
D )Which
E) Why

Валерия1796 06 окт. 2014 г., 4:52:14 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 окт. 2014 г., 6:01:17 (9 лет назад)

What road shall we take ? There are two of them.
Какую дорогу мы выберем? Их две.

+ 0 -
06 окт. 2014 г., 8:29:10 (9 лет назад)

... road shall we take? There are two of them.
A) Whom
B) Who
C )What
D )Which
E) Why


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1)Коли я прийшов додому,моя сестра слухала музику.
2)Вона була впевнена,що ми виграємо.
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We have a lot of space cities.The City of Stars is one of them.It is a very big city.Two thousand people live here.There are two spaceports in the

city.The first one is the main one and the second is an emergency one.You can get to any place in the city by teleportation or by railroad.The teleports are in every area.People travel by teleportation.The railroad is for transporting things. We want people to have a comfortable,healthy life in the city.There is a big zero-gravity sports centre and a stadium.People can play space volleyball,basketball or other games here. There are a lot of factories in the city where robots work.Rockets take minerals from nearby planets to the factories,and the fIf unfriendly alien spaceships come to the city,the lasers will exterminate them.actories make many useful things.The city Stars has also got factories,where robots and rockets are made and repaired.Nothing is thrown away in our city,everything is recycled. Lasers defend the city.-ОПРЕДЕЛИТЬ ВРЕМЕНА ПОКАЗАТЬ ПРИМЕРЫ:ВРЕМЯ ПРИМЕР,ПОМОГИТЕ ПЛИЗ ОЧЕНЬ НАДО СЕГОДНЯ КОНТРА ПО ЭТОМУ ТЕКСТУ,РЕШАЕТСЯ ГОДОВАЯ ОТМЕТКА!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Оцените) Most people spend the evening for TV. Others against spending time watching TV. There are two points of view on television:

First, our life is hard to imagine without a television, TV-second global problem of mankind. There are arguments for and against the use of television as entertainment. First, television is ruining health. If you watch it a lot, the eyesight deteriorates. And some people like to eat for TV, and as a result get fat. Secondly, we become addicted to TV. We can look for days serials, films, broadcasts. We as if in another world. As a result, we separate from the outside world. Third, our kids can watch shows that impact on the psyche. In the end, we just killing time wasted. Others think differently. They watch on the TV the transmission of health, and cured, watch the programs and do not miss, Learn a new. For children watch the programs of animals useful. I agree that the TV is becoming a national disease. TV replaces our world, but does not take communion with reality. Need to spend less time on the TV, and more walk the walk. Then the problem will less.

исправте ошибки: 1)This pets are funny. 2)She have a family. 3)What does we do in the shop? 4)There are some salt in the soup. 5)The stones fall to the

water. 6)There are two dozens roses in the box. 7)Those tulip is very nice. 8)There is some horse in the yard. 9)How much photos have you? 10)The one of September is the Day of Knowledge. 11)We go into Moscow every yea. 12)When are you study English? 13)I prefer this song forr that one. 14)Does you like to play chess? 15)Ann and Kate swims in the lake. 16)I see a few snow on the ground. 17)I want to give you these cake. 18)Are she live there? 19)Why you show your dress before party? 20)We have no a cat. 21)You are tired,don't you? 22)Is there some broken glass on the floor? 23)You read texts every day? 24)Has his parents a flat or a house? 25)Give me a milk,please. 26)There is not the lamp on a wall. 27)Who plant all trees in the garden?-We dp. 28)Translate the Russian words on Eanglish,please. 29)There are a little chairs in the room. 30)Who are there at the door?-We are. 31)How many homework must you do now? 32)They was at the club yesterday. 33)What does fly in the room?-A bee does.

испраьте ошибки, пожалуйста) in the year 1916 there is a railway station Shymerlya. There are a lot of wood. This is invite a continental

businessman. In the early 20's in the village were only one a few wooden houses. There is only one street-Vokzalnaya. There is not at school in the village, children learn at home teachers. First schoolm opened in the year 1921 of Janua309ry. In the 1927 there are 240 of residents. In the yea 1930-2309 of residents. At that time began to build 3 of plants. In the year 1937 on the 23 Junuary working village became a city. There are not of pavements, roads, street lightings. In the year 1937 opened school number 3, in the year 1940-school number 1

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