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They read books every day

5-9 класс

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He plays the piano every week
She always goes to the cinema on holideys

Nazik19982 25 нояб. 2014 г., 16:13:35 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
25 нояб. 2014 г., 17:39:03 (9 лет назад)

he doesn`t play the piano every week
Does he play the piano evey week?

She doesn`t always go to the cinema on holidays
Does she always go to the cinema on holidays?

+ 0 -
25 нояб. 2014 г., 18:33:51 (9 лет назад)

He doesn't play the piano every week.
Does he play the piano every week?
He is playing the piano every week.

She always doesn't go to the cinema on holidays.
Does she always go to the cinema on holidays?
She is always going to te cinema on holidays.


Другие вопросы из категории

Нужно ответь на вопрос What were the good / bad things about that day? Вопрос перводится как: "Что было хорошего, а что было плохого в тот


Но к сожалению я не могу вспомнить что было в четверг. х___х

Так что может что-то придумать...И ответ на английском... т.т

Помогите пожалуйста.


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Задайте общий вопрос. Ответьте "Да, Нет" 1. He goes to school every day. 2. My sister works here. 3. They eat a lot. 4. We work every day. 5. I come from

Ukraine. 6. He comes from Germany. 7. They live in the USA, 8. He plays football every day. 9. I visit my parents very often. 10. His father works at an office. 11. She gets up at seven o`clock. 12. They play tennis very often. 13. We go to the cinema on Saturdays. 14. He wants to become a pilot. 15. My brother watches television every day. 16. I read newspaper every day. 17. Her father finished his work at six o`clock. 18. Nick goes to beb at nine. 19. He goes to school by bus. 20. We skate once a week in winter.

Find the mistakes and correct them. There are sentences without mistakes. 1) Us was shown the house yesterday. 2)They all be sent a fax tomorrow.

3)They were recommended a good teacher. 4) Me has already been told this story. 5)The child is read books every day. 6) Tourists were offered cold drinks. 7) Next month she is paid 3,000 roubles.

Упр. 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаго­лы в Present Continuous, Present Simple или в Future Simple.

1.I (to
play) chess tomorrow. 2. I (not to play)
chess tomorrow. 3. You (to play) chess tomorrow? 4. He (to
play) chess every day. 5. He (not to play)
chess every day. 6. He (to play) chess every day? 7. They
(to play) chess now. 8. They (not to play)
chess now. 9. They (to play) chess now? 10. Nick
(to go) to the park now. 11. Nick (to go) to
school every day. 12. Nick (to go) to school tomorrow. 13. You (to
come) to my place next Sunday? 14. You (to read) this
book next week? 15. You (to read) books every day? 16. You (to
read) a book now? 17.1 (not to see) him tomorrow. 18. What
you (to do) tomor­row? 19. What your friend
(to do) tomorrow? 20. Where you (to go) next summer? 21. Where
you (to go) every morning? 22. Where you (to go)
now? 23. Look! Mary (to dance). 24. She (to
dance) every day. 25. She (to dance) tomorrow?

1) Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple Passive. (USUALLY) 1. The postbox (to empty) every day. 2. The stamps (to

postmark) at the post office.

3. The letters (to sort) into the different towns.

4. The mail (to load) into the train.

5. The mailbags (to unload) after their journey.

6. The bags (to take) to the post office.

7. The letters (to sort) into the different streets.

8. The letters (to deliver).

2) Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple Passive.

1. Bread (to eat) every day. 2. The letter (to receive) yesterday. 3. Nick (to send) to Moscow next week. 4. I (to ask) at the lesson yesterday. 5.I (to give) a very interesting book at the library last Friday. 6. Many houses (to build) in our town every year. 7. This work (to do) tomorrow. 8. This text (to translate) at the last lesson. 9. These trees (to plant) last autumn. 10. Many interesting games always (to play) at our PT lessons. 11. This bone (to give) to my dog tomorrow. 12. We (to invite) to a concert last Saturday. 13. My question (to answer) yesterday. 14. Hockey (to play) in winter. 15. Mushrooms (to gather) in autumn. 16. Many houses (to burn) during the Great Fire of London. 17. His new book (to finish) next year. 18. Flowers (to sell) in shops and in the streets. 19. St. Petersburg (to found) in 1703.

3) Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice, обращая внимание на место предлога.

E.g. We often speak about her. — She is often spoken about.

1. We thought about our friend all the time. 2. The doctor will operate on him in a week. 3. The teacher sent for the pupil's parents. 4. They looked for the newspaper everywhere. 5. Nobody slept in the bed. 6. The neighbour asked for the telegram. 7. Everybody listened to the lecturer with great attention. 8. The senior students laughed at the freshman. 9. The group spoke to the headmistress yesterday. 10. The young mothers looked after their babies with great care. 11. Nobody lived in that old house. 12. They sent for Jim and told him to prepare a report on that subject.

вставте правильно буквы ПОЖАЛЙСТА!!!!! Every day we read newspapers and magazines. Every day we watch television news broadcasts and hear short

news reports on radio. Every day we are influenced by 1)____. People consider it to be a way of getting 2)____ information. The US 3) ____ has always provided people with the facts. But are we, the general audience of the United States, 4)____ all sides of issues? Are we, the US newspapers and 5)___ , always told about both sides of the problem? Or does one side get more 6)____ and a more positive attitude from the media? I think that American journalism ( as well as any other journalism 7)____ should give all views equal coverage. All views should be given 8)_____ to be understood.

1) b. the medium c. media

2)a. original c. intellectual

3) a. network c. newspapers

4) a. watching b.reading

5) b.magazines and readers c. readers' magazines

6) - не надо

7) a. worldwide c. overseas

8) b. us achane c. a cance

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