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сочинение на тему мой любимый фильм

5-9 класс

Allaaeleshova 12 мая 2014 г., 0:39:12 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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12 мая 2014 г., 2:38:56 (10 лет назад)

Essay "My favorite movie," or "My favorite movies"

My favorite movie is called "King Drozdoborod." This is the modern German cinema, but it is filmed on the old tale of the Brothers Grimm. In general, this is a fun romantic comedy about the love of the prince and princess.

The plot of the movie tangled. Once there was a beautiful blond princess. Neither the groom could not please her whim: and the unworthy, and he will not do. One handsome prince she made fun of the appearance and gave him the nickname Drozdoborod.

The king's father got angry and swore his daughter to marry the first person who comes to the palace. Then Drozdoborod dressed in disheveled beggar came to the palace and the laughter of the other disgruntled suitors. He married the princess and took her to a poor hut, in his kingdom.

Hardly had the proud princess! Because now she had no servants, no luxury dresses! Spoiled beauty could neither use the stove or cook. She did not even know what the market it will have to pay money. After sitting hungry princess became accustomed to labor. But her delicate arms did not know how to and are not used to the rough work. Husband taught her to work and secretly got up different things that did not seem to her life easier.

Beauty bitterly regretted that there was such a capricious and arrogant. "Oh, if I now my freedom, I would Drozdoboroda wife" - she said.

I like that the movie ends well. Princess was a good housekeeper, ceased to act up. She was friendly and kind to the common people. Then Drozdoborod revealed his secret, and they were married in the palace. I also like that it's a smart movie, and he describes this great love. And he learns to appreciate what you have.


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