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Раскрыть скобки,указать нужное время

5-9 класс

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Karinkaaaamotorina 25 февр. 2017 г., 16:58:36 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
25 февр. 2017 г., 17:58:11 (7 лет назад)

1. Flowers are always given to us by Kate from her garden.
2. The text will be translatedd and shown it to us by them.
3. An old patient was examined by Sid this morning.
4. The interior of the famous palace was discussed by them.
5. My favourite teacher was listened yesterday.
6. They are never laughed at.
7. Will we be shown the new library?
1. Jane cooked lunch and we can eat now.
2. We will play another game of chess soon and then go for a walk.
3. Sony han't been here for a long time. She last was here five years ago.
4. While David was talking to his son, I was having lunch.
5. Jerry doesn't speak French but he knows German well.
6. We will be speaking French at tomorrow conference.
7. Martha always works on her stamps collection in the evening but now she is reading.
8. There were a lot of people in the restaurant. Many of them were dancing.
9. Where were you two hours ago? And where will you be tonight?
10. Now I love dogs because last summer one of them saved my daughter.


Читайте также

Раскрыть скобки, указать время глагола. My grandfather usually (to fish) by the river in the evening. He often (to ride) a horse in


They (not to cut) the grass in the gar den two weeks ago.

Fred (not to ride) a bicycle yesterday.

We (to make) a fire in the forest two days ago.

We (to spend) a lot of time outdoors last summer.

My friends (to visit ) Spain last July.

раскрыть скобки,поставить глагол в

раскрыть скобки,поставить глагол в правильную форму.и перевести.
the documents (to check) at the passport control area.
my salary(to pay) into my account.
these souvenirs (to make) by hand.
in this supermarket a 10 pen cent discount (to give)to regular customers.
a iot of money (to spend) on advertising last year.
new computers(to deliver)to the shop tomorrow.
the scientist (to award) the nobel prize for his discovery.
our clients (to invite) to the trade show next month.
these problems (to discuss) at the meeting yesterday.

раскрыть скобки употребив правильно время 1.So, i (call) him and (find) it out. 2.The way i (learn) Italian (be) watching TV with subtitles. They

(help) me pick up Italian words from sentences. It (take) about two months but now I (understand) the spoken languages.

Помогите раскрыть скобки в нужных временах ( все прошедшие)

1) He ( drive) slowly but he (scrat).
2)The old man (look) at the boy but (not/say) anything.
3) He (prepare) the dinner for 2 hours but everyone (be) fed.
4)She (go) to see her friend after she (do) her homework.

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