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Закончи высказывание:I like........ because she likes pop music and writes poems.

5-9 класс

Vikusha001 22 марта 2015 г., 17:24:49 (9 лет назад)
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22 марта 2015 г., 19:03:37 (9 лет назад)

I like her because she likes music and writes poems.


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Put the verbs in brackets in the third person singular 1The Bengal Tiger ................(live) in lndia. 2Sumit's elephant

.................(carry) heavy things on his back.

3John ............(wash) his car every week.

4The baby ..................(cry) a lot at night.

5Debbie ...................(go) to school in the morning.

6The rhino.....................(like) to sit in the mud.

7Monica .................(watch) TV every evening.

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Переделайте предложения в Passive Voice 1. The factory workers will appreciate improved conditions of work.2. Does the librarians close the doors every

night 3. Is the mechanic repairing Bill s car 4. Does his neighbour feed Tom s pets every day 5. James Watt invented the steam- engine.6. Did Tom s mother make these cakes 7. Will man conquer space 8. Most people didn t understand his lecture.

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We were asked if we... the party

b) will like
c) has liked
d) had liked

Mary worked in a office in London, and she usualy went out and hat lunch in a restaurant. She liked foreign food and often looked in the newspaper for

the names of new restaurants, because she enjoed going to them and eating new things. Sometimes she said, "I don't like this restaurant. I'm not going to have my lunch here often."

One dayshe saw the name of a new Greek restaurant in her newspaper, and she went there for lunch. It was very small, but it was clean and nice, and the food was good.

But then Mary found something hard in her mouth. She took it out. It was a button.

" Look here, waiter!" she said. " I've found this button in my food."

" Thank you, thank you!" the waiter answered happily. " I looked everywhere for it."

A. Answer these questions.

1. What food did Mary like?

2. Where did she go one day?

3. What did she find in her mouth?

4. What did she say then?

5. What did the waiter answer?

B. Whichof the answer to these questions are correct? Write the correct answers down?

1. Did Mary always go to the same restaurant?

a. No, she didn't.

b. Yes, she did.

2. Did she go back to a restaurant after the first time?

a. No, never.

b. Yes, always.

c. Yes, often.

3. Were did she find the names of new restaurants?

a. In a big city.

b.In a newspaper.

4. What did she find in her mouth one day?

a. A waiter's button.

b. Some hard food.

5. Was the waiter happy, or angry?

a. He was angry.

b. He was happy.

C. Write this the story. Put one word in each empty space.

This is Mary's brother. His 1.......... is George. He lives in the 2........... of Chicago and works in a small Greek 3................ there. He is a lot of people come and have 4.......... there, because the 5............ is good. Look at that man. He is 6............ some meat and reading his 7................ . He comes to this restaurant, because he works i an 8............ quite near here.

Помогите ппппппппллллллллллиииииииииииииз плиз пожалуйста очень надо до 23.00.

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Нада составить краткий пересказ на английском... Every evening in Tarrigon, the younger gefods met inside the dragon‘s old cave. There, they chat

ted and gossiped and had a little fun for an hour or two before nightfall. Zarena rarely joined them. She didn‘t like to go to the cave. No, that‘s not quite true. After a long day collecting food, sometimes all she wanted was to have some company. But Zarena was shy and couldn‘t make friends easily. When she did go to the cave, she usually stood alone, away from the other gefods, and didn‘t feel secureenough to join in their conversations. Zarena found being sociable very difficult. The other gefods mistook her quietness for arrogance. They thought that because she was more intelligent than them, she waslooking down on them. They were also jealous because she worked so hard and kept her burrow so clean and tidy. So they teased her or ignored her and made her feel sad. Because of that, she didn‘t like going to the cave. ‘Perhaps I am a bit lonely,’ she said to herself sometimes, ‘but at least I work hard. I wouldn’t want to be like Vantura even though she’s much more popular than me.’ (Vantura bullied Zarena more than the other gefods.) ‘She’s nasty and selfish andrude and unkind. I’m glad I’m not like that, even if she has got more friends than me. And I bet most of her friends only pretend to like her. They’re just scared of her. I’m sure none of them trust her.’ Zarena was strict with herself: ‘Never change who you are just to become more popular,” she told herself.

проверьте грамотность пожалуйста! Срочно!

My family likes to watch TV. Especially grandmother and grandfather. I seldom watch it, but mine we love channels it is THT and STS because they give a wide choice of various programs. Besides I like to watch animated cartoons and comedies because they lighten me mood. And here my father watches NTV. This channel broadcasts the international news. The father likes to learn new about our country. And mother on the contrary loves the First Channel and TNT because she likes series about love and reality show. The grandmother and the grandfather prefer to watch channels Culture and Sports +. The channel the Culture offers the big range of scientific news. The grandfather loves Sports + more, he likes to watch sports meets and безума from boxing. And when all of us together, we watch Muses of TV, it gives wide a choice to music!

перевод на всякие случай:

Моя семья любит смотреть телевизор. Особенно бабушка и дедушка. Я редко смотрю его, но мой любим каналы это ТНТ и СТС, потому что они дают широкий выбор различных программ. Кроме того я люблю смотреть мультики и комедии, потому что они мне поднимают настроение. А вот мой папа смотрит НТВ. Этот канал передает международные новости. Папа любит узнавать новое о нашей стране. А мама наоборот любит Первый Канал и ТНТ , потому что ей нравятся сериалы про любовь и реалити шоу. Бабушка и дедушка предпочитают смотреть каналы Культура и Спорт+ . Канал Культура предлагает большой диапазон научных новостей. Дедушка больше любит Спорт+, он любит смотреть спортивные состязания и безума от бокса. А когда мы все вместе, мы смотрим Муз ТВ, она дает широких выбор музыке!

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