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Выбери и встать глагол в нужной форме:1) my little sister ... To be a lawyer a) goes b) are going c)is going2) Look! They ... A new youth

5-9 класс

magazinea) are reading b) read c)are going to 3) Steven ... With Joan last summera) makes friends b) made friends c)will make friends 4) her elder brother ... his job next month

Данил29 16 дек. 2014 г., 19:07:21 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 дек. 2014 г., 22:06:00 (9 лет назад)

is going are reading made friends will change don't


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Rob has got ........ free time next weekend .

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Вставь глагол в нужной форме. 1)my little sister...to be a lawyer 2)look! they...a new youth magazine 3)Steven...with Joan last summer 4)Her elder

brother...nis job next month 5)THE bodyguards protest piliticians and their families,...they?

XII. Раскройте скобки и употребите глаголы в нужной форме.

1. Factories (not/ to use) this method of processing.
2. Not only goods but also services (to be) important for consumers.
3. The industry (not/ to use) the resources intensively.
4. The factory (to belong) to a Japanese company.
5. The primary sector (not/ to include) services to consumers.
6. There (to be) a lot of agricultural land in this part of the country.
7. Manufacturing (to grow) last in the UK and mining (not/ to grow) fast now.
8. There (to be) several industries which (to belong) to the primary sector.
9. You (to be) a manager?

XIII. Сделайте следующие предложения утвердительны­ми или отрицательными в зависимости от смысла, употре­бив глаголы в нужной форме.

1. Manufacturing industries (to be) important in all countries.
2. Agriculture (to include) crop and animal farming.
3. Mining (to belong) to the service sector.
4. Industries of the primary sector (to process) resources.
5. Fishing, forestry, and beekeeping (to be) industries of the secondary sector, they (to belong) to the primary sector.
6. Countries which (to be) rich in land (to produce) agricultural products.
7. Mining (to be) a very important industry in Russia.
8. Agriculture (to provide) goods for consumers and manufacturing.
9. In industrialized countries, the service sector (to grow) very fast.

помогите пожалуйста... у нас весь класс на 2 написал тест. дали домой переписать. помогите с некоторыми: выбери и вставь подходящее по смыслу


1)Our city museum is not ... an art gallery at all

. a)founded b)like c)real

2)Where is Don? - He is running at the ... .

a)stadium b)art gallery c)tower

Выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме:

1)This little kitten ... a warm house and a hospitable family.

a) is needing b)needs

2)Look at that group of strange tourists ... along the street.

a)going b)go

3)We ... a lot of balloons through the window.

a) sees b)can see

помогите? спасибо

1. Выбери слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному: 1) a capital a) a building b) a country c) a museum d) a city 2) to take plase a) to take

care b) to have c)to happen d) to stay 3) well - known a) unknown b) famous c) fantastic d) smart 2. Выбери и вставь слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу: 1) You`ll hear some important ...on the radio at 6 o`clock. a) place of interest b) voice c) information d) music 2) Our city museum is not ...an art gallery at all. a) founded b) like c) known d)real 3) The ...says that the Tower has a bloody history. a) information b) museum c) voice d) legend 4) An important political meeting took ...near the Houses of Parliament two years ago. a) place b) care c) part d) off 5) Where is Don? - He is running at the ... a) capital b) stadium c) art gallery d) tower 3. Выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме: 1) This little kitten ...a warm house and a hospitable family. a) is needing b) needs c) need 2) Look at that group of strange tourists ...along the street. a) are going b) going c) go 3) Could I speak to Miss Smith? - Sorry, she ...an interview to a youth magazine. a) is giving b) gives c) gave 4) We ...a lot of balloons through the window. a) are seeting b) sees c) can see 4. Выбери правильный вариант перевода: 1) Сейчас ему необходим только горячий чай. a)He is needing only a cup of not tea at the moment. b) He needs only a cup of not tea at the moment. 2) Что вы хотите? a)What do you want? b) What are you wanting? 3) Тише! Он пишет статью о Москве. a) Keep silense! He is writing an article about Moscow. b) Silence! He writes an article about Moscow.

Помогите!Долго писала!

Задание:Прочитай письмо мисс чэттер вставь глаголы в нужной форме Текст:There (be)____a lot of guests on my farm this summer.They (speak)_____different

languages.But we (understand)______ and (get)___ along with each other well.The weather (be)____ fine.My guests (walk)____ ,(swim)____ and (play)____.Tomorrow they (ride)____ horses.In the mornning a girl from Italy often (sing)___ nice songs for us.A boy from Canada (paint)____ wonderful pictures every afternoon.Yesterday he (draw)___ my portrait.Three days ago we (visit)___ Hobbit.He (be)___ hospitable and polite.He (make)___ jokes and (tell)___ us about his new magazine.Hobbit (send)___ you this magazine in a week.When ___ you (come)___ to see me?Зарание Спасибо!!!и за место пропусков тоесть тире снизу там слова в нужной форме

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