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5-9 класс

questions to match the answers.

What time
....................................................... ?

The meeting starts at 8.30


No, I don't watch TV every

............................................ after school?

I don't know what I'll do.


Yes, she is going to try it.

.............................................................. ?

He is leaving next month.

How often
....................................................... ?

She helps me twice a week.


No, no. Marion won't study at

Mamayusha 03 февр. 2014 г., 23:01:05 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
04 февр. 2014 г., 1:05:59 (10 лет назад)

1) What time does the meeting start? 
2) Do you watch TV every day?
3)What will you do after school? ( не уверена тк там использован през континиус и блин я забыла )
4) Is she going to try it?
5) When will he leaving house? 
6) How often does she help you?
7) Does Marrion wouldn't  study at university ?


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите пожалуйста

по образцу надо описать картину

дайте перевод

a. This is the
last warning!

помогите пожалуйста,перевести правильно на английский.

Мистер Пит -космонавт.Он работает на космической станции.Иногда ему бывает скучно.Но однажды ему разрешили выйти в открытый космос. Через некоторое время после того как он покинул космическую станцию,он заметил пришельца который тайно следил за ним.
Он был напуган. Он не понял,что хотел от него пришелец.Вернувшись,он увидел необычные снимки.Он понял что они сделанные самим пришельцем.

Читайте также

My summer adventure1 Make a poster about your summer adventure. Use the material from the Cut Out page. You can write about a real adventure or you

can make it up. Use photographs or draw the pictures. Don't I forget to write what you are doing in the pictures. Use the plan:


пожалуйста, помогите! раскройте скобки, употребив слова в нужном времени. Chocolate (1)_________ (to make) from the seeds of the tropical cacao

tree. It`s sweet tasty and generally delicious--the average Briton (2)_______ (to eat) almost 10 kg of the stuff every year. The first British chocolate factory (3)__________ (to set up) in London in 1657.The English firm Cadbury (4)__________ (to make) chocolate since 1831. Facts say that we (5)________ (to enloy)it for centuries and serious studies (6)______ (to do ) to find the reasons of our chocolate passion. Chocolate can(7)________ (to have) a piace in a balanced diet but it doesn`t contain many of the nutrients needed for a healthy lifestyle. So what is it that makes us(8) ___________ (to love)sweets and chocolate andhow much should we eat? Chocolate (9) _________ (to contain) fat so it (10)_____ ( to recommend). It has tje carbohydrates that you need to replace lost energy but rather than (11)____ (to eat)sweets and chocolate you should (12)______ (to eat) bread and cereals. Chocolate (13)____ (to recommend) as a treat --perhaps once or twice a week. It`s high in fat and sugar so you shouldn`t (14)________ (to have)it every day.

раскройте скобки употребляя глаголы в present perfect или past indefinite 1.Look at this bird-house. Mike (to make) ot

himself. He (to make) it last sunday.

2.Where you (to put) my pen? I cannot find it.

3.You (to see) Mary today?

4. When you (to see) Mary?- I (to see) her last week.

5. You mother (to promise) to take you to the theatre?

6.Look at my new dress! I(to make) it myself.

7.He is not at school today, he (to fall) ill.-When he (to fall) ill?-He (to fall) ill yesterday,

Look atthe timeline of some events in Ben Affleck's life.Use the past perfect or the past simple to make sentences.Помогите пожалуйста...

1.1984 makes his first television appearance
2.1997 receives Oscar award for Best Original Screenplay for the film Good Will Hunting
3.2000 promotes the Democrats in the elections
4.2005 gets married to actress Jennifer Garner
5.2007 writes and directs Gone Baby Gone

Вставьте данные слова в пропуски текста: a charity; a contribution; to contribute; to donate; to be involved; to make a difference; to raise; to support;

to volunteer.
Lust summer my family looked after two girls from Chernobyl*. It was our________ to Chernobyl Children Lifeline*. this charity_________children from Byelorussia. I learnt about this_____ from my teacher. The pupils from my class always______ to charity projects. We_____ at the local kindergarten, organise charity fairs at our school to______ money. Our parents _____ too. They help us make things for the fairs and ___ money. We are always looking forward to _____

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