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What is your friend like? вопрос сделайте на русский язык

5-9 класс

Nikola49 09 мая 2014 г., 9:12:39 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
09 мая 2014 г., 10:00:14 (10 лет назад)

"Что нравится твоим друзьям?" 

+ 0 -
09 мая 2014 г., 12:15:41 (10 лет назад)

Что нравится твоему другу?

+ 0 -
09 мая 2014 г., 14:14:28 (10 лет назад)



Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите номер 16

Очень нужно!!

помогите составить предложения по английскому .

1. never/flown/by/he/plane/has
2. on/the nose/the koala / has /touched /the girl
4.Asia/they/haven't / visited/yet
5. in/ have / a wolf / seen / you /ever / the wild
6. done/you / have / what
7. countries /of/ I /dreamed/exotic/always/ have
8.the grassland / have/ever/you/of africa/been/to

Read Nikita"s e-mail. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

Dear Ann,
Our Explores" Club has begun its work. Yound explorers from different countries have come to the club. I have made friends with some kids. I am attaching their photos.
You can see David in the first photo. He ...(speak) on his mobil phone.
He often ...(phone) home to learn about his puppy"s latest adventures.
There are two girls in the second photo. Sue and Indira ... (sit) in a cafe and ... (have) coffee. Sue ...(tell) a funny story and Indira ... (smili). They are nice and friendly. In the evening,they ... (cook)different dishes from their countries. Yesterday, I tasted an Indian one. It was spicy,but delicious!
Look at Marco! He ....(play) football. He ...(play) very well.
He is really good at footbal.
Emily,from Great Breat , ...(want) to become a journalist, in the photo, she ...(write) an article about our Explorers"Club.
Now just look at the photos! Jessica ... (read) an English
magazine for explorers and Andrew ...(fead) a squirrel in the park.
Sorry, but i have to finish my e -mail. Our English lesson will begin in 5 minutes.

complete the sentences about Alice's family. Use: grandma, grandpa, parents, son, daughters, niece, nephew, uncle, husband. 1. Mr

Wilson and Mrs Wilson are Alice's ______. They've got a _____ and two _____.

2.Their oldest daughter is married. She has got a ___. They have got two children.

3.Jim is 10. But he is already an ____. The children of his oldest sister are his ____ and _____.

4.Alice likes to visit her grandparents. Her ___ and ___ live in the south of England.

Читайте также

нужно по-английски ответить на вопроси:1)What does your friend like better:to watch programmes on television or listen to the radio?Why? 2)Are

you interested in music?What are you interested in?

3)Is your friend fond of collecting stamps?What is he fond of?

I. What are you doing? 2. Are you opening or closing the book? 3. Are you reading now? 4. What are you reading? 5. What is your friend doing? 6. Is he

reading now? 7. Are they looking at me? 8. Who are they looking at? b) I. Are you a schoolboy? 2. Is your sister a doctor? 3. Are those girls your Iriends? 4. Are they teachers or sludents? 5. Is your friend at home now? 6. Is that page one or page two? 7. Is this a text-book or an exercise-book? 8. Are those doors yellow? 9. Is that cup white? c) I. What's this? 2. What's that? 3. What are these? 4. What are those? 5. What colour is this exercise-book? 6. What colour is that pencil? 7. What's your sister? 8. What are your friends?

5-9 класс английский язык ответов нет
Напиши рассказ о себе, отвечая на следующие вопросы. 1. What is your name? 2. where do you live? 3. How old are you?

p>4. What is your favourite subject?

5. What is your natiomliry ?

6.What books do you like to read?

7. What is your bobby?

8. What are you going to do during your summer holidays?

если есть ошибки, исправьте пожалуйтса.

КТО РАЗБИРАЕТСЯ В АНГЛИЙСКОМ? ПОМОГИТЕ! ОТВЕТЬТЕ НА ВОПРОСЫ: 1) Are you going to send an email today? 2) is your mother

going to cook tonight?

3) are your parents going to visit you tonight?

4) what are you going to do at seven o clock?

5) is your friend going to visit you tonight?

6)What is your friend going to do at eight o clock?

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