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My name is Danielle Piarson...

10-11 класс

Danila320 14 янв. 2017 г., 2:07:31 (7 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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14 янв. 2017 г., 4:48:10 (7 лет назад)

Перевод _ Моё имя Даниэль Пиарсон


Другие вопросы из категории

Англичанины!!!!!помогите срочно до завтра нужно!!

#1) Раскройте скобки и поставьте#1) Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужные формы страдательного залога.
A lot of books (read) by Mike.
The letter (send) there.
The production of this company ( to exhibit) till the end of the month
This letter ( to leave) unanswered yesterday.

#2 Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму
I have just done my homework.
He had read the book when I came.
They will have visited us by next Monday.

#3 Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму
When I came, the lecture already (start).
Marry just (buy) a new hat.
When we came to the airport the plane already (land).
I (pass) my exams by 12.00 tomorow.

Помогите с дз!


помогите с английски!
3.Перевидите и перепишите предложения,обращая особое внимание на местоимения.

1.Some of the interior elements are modified according to the plan
2.Is there any news from him?
3.There is no information on this question.
4.Everybody would like to visit this museum.
5.Any museum of this city is of great interest to us.

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Нужно составить общие вопросы по текстку)))5 штук)))заранее спасибо My name is Анн.Мне seventeen years. My father and my mother employees. I

came to study in his home town After I finished school,I entered a pedagogical College in Moscow. My brother's name is Pete . He is 19 years old. He was a student. Our family is small . There are four of us. Sometimes we go the whole family in the village,where they live, the grandmother and the grandfather

нужно проверить написанное мною сочинение на английском языке, плохо с граматикой((( Hello. My name is Anastasia. I am a student of class 11. I

want to tell you about his girlfriend. Her name is Alexandra and her 18 years. She is my best friend for 6 years. I love her so much and never betray. I don't remember how we met; it was a long time ago. Alex is an example for me, because she is kind, honest and always comes to the rescue. Rarely seen such people.

I have it remarkable. She has long red hair and big green eyes. It has one quality, which I like. She's a complete physique, but Alex is not because of this inferiority complex, which could be the envy of many girls her age. She is medium height with a round face. Alex is a very strong personality, and is able to make decisions in difficult times. She learns from employee mail and passes in the post office. In her spare time she spends with his friends, which she very much.

I always admire her and support her. No matter what happens we will always remain best friends, because I trust her in any situation.

Привет. Меня зовут Анастасия. Я ученица 11 класса. Я хочу рассказать вам о своей подруге. Ее зовут Александра и ей 18 лет. Она является моей лучшей подругой уже 6 лет. Я ее очень люблю и никогда не предам. Я не помню, как мы встретились, это было давно. Саша является примером для меня, потому что она добрая, честная и всегда придет на помощь. Редко встретишь таких людей.

Она у меня замечательная. У нее длинные рыжие волосы и большие зеленые глаза. У нее есть одно качество, которое мне нравится. Она полного телосложения, но Саша не комплексует из-за этого, чему могли бы позавидовать многие девушки ее возраста. Она среднего роста с очаровательным круглым лицом. Алекс очень сильная личность, и умеет принимать решения в трудный момент. Она учится на работника почты и проходит практику в почтовом отделении. В свободное время она проводит с друзьями, которых у нее очень много.

Я всегда восхищаюсь Александрой и поддерживаю ее. Чтобы ни случилось, мы всегда будем оставаться лучшими подругами, так как я ей доверяю в любой ситуации.

i want to tell you about my family. i have got a mother , a father , an elder sister , a grandfather and a grandmother. My mother's name is.........

she is a teacher of English in one of Moscow schools. she is a very good teacher. my mother likes sewing and reading fashion magazines. My father's name is.......... he is a fonderful desiner. he works for a big publishing house. my elder sister's name is ........ She is going to be an accountant. Sometimes she helps me with my Maths homework. my grandmother and grandfather live in separate flat. They do not work now,because they are ritired. i love my family and i am so happy that we are together!Перевести

Какие ошибки в данном тексте? Good day! Thank you for taking the time to visit our presentation. We are very happy to see you. My name is Ekateri

na Tarasova, I am the Director of producing hand-made dolls "puppeteer." Our presentation is devoted to the new series of hand-made dolls "Emelya". I would like to tell you a bit about our factory, its activities, achievements and prospects. Our factory was founded in 2008 in the city of Syktyvkar. "Puppeteer" is one of the few companies that produce similar goods in the country. We produce clean and safe product. The first two years we had one store, after we made a web site and sell dolls online, but the demand was so great that within 3 years we opened 7 stores across the country. When you create a new collection, we discussed with the authors of the general aspects of the dolls, the main artist draws images of dolls, then craftsmen in all regions already embody sketches to life. Each doll author is working to the most subtle nuances. The result is a doll with your mood, distinct personalities. I would like to tell you about our new line of hand-made dolls "Emelya". The creation of this collection was inspired by Russian - Fairy Tales. We have tried to bring together all the prominent characters of fairy tales in our collection, such as: Alenka and her brother Ivan, Emelya, Baba Yaga, Koschei the Immortal, and other characters. Artists "puppeteers" could even negative characters portray not sinister, but rather cute. Collectible doll, justifying its name in the first place is, of course, subject to collecting. This elegant interior detail, which will certainly enliven and decorate absolutely any room, will bring a special atmosphere and comfort. Let me tell you about our prospects. Our business has been very profitable. Our desire to create unique dolls coincided with the desire of consumers to purchase our creation, even in larger quantities than we expected. Since the product is in high demand, state workers have to constantly increase. In the coming year we plan to open three stores. Now, I want to appeal to the young, creative and ambitious artists. We would be glad to have you as our dolls authors of "puppeteer." Here you can fulfill your potential, and experienced colleagues always help you. Thank you very much for your attention, I'd be happy to answer your questions!

Помогите. Вот письмо "Dear MarkusCan I introduce myself? I am taking part in the school exchange. My name is David Hazlewood and I'm 17 years old. I live

with my parents and my little sister and I love music. I play the guitar and I've got a band with a group of friends.
I Know your hometown is near Hamburg , but I don't know anything about it. How big is it? What sort or things can you do there? How far is it from the capital?
In April in my country the weather is quite cold and it rains a lot. What's the weather like in Germany in the spring? What sort of clothes I Bring?
We arrive in Hamburg on Friday 15th April. How do I get to your place? Could you come and pick me up? I'm really looking forward to meeting you.
Write soon.
Best wishes."

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