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Complete each sentence with the Present Continuous of the verb EAT. 1. I ...... an apple. 2. You......my sandwich! 3. He.......

5-9 класс


4. It.......grass.

5. We........fruit.

6. The cats..........fish.

7. Winnie-the-Pooh...........honey.

8. I............a cheese sandwich.

9. Sam and Jack...............pizza.

10. Jack................porridge.

Ученица2014 06 сент. 2013 г., 5:13:02 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 сент. 2013 г., 7:35:34 (10 лет назад)

1. I am eating an apple

2. You are eating my sandwich!

3. He is eating jam

4. It is eating grass.

5. We are eating fruit

6. The cats are eating fish. 

7. Winnie-the-Pooh is eating honey. 

8. I am eating a cheese sandwich

9. Sam and Jack are eating pizza. 

10. Jack is eating porridge

+ 0 -
06 сент. 2013 г., 8:09:15 (10 лет назад)

1 I'm eating an apple 2 You are eating my sandwich! 3. he is eating jam 4 it is eating grass 5 we are earing fruit 6 the cats are eating fish 7 Winni-the-Pooh is eating honey 8. i am eating a cheese sandwhich 9 Sam and Jack are eating pizza 10 Jack is eating porridge


Другие вопросы из категории

Read the dialogue make up a similar one

A Where are you going to spend your holidays
B I m going to spend them in the village
A How long are you going to stay there?
B For thee weeks l think
A Are you going by train?
B No we are going by bus
Act out your dialogues in pairs

1.Look at the sky, i think it ... soon. a)will rains b)rains c)is goung to rain. 2.Why don't you ... a picture os us? a) take b)have c)do 3/I was

suddenly asked to ... a speech. a) take b)make c) do 4. She is never satisfied with her work, ...? a) isn't she b) is she c) doesn't she 5. The shop will be closed ... two weeks. a)since b) about c) for 6. The man .. I saw was very angry. a) that b) which c) whose 7. When i came back a new metro station ... a) is built b) had built c) was being built. 8. I didn't ... that he wouild tell me a lie. a) await b) wait c) expect 9. Can you make your son ... more agreeable? a) be b) to be c) being 10. ... the end , he agreed with his mother. a) at b) in c) on

Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.

6.They broke the window last week.
7. When I came home, they had eaten the sweets.
8. We shall do the work in the evening.
9. He wrote this book in the 19th century.
10. They were playing tennis from four till five.

Читайте также

Complete each sentence with the Present Continuous of the verb ""eat""

1.I ..... an apple.
2.You ...... my sendwich!
6.The cats .......fish.
7.Winnie-the-Pooh .........honey.
8.Sam and Jack .......pizza.

Помогите с лексико-грамматическим тестом Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.

Denis is the (good) friend. For me Maths is (difficult) than Literature. My sister is (tall) than me. This exercise is (easy) than that one. I think History is (interesting) subject at school. Ann is the (bright) student in our class.

Put the prepositions. They invited us at/to/in London. Who takes care about/for/of your pet? Did you meet anyone at / in /during Summer school in Britain? Will you go abroad at/ on/ in October? My best friend is from/ out/ in Britain. They travelled on/ in/ by a comfortable bus. We would like to learn more from/ of/ about London.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word Charles Darwin was a famous ( science). Paula wants to become an English (teach). I. Repin was an outstanding (art). I think he will be a successful (write) in the future. Madonna is a popular American (sing)

Choose the right variant: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple.

1 You ____on holidays last year.

a) go b) went c) will go

2. He _____late for work yesterday.

a) is b) was c) will be

3. Every morning Tom ________early.

a) wakes up b) woke up c) will wake up

4. They _______ a lot of new subjects next year.

a) have b) had c) will have

5. Ann _____English well.

a) speaks b) spoke c) will speak

Помогите пожалуйста, очень срочно!! Task 1. Complete each sentence with one of the words and phrases below (7 points).

books, other things, inventions, communicate, CDs, all parts of the country, information
Radio, television and the Internet are the great 1) … of the 20th century. In 2) … there are many papers giving information about films, concerts and 3) … that are happening in the local area. These days you can read books on 4) … . In the Internet you can find any 5) … you want. Also you can 6) … with your friends there. But I think that 7) … are forever.
Task 2. The word in capitals in the right column can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way (3 points).
1. Reading CD books you can see what’s happening in … . ACT
2. She … everything to the police. EXPLAIN
3. The famous … collected the most interesting material in the South Africa. REPORT
Task 3. Complete the sentences. Choose the correct variant (5 points).
1. The (new/ news) is shocking.
2. The (new/ news) film is shocking.
3. I have some (money/ moneys) in my pocket.
4. We have much (snow/ snows) in winter.
5. Her (hair/ hairs) is beautiful.
Task 4. Complete the sentences (5 points).
1. He agreed (to help/ helping) us with Physics.
2. We are fond of (to fish/ fishing).
3. His Dictionary was proved (to be/ being) useful.
4. He finished (written/ writing) the letter.
5. Children decided (to buy/ buying) the present for their teacher.
Task 5. Write the following statements in reported speech (6 points).
1. She says: “I saw you in the cinema”.
2. He said: “Helen left yesterday”.
3. My friend asked: “How long have you been here?”
4. She said to Richard: “Water the flowers”.
5. Mother said to the children: “Don’t touch the cat”.
6. The teacher asked: “Did you write your homework?”

TASK 1. Complete each sentence with a suitable form of the verb given. Use the Present Simple or Continuous, or the Past Simple or


1) I remember the day you got engaged. We were having tea in the garden when you came out of the house and told us. (have)

2) Molly's fed up because she injured her ankle when she___________ this morning, so she can't dance. (jog)

3) While I was admiring the view, someone stole the bag which _ ______ all my traveler’s cheques. (contain)

4) Look! _______ that man standing beside the cash desk? I'm sure he 's planning to steal something. (you / see)

5) Tea or coffee? I'm making both, so just say which you ________ . (prefer)

6) The boys didn't want to come shopping with us because they_________ the football on television. (watch)

5. a) Read again and complete the sentences. Use the present continuous. 1) Patsy ... to Glasgow. 2) Ann ... to the airport. 3) Pats ... a skirt and a

blouse. b) Explain the phrases in bold. What is the weather like in Glasgow? 6. a) Read the sentences. Which verb form do we use to talk about habits/routines, actions happening now? She always wears boots in winter. She is wearing a raincoat now. b) Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. 1) ... (it/rain) often in winter? 2) Where ... (you/live)? 3) What ... (you/do) now? 4) She ... (go) to school on foot today. 5) He ... (not/swim) well.

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