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matt'spjanning to visit the usa he's tajking to his american friend lee compjete the conversation.choose the right questions from the jhe

5-9 класс


a where shoujd l stay?

Kirilovtema 02 мая 2015 г., 20:28:18 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 мая 2015 г., 23:27:03 (9 лет назад)

a where shoujd l stay?

b what's the best way to travel?

c when should l go?

b should l go to New york?

e which team should l see?

f what other places should l visit?

g you should go in july

h will l need warm clothes?


1) d

2) f

+ 0 -
03 мая 2015 г., 1:40:36 (9 лет назад)

1-d,2-f,3-b,4-h,5-e,вот только в вариантах ответа два варианта b,так что первый я считала за b,а второй-за d


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GRAMMAR Open the brackets to make the sentences complete. Present Perfect, Past Perfect or Future Perfect? My brother writes that he … just … back from Lon

don. a) has … came; b) has … come; c) had … come When Charlie … painting he decided to show his pictures to the father. a) Will finish; b) had finished; c) has finished 3. By half past seven they … supper yet. a) hasn’t have; b) will not had; c) will not have had 4. I promise that by the end of the day I … my homework. a) will have done; b) had done; c) has do 5. wait, I’ll go and see if she … out. a) will have gone; b) has gone; c) has go 6. … you ever … any tropical fruit? a) Have … taste; b) Will have … tasted; c) Have … tasted B. Put in articles where necessary. 1. They have built … new house at … end of our road. 2. … England lies to … north of France. 3. I’d like to become … engineer. 4. English is … global language nowadays. 5. … sun is shining so brightly but there are … clouds in … sky. 6. Would you like to go to … university with me? VOCABULARY Complete these sentences using “ around, out, over, inside out” I turned … and saw my sister near the shop. He turned … his pockets but didn’t find any money. Sam turned … to be a very good friend. Bill was turning … the pages of his magazine without reading. In few seconds the monster turned … the mouse and the cat ate him. Choose the right word to complete the sentences. Jane left (home/house) at. What a beautiful ( home/ house) stands on the hill over there! Andrew said that he would come back (home/ house) at the end of July. Aren’t your parents in Germany? – No, they are (at home/ in the house). (Home/ House) becomes (home/ house) when you speak of it as the place you live in. CULTURE Choose the right information: Swan Upping and Highland Games are … holidays. winter; b) autumn; c) summer; d) spring … has two birthdays in Britain. Prime Minister; b) Gay Fawkes; c) the Queen The Vikings came to Britain in ships and took away … . Gold, animals and sometimes people; b) gold and people; c) only people Carols have been written as hymns celebrating the birth of … . The Queen; b) Jesus Christ; c) new Church Christ The Queen Elizabeth II has … . Three sons and one daughter; b) four sons; c) two sons and one daughter

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перевод текста Dear Maria, Thank you for you letter. You asked me about the Lake District. It certainly is a beautiful place to visit. I'm enclosing a map

and a postcard. Isn't it lovely? You can travel to the Lake District by train or coach from London. I think you should take the train, as you have very little time and it's much quicker and very comfortable. We can easily take you to the station and pick up you up when you return. As for places to stay, I think, you ought to try a Youth Hostel. They're quite cheap and good places for meeting people. You sleep in single beds but you share a room. The Lake District was the home of the famous poet William Wordsworth, who spent most of his life there. It's a wonderful place for walking. There's also a very interesting museum about lakeland life and industry. The whole area gets very crowded in summer with people coming to visit the lakes and the poet's home, so, perhaps, the best thing to do would be to travel on a Friday morning and come back on Monday or Tuesday to avoid the weekend rush. The weather's sometimes warm and sunny but unfortunately, it's often very wet, so bring light waterproof clothing and it might be an idea to buy an umbrella! I hope this helps. We're looking forward to meeting you. Best wishes Sally Murgo

Из данных предложений составить условные. 1)If you (to be) busy,I (to leave)you alone. 2) f he (to live) in Moscow, he (to visit) the

Tretyakov Gallery every year.

3)If I (to get) a ticket, I (to go) to the Philharmonic.

4)If I (to live) near a wood, I (to gather) a lot of mushrooms.

5)If my father (to return) early, we (to watch) TV together.
6)If she (to know) English, she (to try) to enter the University.

7) If my friend (to come) to see me, I (to be) very glad.

8)If mother (to buy) a cake, we (to have) a very nice tea-party.

9)If we (to receive) a telegram from him, we (not to worry).

10) If you (not to work) systematically, you (to fail) at the examination

Переведите на русский язык: I wish I had a chance to join the Olympic sport club

If only I could go to Euro 2012 i would be wery happy
I wish I had a possybility to see this comprtition
If only I could be a great sportsman
I wish I had to be sportsman forever
If only I had a chance to visit the fitness club everyday
I wish I had to keep my fit
If only I were you, I would join a fitness club
I wish I had more free time to ran
If only I were easy, I would be wery happy

Помогите раскрыть скобки плизз)

Past tenses
1. He (to break) a window yesterday.
2. I (to bring) a letter before she (to call).
3. Mary (to watch) TV while they (to cook) supper.
4. My mum (to come) home by 6 yesterday.
5. You (to open) the window when you (to return) yesterday.
6. The students (to prepare) for the exam from 3 to 7 last Monday.
7. They (to study) in London for 4 years.
8. After 1 (to see) her 1 (to remember) that we (to meet) many years before.
9. Nick (to visit) the USA after he (to Icarn) English.
10. They (to wait) for us all day long yesterday.
11. Peter (to go) to school since 2000.
12. The day before yesterday we (to write) a composition.

HELP ME, PLEASE!1Cross out the unnecessary words where necessary. а)Involve using too much energy or money. b) you should to visit the

Brymouth Billiards club.

c)the price per hour is £1.50 and we will to help.

d)you improve your game. so, if you.

e)enjoy to playing billiards, snooker or pool in a

f)relaxsed setting, we suggest to trying our club.

2Fill in the correct form of the infintive or -ing form.

1)i like .... (play) tennis.

2)I'd like .....(play) tennis with you.

3) You must......(practise) more it you want to win the race.

4)If a job is worth....(do), it's worth.......(do) it well.

5)You have to ....... (be) courageous if.

6)Tom agreed ....(meet) us at the pool.

7)I look forward to....(see) you soon.

8)She doesn't mind... (get up) early.

9)I'd prefer.......(play) darts rather than play cards.

10) She made me.......(tidy) my room.

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